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[su_spoiler title=”BIRTH & CHILDHOOD” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]Imani, who’s name means faith in Swahili an East African language, was born Brian Edwards in Britain during the early 1970’s. Both his parents as well as his grandparents migrated to Britain from Jamaica in the 1960’s.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”INTERESTS & PASTIMES” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]From a very early age Imani showed a keen interest in not only the music, but in all things Jamaican, from the food, the language to the history and heritage.  Mostly family history that he learned from the elders, particularly his grandmother.
His grandmother was and remains today a living archive of the history of his family and the district she was brought up in, in Jamaica, in the parish of St Elizabeth, which she enjoyed sharing with interested people. Brian or Imani as he is now known, being from an early age, one of her most avid listeners and enquirers.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”HIS AWAKENED CONCIOUS” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]However, it was not until around the age of 12 that this interest developed into a passion. Not only concerning the culture and heritage of Jamaica, or his immediate family either, but now including his African heritage also.   Kindled as a consequence of him watching the film Roots on TV, all six episodes with his mother, elder brother and elder sister, as did a large majority of Caribbean people living in Britain at the time.[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”ANTI EDUCATION” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]This specific incident in his life, which alerted him to slavery and the injustices inflicted upon his ancestors, made him very angry. In fact his world view, perspective and not least his attitude changed as a result. This anger and attitude was soon to manifest itself through behaviour and a sharp decline in his academic achievements.
By age 13 his studies had plummeted, his behaviour out of control (outside of the home) and his aspirations cemented in a desire to Rebel, (became a Kunta Kinte).[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”EARLY MUSIC & ACTIVIST CAREER” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]At this very time, two things happened in his life that would impact, influence and unknowingly at the time, a for some time after, determine what and who he would become, Imani and a personification of Faith.line-break1Firstly he became a dancehall dj, only 13 years old and following in the footsteps of his two elder siblings, only 3 years between them all, and joined a soundsystem called Warrior High-Power, taking the dj name Junior T, after his brother who was called Mr T.
His sister then known as Lady P and his brother Mr T were also in this sound and were already established, competent and then popular dejay’s.   This allowed Imani, then Junior T, even at such a early age, to follow this sound where ever they played, accompanied by his two elder siblings, not to mention older relatives, cousins at least 5 of them who were all reputable dejays in this sound.
Secondly he was confronted with a statement by Marcus Garvey, causing him to, for the first time, consider what was black peoples history before slavery.  These two events, starting to dj and Marcus Garvey’s quote, although completely separate, happened around the same time, so had an immediate effect on him, clearly evident and illustrated by the first lyric he ever wrote entitled “The King of Kings”.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”A REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]Unfortunately this effect was short lived and this cultural theme was soon dropped and therefore his interest into the past. And with this new found talent, his thoughts was fixed strictly upon the here & now and the future.
Age 15 he changed his name to Lou Tenant Lickshot and for the next 4 years established himself as a competent dancehall reggae DJ, known throughout the West Midlands, England.  His lyrics and topics by now, far from being what would be considered cultural.[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”DECLINE OF UK DJ SCENE & NEW HORIZONS” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]Then by the turn of the decade 1990, the dj scene in the UK, died a quick death, he made a few dubplates for local sounds but publicly as a dj, LT Lickshot soon became a memory.  As little opportunities were available to dj’s outside of the big U.K. capitals i.e London and Birmingham, he didn’t pursue a dj career. Instead he became a dancehall promoter.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”THE DANCEHALL PROMOTER” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]Still only 20 years old, he was one of the youngest promoters of the times, and he made a success of it also, due mainly to his reputation and connections through his dj career. For around 2 years he promoted events around the West Midlands. It was his success as a promoter that led him directly to the next faze in his life, that faze that culminates today as Imani.line-break1As violence was on the increase in U.K dancehalls and on the streets in general, he realised whilst observing the crowds that were attending his events, that he could possibly do more.  More than just promote music anyway, he concluded that alongside the music he would promote other things. Things he thought would be more productive and beneficial for both himself financially and his patron’s entertainment value and awareness. [/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”INCENTIVE TO BEGIN HIS RESEARCH ” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]He decided to try and include the promotion of African Caribbean Arts & Crafts at his events, for example, paintings, jewellery, carvings etc . His problem was he knew nothing then about these arts and crafts, or where to get them from.  He determined therefore to learn about them first. So aged around 22 he began his first exploration, investigation and study into African Black History & Culture.  He also decided to stop promoting dances whilst he acquired this needed information or market research.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”A COMPLETE CHANGE OF FOCUS” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]Unfortunately his plan never worked out, in fact he never promoted another dancehall event.  Neither would he begin his study of African Caribbean arts for some time still.  Although he had originally intended to study this cultural aspect of his heritage, in order to develop his successful promotion business,  access to the relevant material became a barrier.line-break1After a visit to his local library, he found that the books on this subject were not readily available, or didn’t reflect what he then considered to be African-Caribbean arts and crafts.   Most of the books he found were specific to African Art and focused primarily on Mask,  that were quite frightening to him at the time.  He returned from the library without a book.
However, luckily he did have and even own at the time a few books. Given to him by his brother, who had carried them from prison on his release, one of which was a book on slavery.[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”THE HISTORIAN IS BORN” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]He decided to begin his research here, learning about slavery, very appropriate, as it was this particular issue that dominated his then view of Black history.  Whilst reading this book, that was having a profound positive influence upon him. His studies also developed and expanded into other area’s and topics.  After another visit to the library he secured 3 books to quench his new born thirst for information about his heritage, one of these books was about Black people in Britain and another about Marcus Garvey, therefore for the first time, revisiting and trying to better understand that statement that intrigued him as a youth.
For the next 4 to 5 years he would commit himself to study, religiously, a diversity of topics relating to African History, as well as a concise investigation into the life of Marcus Garvey, was also undertaken.line-break1See Imani ‘The Historian page, for more details of these first books and their impact upon him, as well as other topics Imani has studied over the years, since this time.[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”THE FOUNDATION IS SET” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]These 4 years lay the foundation upon which the rest of his life and even his career would be built.  With this new knowledge, world view and perspective, as LT Lickshot he began to write lyrics of a cultured nature, not for public consumption however, but as a means of expressing his life and thoughts, in the best way he knew how, through lyrics.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”HIS ACTIVISIM BEGINS” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]In addition to writing culture lyrics in secret or for a selected audience of close associates, aged 26 he delivered his first ever workshop, in a primary school, 5 different classes over 5 days.  Ironically this workshop was about African Arts & Crafts, as by this time, Imani in his research, had pursued his original incentive and motivation and had accumulated a wealth of information and some resources in this area.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”PROMOTING & MARKETING CULTURE” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]Also at this time, he began again, to promote events, however now focusing on festivals, carnivals and other cultured events.  This was inline with his initial intention 4 years previous.
Imani, then still Lickshot designed his first African History course, which he taught for 2 years. During which time he also set up and opened a culture shop, selling books, clothes, trinkets and crafts. as well as began to host a Radio Talk Show, called the Roots Programme, aired throughout the West Midlands, from 1997 to 1998, the theme tune for this show, was the soundtrack from the Roots Film,  an indication of the films impact upon.line-break1The impact of the film Roots upon him, would also continue to feature  in his activism throughout the years to come.
To host this radio show he took the name and persona of a character he called Brada Imani.  After 2 years of teaching Black History as well as setting up and running his culture shop for 2 years in addition to hosting his radio show for a year.  Brada Imani was fortunate enough to be able to make a pilgrimage to Africa, to the Gambia in particular, on the 1998 Roots Festival, this was a landmark in his life.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”KEEPING A PROMISE” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]Unknowing to most, although very important to himself, this voyage and pilgrimage was actually to fulfill a promise made, at least 14 years before.  A promise made to a film character, Kunta Kinte.  On seeing Kunta’s grave, in the movie, in tears, he promised Kunta he would return to Africa on his behalf.line-break1This he actually did, literally, as his voyage not only brought him to Africa, but to the Gambia and even Juffureh itself, where Kunta had supposedly been born and was kidnapped from.   He kept his promise so far as, whilst in Juffureh, he actually, approached  the Elders of the Kinte family present and said, “My promise is fulfilled”. Obviously no one knew what he was talking about, and he never explained it either.  Whilst here they also offered to give him a name but he declined, knowing that this would be given him from above, or more precisely from within, when the right time came.[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”RETURN TO ENGLAND” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]On his return from Africa, he decided to close his business, stop his teaching and activism and start back his dj career.  It was now that the name Lickshot was evidently unsuitable for him, therefore he required a new name, his life by then had already been totally transformed, therefore he needed a name that could symbolise this transformation.
He knew no one could give him this name, as his spirit had told him so whilst he was in Africa.  He had already taken on the character Brada Imani for his Radio show, therefore he decided to use this also for his dj name, dropping the Brada (brother) to simply Imani, meaning faith, as that was what had carried him and lead him, up until that time.  Therefore Brada Imani became the name used for his activism and Imani for his dj and street name (replacing Lickshot).[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”A BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF IMANI” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]For around 8 months during 1999 and early 2000 he began concentrating on writing lyrics, of these, 3 were produced and distributed on an EP, releasing in late 1999.
From this and during this eight month duration, he also did various radio interviews and stage shows.  Due to his success and reputation from the 80’s, regionally he had a very good response and people were eagerly awaiting his explosion, onto the reggae scene.
However after these eight months, his attention was again diverted from music and dejaying. Towards his then, established career as a community activist and lecturer, which had been developing for the past seven years.  He slipped away quietly from the music scene, to pursue his career as a lecturer, consultant, social inclusion worker and cultural activist.[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”SECURING THE RELEVANT TOOLS” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]Interestingly also, in 1999 he had been able to complete a personal goal, that he had set the previous year in Africa.  In 1999 he was fortunate to visit Jamaica, for the second time in his life.   In between his trips to Africa and Jamaica.  Imani had also visited the Maritime Museum (Slavery museum) in Liverpool.
Here, Imani, drifted away from the group he had traveled with, found a passage down to the sea shore (beach) of the Liverpool docks, and collected in a bottle some water from a tributary.  This ritual he had also performed in Gambia on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean and in Jamaica in St Ann’s whilst going to Ocho Rios.  On return from Jamaica, he was able to pour the contents of his bottle, into a larger bottle, that had by then contained the water taken from the African coast and Liverpool.
line-break1By bringing these three water sources together, Imani conceived that he was actually, drawing from his ancestral spirit, that had made this journey and had become trapped in this horrific Triangle (Trans Atlantic Slave or Triangle Trade).
By collecting and containing as well as mixing these waters together, Imani concluded, he would now be able to help set those free still trapped under its legacy and  spell, beginning with himself.   Literally this mix of water became Imani’s Holy Water.  That he pours as a libation for his ancestors on specific occasion, or uses for a very special event, such as births of his children.  To date Imani still keeps this water, safe and secure, for future use.  When finished if it is the Will, he maintains he will make the same journeys again, specifically to collect his Holy Water (needed in his vampire slaying, see Vampire track).[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”PROACTIVE & PRODUCTIVE ACTIVISM” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]In 2000 Imani began working for his Local Council and for the next 3 years he would work within the public services as an inclusion officer.  In both their community regeneration and education services, with a specific remit of working and supporting the local African-Caribbean community.  Here Imani, started his research also into the British Public Services, the laws, policies and social regeneration programmes in general.line-break1After three years working for the Council and after being promoted twice in this period, he decided to leave his job.  He founded his second company in 2003 and for the next 10 years he would work through this company ABC Production Ltd, continuing to increase his knowledge of Black history, as well as earn a living from designing, developing and delivering products and services, to help people learn more about black people’s heritage.
However throughout this time he continued to practice and master his art form, but more importantly write conscious lyrics.[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”IMANI IN THE 21ST CENTURY” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]Today Imani is the living example & culmination of all this history and experience, but for the first time, his music is taking the center stage, for the first time since being a teenager, barring 8 months, whilst aged 28, he is using his music and art form  as the main vehicle through which to fulfill his Mission.
This Website and all it contains is a reflection of this.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”WANT TO FIND OUT MORE” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]To find out and learn more about the many aspects and multifaceted nature of Who Imani Is? and what his mission is, please refer to all the pages and links on this websites that not only feature the many accomplishments and endeavours over the years.  But what Imani is doing in these many capacities right now, as well as what’s planned for the future.  This biography is also a prelude to the pages and content, relating and specific to Imani as a The Artist, The Historian, The Activist and The Author.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”READ A PERSONAL NOTE FROM IMANI” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]Thank you for reading my biography and getting to know a little more about me, it is hoped that you were able to relate to many of the things I have experienced and share some of my sentiments, therefore can offer me some support, by sharing this website with others.[/su_spoiler]

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