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Imani Faith 2[su_spoiler title=”Q. WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT?” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]nyame-nti_by-gods-grace_faith-trust-in-god“IT IS ALL ABOUT FAITH”:- Faith which means Imani, or visa-versa, Imani meaning Faith is the central theme running throughout this website”.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”A PORTAL INTO FAITH” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]AN EXCLUSIVE PORTAL INTO A JOURNEY OF FAITHEgyptian Hieroglyphs ComputerThe Imani Website is an exclusive online resource and portal into a Journey of Faith, by Faith, over the past 20 years, to the present, and documents the progress of Faith, as it develops and manifests itself or himself in the world in the 21st century. Imani’s Website is therefore a tool that has been developed to enable others to share in this experience and accompany him on this, his unique, interesting and most exciting Journey.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]On this Journey, you are invited to explore and gain a better understanding  of who Imani is, his music, his mission and his on going research into African Black Heritage & Culture, utilising a variety of mediums, that include.line_1_290_wht copyliteratureLITERARY MATERIAL -Utilising books, articles, post, websites and other literary resources, to enable visitor to learn and study African Black History from a range of different sources and authorities.  It is the aim of this websites to draw together and archive, one of the largest libraries of relevant literary materials, specific  to the African Black historical and cultural experience.line_1_290_wht copyafrica-music-videoTHE CREATIVE ARTS – Using one of the most effective methods of teaching and learning, i.e. through the creative arts, e.g. music, poetry, song, pictures, images, dance, etc.  to help our visitor, better absorb and retain, important relevant information.line_1_290_wht copymediaVISUAL & AUDIO MEDIA -Another very important tool for learning, as it includes all of the practiced creative arts, is visual & audio media.  It is the aim of this websites to draw together and archive, one of the largest libraries of relevant cultural media, specific to Imani’s music, in addition to the African Black experience.line_1_290_wht copySOCIAL NETWORKING – Utilising modern technology, through the available mediums, to; Promote Imani’s music; Publicise and raise peoples awareness to the heritage of African Black people; Keep people updated and informed about the current and on going relevant events, news, occasions and activities, specific to The African Black Experience, both on the continent and in the Diaspora,  in the 21st Century. Through the above mediums, this website hopes to encompasses and feature all aspects of Black African History & Culture.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”AFRICA THROUGH AFRICAN EYES” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]SEE AFRICA THROUGH AFRICAN EYES –africa-face
Utilising Imani’s music, his experiences, as well as his in depth knowledge and awareness of this most ancient heritage, as a vehicle to achieve this.  This vehicle is hoped to be able to present to the world this, a real and authentic, 21st century, informed insight, into the continued lives and aspirations of African people, particularly those born in the diaspora, in their search to discovery “Who They Really Are“.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”YOUR OWN PERSONAL INVITATION” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]welcomeYOU ARE INVITED & WELCOME:
To join and accompany Imani on his own particular and personal Journey of Discovery, or what he calls his “JOURNEY OF FAITH”.  Where you can yourself, regardless of your own specific ethnic group i.e. African, European, Asian, Mixed,  or other, learn more concerning the heritage of African People.line_1_370_blk“Discover the TRUTH about this Most Beautiful, Wonderful and Inspiring of Journey’s of AFRICAN PEOPLE, over many millennia. That in REALITY incorporates & encompasses the Journey of EVERY HUMAN BEING on this PLANET.[/su_spoiler]

nyame-nti_by-gods-grace_faith-trust-in-godAdinkra Symbol: Nyame Nti
Meaning: By God’s Grace
Symbolising: Faith, Trust in God (Nyame).

Learn About Imani’s Personal Journey

[su_button url=”″ size=”8″ desc=”Read Imani’s Biography”]CLICK HERE TO[/su_button]

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“THE REVOLUTION OF IMANI?”. A JOURNEY OF FAITH, FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT HIS EARLY LIFE [su_spoiler title=”BIRTH & CHILDHOOD” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]Imani, who’s name means faith in Swahili an East African language, was born Brian Edwards in Britain during the early 1970’s. Both his parents as well as his grandparents migrated to Britain from Jamaica in …

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