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The Roots Programme


This Entertaining Cultural Internet Radio Show Presented by Brada Imani, is Designed as Vehicle to Engage all the Family, Young & Old.

[su_spoiler title=”AN INTRODUCTION TO THE  ROOTS PROGRAMME” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”ROOTS”]ROOTS is an Acronym for Reclaiming Our Own True Self.r_md_wht0_md_wht10_md_wht1t_md_whts_md_wht
Click TABS to your right to Learn More[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”WHAT”]Roots_logo_globe copyWHAT IS THE ROOTS PROGRAMME?:-
The Roots Program is a cultural radio program, designed, developed, produced, edited and presented by Imani, or Brada Imani, as he is commonly known to the listeners.  As another strand to Imani’s Activism this show is primarily focused upon raising the awareness of people to African / Black history, culture and achievements.  This is achieved through a range of programs, suitable for broadcast on both the Internet or Radio FM.  The Roots Programme features a wide range of material developed for both young and old a like, which include children stories and rhymes from Africa the Caribbean and America along with lectures, speeches and seminars that address many issues facing the black communities in Britain and throughout the world.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”HISTORY”]THE HISTORY & BACKGROUND:-
The Roots Programme was first aired on Kriss Fm, a West Midlands Radio Station back in late 1997 and ran for over a year. The programme was re-developed & relaunched on Irie UK in 2012 after requests from former listeners and an identified need for such a programme in the 21st century to help contribute something positive to the ongoing strategies to develop the black community.Roots_logo_copyThe programme ran on Irie UK throughout 2012-13.  Imani alongside his co-presenter Mz Rootz and the Roots Programme Team, made up of both young people and adults, consisting of family and friends, created a variety of media resources specific for these shows., that was aired weekly on a Friday after.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”BRADA IMANI”]imani-rootsprogramme-studioBRADA IMANI:-
Brada Imani is the character and persona Imani takes on to present this show, with his catch phrase “Yeh Man!!!” and A “Nu Me Seh dat!!!”, Imani although quite humorous, deals with many very sensitive and serious issues.  Raising people’s awareness, whilst at the same time entertaining them.  Each week Imani deals with different topics on black history and culture, using sound bites, jingles, audio, music and other media, to ensure his audience get a full entertaining experience.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”WHY?”]Roots_filmWHY THE ROOTS PROGRAMME?:-
The Roots Programme, was developed by Imani back in 1997 as a means of him, making acknowledgement of the influence the Roots Film or Mini Series had on him as a youngster (see biography), not only him but his entire generation of that time.  This is clearly demonstrated through not only the name of the show, but also the theme song, which is a sample of the Roots film theme tune itself.  in addition to this Imani uses other samples from the movie, as well as makes constant references to Roots both the film and the above acronym, Reclaiming Our Own Self.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”THE SHOW”]Roots_logo_globe copyTHE ROOTS PROGRAMME MATERIAL & CONTENT:-
The Roots Programme is divided into two parts, the first half is called the Children’s Corner and is dedicated to material aimed at young people the second half is called the Hapi Highway and has a grown up adult focus, although still suitable for young people.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”CHILDREN”]cc_logoTHE CHILDREN’S CORNER:Duration | Approx. 1. 5 Hour: Featuring Traditional & Cultural, Stories, Rhymes, Songs & Activities taken from Africa, the Caribbean & the African Diaspora. The objective of this part of the show is to help young people learn more about black culture in a fun, enjoyable and exciting way.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”ADULTS”]THE ADULTS HIGHWAY: Duration | Approx. 1.5 Hour:Featuring discussions and debates on issues relevant to understanding black heritage and culture, covering many topics & addressing various issues. The objective of this part of the show is to help our listeners better appreciate the richness of black culture, learn more about significant events, people and places as well as open up debates to tackle recognised concerns.hapi_logoCHAT BOUT:Duration | Approx. 1.5 Chat Bout is also part of the Hapi Highway, when on occasions, Brada Imani will invite influential and reputable people on to The Roots Programme to be interviewed.[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title=”LISTEN TO SERIES 1″ style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”SERIES”]Click TABS to right to Listen to Series 1:
The Roots Programme Show’s are developed and produced in series, each series comprising 7 shows.  Within each show is a Children’s Corner and a Hapi Highway.
As this is the 1st Series, listeners will excuse some of the minor hick ups and lower quality of some of the material in the first few shows.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”1″]The First Roots Programme in the 21st Century, with The Children’s Corner & The Hapi Highway, presented by Brada Imani & Mz Roots. Featuring stories about Anansi & topics on Ethiopian New Year.cc_logoSHOW 1: PART 1: THE CHILDREN’S CORNER:-line_1_290_wht copyTHE FEATURED STORIES:
Theme Anansi and the African Diaspora Experience.
1.  Anansi & The Golden Box
2. Anansi Turtle & Pigeonline_1_290_wht copyhapi_logoSHOW 1: PART 2: THE HAPI HIGHWAY:-line_1_290_wht copyTOPICS DISCUSSED:
Welcome & re-introducing the New Roots Programmeline_1_290_wht copyGod_Neter_Bullet2The Ethiopian New Year, September 11 an age old Ethiopian traditionline_1_290_wht copyGod_Neter_Bullet2The Difference between the Western & Ethiopian Calendar.line_1_290_wht copyGod_Neter_Bullet2Haile Sellassie I, deposed on September 12, the significance of his reign, the Ethiopian Monarchy and the symbolic importance of the V.W Beetle that he was carried away in.line_1_290_wht copyGod_Neter_Bullet2Highlighting the importance of Ethiopia or Kush in world religions and civilisations and need for us to research, document and publish this material for future generations.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”2″]The Roots Programme Show 2 on, featuring Brada Imani and Mz Roots, presenting the Childrens Corner & Hapi Highway. Show feature: Miss Lou, her poems, folk songs and love for her culture & an introduction to Ethiopians in world religions.cc_logoSHOW 2: PART 1: CHILDREN’S CORNER:-line_1_290_wht copyTHE FEATURED STORIES:
Theme: Celebration the life of Miss Louise Bennett
Material by Miss Lou
1.  Jamaica Folk Culture & Music
2. The importance of celebration Jamaica & Caribbean Culture
3.  Patios and its importance to Black British Culture.line_1_290_wht copyhapi_logoSHOW 2: PART 2:THE HAPI HIGHWAY:-line_1_290_wht copyTOPICS DISCUSSED:
Theme: Putting on Ethiopian Spectacles
The Importance of ‘Putting on your Ethiopian Spectacles- Black people fighting over religious differences – The importance of the history of African, Ethiopia in particular as well as the role of Ethiopians in world religions;line_1_290_wht copyIn Greek Culture:
Homer earliest Greek to praise Ethiopian as blameless, e.g. In his Odysseyline_1_290_wht copyIn Bible:
Ethiopia 1st country mentioned in the Bibleline_1_290_wht copyGod_Neter_Bullet2Makedah or Balkis the Queen of Shebeline_1_290_wht copyGod_Neter_Bullet2Ebedmelechline_1_290_wht copyGod_Neter_Bullet2The Ethiopian Eunuchline_1_290_wht copyIn Islam:
God_Neter_Bullet2Muslim 1st Hijra (Migration to Ethiopia) Al Nagashiline_1_290_wht copyGod_Neter_Bullet2Bilal and the Azanline_1_290_wht copyGod_Neter_Bullet2Barakah the Foster Mother of Prophet Muhammad [/su_tab][su_tab title=”3″]The Roots Programme Show 3 on, featuring Brada Imani and Mz Roots, presenting the Childrens Corner & Hapi Highway. Show feature: Black History Month special famous African Black People and the history of Black History Month.cc_logoSHOW 3: PART 1: CHILDREN’S CORNER:-line_1_290_wht copy
Theme: Black History Month Special:
The Eagles
–   Elijah McCoy
–   Sojourner Truth
–   Harriet Tubman
–   Dr Charles Drew
–  Jesse Owens
–   Dr Daniel H. Williams
–   Dr George Washington Carver
–   Marcus Garvey
–   Rev Dr Martin Luther King (I Have a Dream Speech,recording)
–   Benjamin Banneker
–   Dr Lewis Latimerhapi_logoSHOW 3: PART 2:THE HAPI HIGHWAY:-line_1_290_wht copyTOPICS DISCUSSED:
Theme: Black History Month Special
–   The history & development of Black History Month
–   Who was Dr Carter G. Woodson
–  The importance of Black History Month not only to black people
–  The need for black people in Britain to take their place in struggle
–  The importance of the heritage of Black people in Britain [/su_tab][su_tab title=”4″]The Roots Programme Show 4 on, featuring Brada Imani and Mz Roots, presenting the Childrens Corner & Hapi Highway. Show feature: Black History Month special; African Black People’s culture of story telling and heritage.cc_logoSHOW 4: PART 1: CHILDREN’S CORNER:-line_1_290_wht copy
Theme: Black History Month Special, Cartoons & African animal Fables Stories:
Lazy Lion
–   Brer Rabbit & Brer Tiger
–   Olurumbi (Yoruba story)
–   Brer Rabbit The Root
–   The Path
=   Owners Day (Yoruba story)hapi_logoSHOW 4: PART 2:THE HAPI HIGHWAY:-line_1_290_wht copyTOPICS DISCUSSED:
Theme: Black History Month Special
What is Black History
–   Slavery and its impact on peoples view of Black history
–   Evolution Theory, humans evolved in Africa
–   Some parallels with the Hindu tradition of Yuga Ages
–   The evolution timeline, Cusha Dwipa in this Hindu culture
–   The human mental and practical advancements in Africa, e.g.
–   The African Ethiopian foundation of world Civilisation
–   The migration of humans out of Africa, Ethiopia & Addis Ababa
–   Who were the real cave men
–   Mayan Calendar and the 21st December 2012 is a hoax, Olmecs
–   Africa before the Sahara and the great migrations
–   How the world cultures got their traditions from African people.
–   The coming of a New Earth Cycle[/su_tab][su_tab title=”5″]The Roots Programme Show 5 on, featuring Brada Imani and Mz Roots, presenting the Childrens Corner & Hapi Highway. Show feature:Africa & Diaspora Stories and What does BHM really mean.cc_logoSHOW 5: PART 1: CHILDREN’S CORNER:-line_1_290_wht copy
Theme: Black History Month Special,
–   Joshua’s Masai Mask
–   Themba’s Fire
–   Why the colour of our soles & palms are different
–   Brer Rabit The Fountainhapi_logoSHOW 5: PART 2:THE HAPI HIGHWAY:-line_1_290_wht copyTOPICS DISCUSSED:
Theme: Black History Month Special
–    What does Black History mean to us individually and personally.
–    The influence of Roots the film on black people in Britain
–    The Kunta Kinte stance and fight back
–    A Professional Black Man vs A Black Professional
–    The UK Riots in the 1980’s and its impact on communities
–    How and when the gang culture took root in Britain
–    Imani’s Journey through Black History
–    Marcus Garvey’s influence on Imani
–    Up holding the dignity of Ethiopia, even as a slave, e.g. Aesop’s.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”6″]The Roots Programme Show 6 on, featuring Brada Imani and Mz Roots, presenting the Childrens Corner & Hapi Highway. Show feature: Haile Sellassie I of Ethiopia, his speeches and the question who is he?cc_logoSHOW 6: PART 1: CHILDREN’S CORNER:-line_1_290_wht copy
Theme: The Coronation of Haile Selassie I
The Hunter & The Doe
–   The Life of Ras Tafari (Haile Selassie I)
–   Speech:- Haile Selassie speaks to youth in Africa
–   Speech:- Haile Selassie speaks about Education
–   Anansi & the Magic Pot
–   Fragipani & Maronihapi_logoSHOW 6: PART 2:THE HAPI HIGHWAY:-line_1_290_wht copyTOPICS DISCUSSED:
Theme: The Coronation of Haile Selassie I
–   The Importance of the Coronation of Haile Selassie I
–   The importance of the life Haile Selassie I to the world
–   The importance of the life Haile Selassie I to Black History
–    You don’t have to be a Rasta to follow HIM
–    How and when Ras Tafari became Haile Selassie I
–    The importance of a Monarch in African Ethiopia Tradition
–    Empress Menen’s role in the perfect Monarchy
–    Haile Selassie I maintained the order of Ma’at
–    How Haile Selassie could be viewed as God?
–    The Blameless Ethiopia tradition, the order & Haile Selassie I
–    Some of the achievements of Haile Sealssie I,
–    The Universality of Haile Selassie I, not only for Rasta’s[/su_tab][su_tab title=”7″]The Roots Programme Show 7 on, featuring Brada Imani and Mz Roots, presenting the Childrens Corner & Hapi Highway. Show feature: End of first Series and preparing for the second, plus the importance of Ethiopianism.cc_logoSHOW 7: PART 1: CHILDREN’S CORNER:-line_1_290_wht copy
Theme: The end of Series 1 of the Roots Programme:
What Shall I Tell My Children Who Are Black
–    Brer Rabbit The Weeds
–    The Pied Piper (African contributions not rewarded, parallel)
–    Brer Rabbit Weeding Party
–    Selected African Prayers by Bishop Desmond Tutu
–    Anansi & The Golden Boxhapi_logoSHOW 7: PART 2:THE HAPI HIGHWAY:-line_1_290_wht copyTOPICS DISCUSSED:
Theme: Ethiopianism and the Struggle of Black people over 300 years
–    Selected African Prayers by Bishop Desmond Tutu
–    What is Ethiopianism, the history and impact on black people
–    How can we use or what benefit is Ethiopianism today
–    The importance of Ethiopianism in Africa
–    Some important books about Ethiopia and Ethiopianism
–    Ethiopianism before Ethiopia e.g. 1930
–    Putting on our Ethiopian Spectacles
–    What is an Ethiopian?
–    African or Black people are not all Ethiopians historically
–    Researching about Ethiopia
–    Imani sings Marcus Garvey’s UNIA Anthem
–   Honouring & Bigging up The Roots Programme team
–   Concluding Series 1[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title=”CAN YOU HELP OR SUPPORT” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Although the Roots Programme is not now broadcasting, it is the intention of Imani to RELAUNCH, The Roots Programme on the airways, through Internet Radio.  line_1_290_wht copyRoots_logo_globe copyHowever before doing so Imani is in the process through Imani’s Website and other vehicles, of recruiting, enlisting and identifying the needed support to enabled the Show to achieve its full potential and have the needed impact, to make the project worthwhile and more successful.  As can be seen from the 1st Series, featured above and will be seen through other Series and shows, not yet featured here yet, that Imani has developed as best he could, The Roots Programme to a very high standard. line_1_290_wht copyNevertheless this has been achieved with very little resources and even the technical skills capacity, therefore much more can be done and achieved, to enable The Roots Programme & Show, to become equal to and even better than any other Radio Programme of its kind, produced by anyone or company in the world.  So we can continue to provide such a needed service to the public, particularly young people, who without it, will find it very difficult to access the material featured within the shows, or better understand the topics addressed.  There are a number of ways people can Help & Support The Roots Programme.  line_1_290_wht copyBelow is a list of some of the ways you yourself could possibly help and contribute to developing this Show.line_1_290_wht copy–   Story Readers
–   Jingle Voices e.g. Did You Knows, etc.
–   Sound engineers
–   Radio Production Experience e.g. producing radio shows
–   Researchers
–   P.R Public Relations (Marketing).
–   Administration
–   Financial (See Sponsoring Below.)line_1_290_wht copyThere are a number of other ways by which people can support ‘The Roots Programme’, however above gives you a insight into what kind of help and support is needed.
If you believe you could offer this support in anyway, please do not hesitate to contact Imani and the the Team through our contact page.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title=”SPONSOR US” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Roots_logo_copyThe Roots Programme is seeking the support through Sponsorships and Donations from people, who would like to see this programme develop and capture a wider audience.  Through these Sponsorship arrangements and the generous donates given, both in cash and in-kind, the Show will no doubt be able to be relaunch in the near and not to distant future. Roots_logo_globe copy
Therefore this specific support is very much appreciated and welcomed by the Roots Programme team, regardless of the amount “Any little bits help”, so therefore we appeal to all listeners and interested people to try and support us in anyway possible, regardless of how menial they make think this support may be, in-order for this programme to be relaunched, successfully and at the highest standard possible.   line_1_290_wht copyThe show has already proven to be of benefit and has had extremely positive feedback from its listeners over the duration of time it was broadcasted.  With countless amount of requests from past listeners, for the show to make a come back.  To this end, Imani with the committed team already supporting him, many of whom have done so for many years.  Are now appealing to others to also help and support Imani take The Roots Programme, where it needs to go and be. behindImaniTo make a donate specifically to support The Roots Programme, Please go to our Donations Page, where you can also find out exactly how your donations will be used.  To learn more about sponsoring see below.line_1_290_wht copycalmThe sponsorship packages are designed to benefit both the Roots Programme and our sponsors.  By help to develop and publicise the Show to a wider audience, as well as, help to promote the cause or intended objective of the sponsor.   With this support in place, The Roots Programme will again be able to continue to enlighten, impact and inspire people, through a Professional Radio Show, focused up sharing the Rich Heritage of African Culture..  line_1_290_wht copyBENEFITS OF BECOMING A SPONSOR (YOU/YOUR)
–   Will help to promote your business/organisation/project etc
–   Details will be endorsed upon negotiated areas of the show.
–   Details will be broadcasted both nationally & internationally.
–   The support will assist the shows development
–   Support will help sustain a vital communication medium.
–   Thanks in advance for your continuing support.  line_1_290_wht copyThere are lots of other ways that you can sponsor this show or other endeavours of Imani, please contact us via the contact page for more information.[/su_spoiler]

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Name: Nea Onnim No Sua A Ohu
Representing: Learning as we live
Symbolising: Life Long Education


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