Imani & Ramani delivering Inclusive Education Service to Young People
“I was T.O.L.D by a Little B.I.R.D that the Formula for Success is
To Go Back to Basic’s, Its As Simple As ABC, 1-2-3”.
[su_spoiler title=”LEARN ABOUT IMANI’S ABC 1-2-3 THEOLOGY” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”THE MOTTO”]IMANI’S MOTTO & SLOGAN
Back To Basic’s, It’s As Simple As ABC 1–2-3; Has been and remains Imani’s key motto and campaigning slogan, it is the foundation and vehicle through which he implements all of his programmes, projects and services to promote African peoples heritage & culture, to both African-Caribbean people and the wider-community.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”BACKGROUND”]THE BACKGROUND & HISTORY
This ABC 1–2-3 Theology and Strategy:-
was first developed and initiated by Imani in 2003, through a company, he and his elder brother Ramani founded, called ABC Production. Through this company and by engaging this Theology & Strategy, Imani has and continues today, to develop a variety of unique and exclusive products and services that assist him in his activism. Imani’s Website representing just the latest addition of Imani in these endeavours.
Imani, has also been able through this theology and strategy to establish himself as a reputable, professional & experienced lecturer and consultant throughout the West Midlands and Britain.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”THE MEANING”]THE MEANING OF ABC 1–2-3
ABC is an acronym that has a triple barrel meaning, below are the 3 meanings of ABC 1-2-3, What it Represents & Symbolises
No. A B C
(1) “Achieving Beyond Circumstances”.
(2) “African British Connection”,
(3) “African British / Caribbean
Each one of these specific meanings, have particular relevance & significance to Imani life experiences and identity.
It’s As Simple As ABC 1–2-3; Also Indicates the simple step by step process through which Imani’s targeted clients and their users, can develop their own ability to address some of the unique educational, social and personal barriers to inclusion and cohesion ,affecting African Black People.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”AIMS”]WHAT ARE IMANI’S MAIN AIMS
Imani aims to:
Offer and provide a first class; unique, exclusive, professional and reliable service throughout the United Kingdom.
Support educators & service providers, achieve inclusion, cohesion & equality.
Support individuals, groups & organisations, become better aware of, and sensitive to; specific cultural diversity, identity and equality issues.
ABC Theology & Strategy:- is a Unique21st Century ideology, developed by Imani to tackle 21st Century issues. To also help and assist organisation’s, groups and other service providers particular in Britain but not exclusively, offer services that can truly meet the demands and needs of a multicultural, multi-faith and a ethnically diverse British society. With a specific focus upon African Caribbean people also known as the Black British.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”T.O.L.D”]THE T.O.L.D METHODOLOGY
The success and effectiveness of Imani’s ABC Theology & Strategy over the years is largely attributed to his resolute methodology of keeping abreast of youth & urban culture, with particular focus given to its fluidic trends, opinions, language & demographics.
The T.O.L.D Methodology reflects Imani’s ABC strategy and formula in regards to the design and development of unique products & services that all take into account the following, current;
T. trends
O. opinions
L. language
D. demographics
Primarily all services, resources and programmes developed by Imani are invariably underpinned & by the significant effects that; trends, opinions, language & demographics (T.O.L.D) have on youth, urban culture and diverse communities.
This methodology allows him to effectively transmit the necessary awareness, knowledge & key skills essential for targeted people and clients to realise their goals and aspirations, in addition to Imani achieving his personal intended objective.
In addition to this T.O.L.D Methodology i.e. the method through which Imani designs and creates his unique products & services, the ABC 1–2-3 Theology & Strategy, i.e. the theory behind and underlining all developed resources and services, is the B.I.R.D Focus.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”B.I.R.D”]THE B.I.R.D FOCUS:- represents the Focus and Intended Objective underpinning all products, services and resources developed by Imani.
B.I.R.D is another acronym that represents;

B. behaviour
I. intervention
R. resource
D. development
Meaning that the ultimate and overall purpose, intention and objective of all of Imani’s Activism, is to create resources that help and try to alter, adapt or change the Behaviour of people.
In regards to African Black People this focus on change represents the change of behaviour towards each other, as well as towards other people and society generally.
In regards to people generally, this B.I.R.D Focus represents the intention and objective of creating resources and services to help and try to change both their Behaviour and attitude towards Africa and African Black people.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”LINK”]LINKING IT ALL TOGETHER
Now when we connect all the above themes together, ABC, 1–2-3, T.O.L.D and B.I.R.D, we get Imani’s personal Mission Statement
“I was T.O.L.D by a Little B.I.R.D that the Formula for Success is to Go Back to Basic’s, Its As Simple As ABC 1-2-3“.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”HOW”]HOW THIS IS ACHIEVED
Imani offers and provides specialist assistance to organisations who’s responsibility it is to provide quality service provision within a multicultural, multi-faith and a ethnically diverse British society Imani achieve this by providing a; 
Professional, reliable and a valued service.
Specialist support/advice throughout all stages of planning, training & delivery.
On going support & advice from Imani throughout the duration of the commissioned service.
Access to a the variety of uniquely designed specialist resource, designed by Imani.
Imani establishes a partnership with individual service providers, by promoting this Theology and encouraging them to adopt his unique Back to Basics teaching strategy that enables their service users to re-establish a new foundation whereupon positive learning and social attitudes can emerge and commence.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”WAY FORWARD”]
Leading the Way in Social & Education Inclusion in Britain
As mentioned Imani through his ABC Theology has been very active and successful throughout the West Midlands. Over the years he has been commissioned as a Cultural Inclusion and Education Consultant by many organisations, projects, schools, colleges, libraries and other service providers within The Black Country, Birmingham, & Sandwell boroughs, to help support their respective services
Many thousands of people have already benefited from Imani’s Activism through the many unique products he created, together with the many unique services he has developed and delivered over the years.
Now you are better aware of the Imani’s ABC Theology & Strategy, the T.O.L.D Methodology, The B.I.R.D. Focus, as well as Imani’s Mission Statement. Please take the time and opportunity to learn more about the Specific Products & Services that Imani offers through his Activism[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title=”EXHIBITION DISPLAYS AVAILABLE” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”DISPLAYS”]Click TABS to your right to learn more about the ABC 1-2-3 Displays
[/su_tab][su_tab title=”THE SERVICE”]Exclusive to the ABC 1–2-3 Service, Seeing is Believing.
The ABC 1–2-3 Service has three (3) inclusive heritage display’s available for hire.
These displays are ideal resources for community, educational & cultural events.
All three of the ABC 1–2-3 Displays are mobile, therefore they are available for hire to groups & organisations throughout the United Kingdom.
Interested people outside of Britain can contact the Imani Website, to inquire about oversees hiring.
As mobile displays each resource is able to feature hundreds of images, photo’s and pictures with brief accompanying texts, complimented by relevant multimedia materials, resource activities, quizzes and games, to add to the entertainment value. as well as accessibility to people with different preferred learning styles.
All displays are exclusive to the ABC 1-2-3 Service and have been designed and developed by Imani.
These unique displays are ideal educational awareness raising tools as they are able to concise many years of research and thousands of years of history into pictures and brief texts. Enabling viewers to not only read and learn quick facts on specific subjects, topics or people, but see for themselves the visual evidence. [/su_tab]
[su_tab title=”1″]
Display Topics x 7
– Ancient African Kingdoms
– Freedom Fighters
– Voices of Inspiration
– Writers & Authors
– Scientist & Inventors
– The Transatlantic Slave Trade
– Sports & Music Icons
Key Themes Addressed
– History & Heritage
– Cultural Awareness & Diversity
– Positive Role Model
– Great Achievers
A Vision Into Black History Display, explores the achievements and contributions made by African Black people within various academics fields and other social area’s. Through this resource viewers will learn about influential black icons, who have excelled in many social areas, as well as their impact and influence upon the modern world. This exhibit features many images, photo’s and pictures of these influential & famous people of African descent, all of whom have achieved beyond their circumstances therefore act as positive role models for all people, in addition to those who share their heritage.
To Find out more about this display, how to hire or where it will be next displayed, please contact the Imani’s Website Team with all your inquiries.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”2″]
– Hinduism
– Judaism
– Christianity
– Islam
– Rasta
– Religious Education
– Interfaith Relations
– History & Heritage
– Cultural Awareness & Diversity
– Religious & Social Tolerance
– Ethnicity & Race
– Multiculturalism
– Community Cohesion
A Journey Of Faith Display. explores the presence and influence of black people within the early heritage of classical world religions. The Journey of Faith display is unique & exclusive to ABC that explores the rich although seldom known heritage of African people and their descendants within five world religions. Through this resource viewers will learn about these & other influential black personalities, within the early heritage & traditions of these world religions, spanning a period of nearly 6ooo years. These are all renowned personalities in these religious traditions, representing their ideas, of tolerance, equality, and the oneness of humankind. Therefore ideal vehicles to promote community cohesion & challenge many current social issues.
To Find out more about this display, how to hire or where it will be next displayed, please contact the Imani’s Website Team with all your inquiries.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”3″]

– Heritage & early years in Jamaica
– Travels in S. America & Europe
– Garvey’s vision and mission
– The U.N.I.A
– Garvey’s accomplishments
– Garvey’s Legacy
– Garveyism in the 21st Century
– History & Heritage
– Economic & Social development
– Community Unity & Cohesion
– The African Diaspora
– African/Caribbean Independence
– Garvey’s Legacy in Britain
The Marcus Garvey Remembered Display features over 150 different photo’s and images of Garvey at different stages in his life, alongside photo’s of his colleagues, foot soldiers and other organisation followers. The Marcus Garvey Remembered Display; is unique and exclusive to ABC. This display is one of the most comprehensive & extensive pictorial archive displays, featuring photo’s, maps, tables and images detailing the life and legacy of this legendary black icon. Photo’s and information material featured, detail images relevant to his birth, childhood, family, teenage and adult life, in addition to his rise to power, his popularity decline and his death and burial in Kensington London, United Kingdom.
To Find out more about this display, how to hire or where it will be next displayed, please contact the Imani’s Website Team with all your inquiries.[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”INCLUSIVE CURRICULUM SERVICE” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”CURRICULUM”]Click TABS to learn more about the ABC 1-2-3 Curriculum Services.
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”THE SERVICE”]
The ABC 1-2-3 Curriculum Support Resources & Services; are at the cutting edge of inclusive curriculum development in Britain. Available to educators are a variety of classroom topic exercises, activities, teaching aids and tools that are easily adapted to create inclusive lesson plans and schemes of work at all key stages, within the framework of the U.K. National Curriculum.
This Unique ABC 1-2-3 Curriculum Support Service; provides clients with the relevant educational materials, activities and support, to enable them to offer a more culturally sensitive, inclusive and diverse syllabus to all their students & learners. We currently provide resources and services to culturally enhance the following four curriculum areas.
1. Literacy
2. Numeracy
3. R.E – Religious Education
4. History
Although each resource focuses on specific subjects with clear objectives, much of their content material can be used in other subject area’s, making them cross-curricular assets. ABC also offer consultation and support to help develop specific resources for other subjects, helping to make them more cultural inclusive, relevant & coherent in providing a totally inclusive curriculum.
Some of the other subject areas that can be tackled are;

– Citizenship
– Geography
– Music, Art & Design
– Community Cohesion
– Science & Technology
What we do? Provide a culturally inclusive curriculum service to schools and other educational providers, adapting each resource to meet the particular needs of each client and their respective targeted users.
Each resource has been developed following the UK National Curriculum, guidelines & framework for KS3.
The Key Stage 3 focus enables educators, to more easily adapt each resource to suit learners at Ks1 to Ks6
Supplements are provided as whole school cross-curriculum activities easily adapted for other subjects.
All activities feature, relevant data that identifies the parallels, and relevance to the heritage of African people.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”1″]
Valuing the literary heritage of Black people, through Inclusive Literacy Education.
The A.B.C 1-2-3 Curriculum Support Service; offer and provides Curriculum Supplements, Resources & Services specific to Literacy. These Literary Resources and Services are created and have been developed by Imani to assist teachers and educators in Britain, provide a more diverse, culturally sensitive and relevant, curriculum to their students.
Through this service, ABC 1-2-3 provide UK educators with invaluable support, for Literacy through;
– Supply of Curriculum supplements
– Supply of Relevant Literary Resources
– Delivery of inclusive training workshop
– Consultancy, Advice & Guidance
The specific resources & supplements include;
– Inclusive Literacy Teachers Manual
– Over 30 Inclusive Exercises
– Individual template lesson plans
– Inclusive Literacy Summary pack
Although a particularly focus is taken on people of African Caribbean heritage these resources are developed for the whole school community. Enabling educators to provide a Inclusive Curriculum for all the students. These classroom supplements, introduces to its learners many influential black writers, poets and lyricists, their works, achievements and their impact upon history and our modern society.
Some personalities featured within the supplements;
– Alexandre Dumas
– Alex Wheatle
– Benjamin Zephaniah
– Bob Marley
– Aleksandr Pushkin
– Claude McKay
– Ignatius Sancho
– Countee Cullen
– Joan Riley
– Langston Hughes
– Jackie Kay
Curriculum Focus:- Whilst exploring and highlighting the literary heritage of black people, these supplements focus upon the core elements of the U.K Literacy Curriculum Framework.
Specific Topic Areas Covered:-

– Prose
– Poetry
– Music/Poetry
– Drama
All supplements are designed to be easily incorporated within schemes of work that cover the National Curriculum topics.
These curriculum supplements address many issues that are common themes throughout black literature, such as;

– History & Culture
– Racism
– Identity
– Dialect
– Dual Heritage
– Crime
– Citizenship
– Lone Parenting
The Curriculum Supplements:- The available supplements & complimentary resources are intended to help raise cultural awareness, tackle specific curriculum topics and examine the key themes outlined.
Accessibility:- All curriculum supplements, together with their corresponding support material are available exclusively to and through the ABC 1-2-3 Service.
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”2″]
Valuing the heritage of the Science of Math, to Black people, through Inclusive Numeracy Education.
The A.B.C 1-2-3 Curriculum Support Service; offer and provides Curriculum Supplements, Resources & Services specific to Numeracy. These Numeracy Resources and Services are created and have been developed by Imani to assist teachers and educators in Britain, provide a more diverse, culturally sensitive and relevant, curriculum to their students.
Through this service, ABC 1-2-3 provide UK educators with invaluable support, for Numeracy through;
– Supply of Curriculum supplements
– Supply of Relevant Numeracy Resources
– Delivery of inclusive training workshop
– Consultancy, Advice & Guidance
The specific resources & supplements include;
– Inclusive Numeracy Teachers Manual
– Over 30 Inclusive Exercises
– Individual template lesson plans
– Inclusive Numeracy Summary pack
Although a particularly focus is taken on people of African Caribbean heritage these resources are developed for the whole school community. Enabling educators to provide a Inclusive Curriculum for all the students. These classroom supplements, introduces to its learners many influential black writers, poets and lyricists, their works, achievements and their impact upon history and our modern society.
Some Math Traditions featured within the supplements;–
– The Ishango Bone
– Ethiopian Math
– Ancient Egypt Math
– Ghanaian Math
– Malian Math
– Congolese Math
– Zaire Math
– Swahili Math
– Yoruba Math
– Igbo Math
– Coptic Time
– Kente Cloth
Curriculum Focus:- Whilst exploring & highlighting Africa’s Math heritage, these supplements focuses upon the core elements of the U.K Numeracy Curriculum Strategy & Framework.
Specific Topic Areas Covered:-
– Prime & Number Patterns
– Arithmetic & Calculation
– Length, Weight & Scale, Area
– Handling Data, Distance, Time
All supplements are designed to be easily incorporated within schemes of work that cover the National Curriculum topics.
These curriculum resource supplements, explore Africa’s and black people’s rich Math heritage over many thousands of years. Some topics covered are;
– Prehistoric Maths in Africa
– The Gift of the Nile
– Counting with shells
– The Gold Trade
– Math For Recreation (Games)
– Symmetry in African Art
– Black Man’s Time
– Adinkra Symbols
The Curriculum Supplements:- The available supplements & complimentary resources are intended to help raise cultural awareness, tackle specific curriculum topics and examine the key themes outlined .
Accessibility:- All curriculum supplements, together with their corresponding support material are available exclusively to and through the ABC 1-2-3 Service.
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”3″]
Valuing the heritage of African Black people, within Major World Religions, through Inclusive Religious Education.
The A.B.C 1-2-3 Curriculum Support Service; offer and provides Curriculum Supplements, Resources & Services specific to Religious Education (R.E). These Literary Resources and Services are created and have been developed by Imani to assist teachers and educators in Britain, provide a more diverse, culturally sensitive and relevant, curriculum to their students.
Through this service, ABC 1-2-3 provide UK educators with invaluable support, for R.E. through;
– Supply of Curriculum supplements
– Supply of Relevant R.E. Resources
– Delivery of inclusive training workshop
– Consultancy, Advice & Guidance
The specific resources & supplements include;
– Inclusive R.E. Teachers Manual
– Over 30 Inclusive Exercises
– Individual template lesson plans
– Inclusive R.E. Summary pack
Although a particularly focus is taken on people of African Caribbean heritage these resources are developed for the whole school community. Enabling educators to provide a Inclusive Curriculum for all the students. These classroom supplements, introduces to its learners many influential black writers, poets and lyricists, their works, achievements and their impact upon history and our modern society.
Some personalities featured within the supplements are;– 
– Moses the Black
– Bilal
– Zipporah
– Leonard Howell
– Ebedmelek
– St Maurice
– Queen of Sheba
– Luqman
– Baraka
– St George
Curriculum Focus:- Whilst exploring & highlighting the heritage of black people in Religion, these supplements focus upon the core elements of the U.K Literacy Curriculum Framework.
Specific Topic Areas Covered
– Black people in Hinduism & early India
– Black people in Judaism & the Bible
– Black people in Christianity & church
– Black presence in Islamic tradition
– Rastafarian Trodition
All supplements are designed to be easily incorporated within schemes of work that cover the National Curriculum topics.
These curriculum supplements address many issues that are common themes throughout black literature, such as;
– Religious Education
– Interfaith Relations
– History & Heritage
– Cultural Awareness
– Diversity
– Religious Tolerance
– Social Harmony
– Ethnicity & Race
– Multiculturalism
= Faith Awareness
The Curriculum Supplements:- The available supplements & complimentary resources are intended to help raise cultural awareness, tackle specific curriculum topics and examine the key themes outlined.
Accessibility:- All curriculum supplements, together with their corresponding support material are available exclusively to and through the ABC 1-2-3 Service.
[/su_tab][su_tab title=”4″]
Valuing the heritage and culture of Black people, through Inclusive History Education.
The A.B.C 1-2-3 Curriculum Support Service; offer and provides Curriculum Supplements, Resources & Services specific to History. These History Resources and Services are created and have been developed by Imani to assist teachers and educators in Britain, provide a more diverse, culturally sensitive and relevant, curriculum to their students.
Through this service, ABC 1-2-3 provide UK educators with invaluable support, for History through;
– Supply of Curriculum supplements
– Supply of Relevant History Resources
– Delivery of inclusive training workshop
– Consultancy, Advice & Guidance
The specific resources & supplements include;
– Inclusive History Teachers Manual
– Over 30 Inclusive Exercises
– Individual template lesson plans
– Inclusive History Summary pack
Although a particularly focus is taken on people of African Caribbean heritage these resources are developed for the whole school community. Enabling educators to provide a Inclusive Curriculum for all the students. These classroom supplements, introduces to its learners many influential black writers, poets and lyricists, their works, achievements and their impact upon history and our modern society.
Some of the personalities featured within the supplements;
Science & Inventors:-
– Elijah McCoy
– Charles Drew
Voices of Inspiration:-
– Martin Luther King
– Marcus Garvey
Sport & Athletics:-
– Jesse Owens
– Muhammed Ali
Kingdoms & Empires:-
– Ancient Egypt
– Ancient Mali
Curriculum Focus:- Whilst exploring and highlighting the literary heritage of black people, these supplements focus upon the core elements of the U.K Literacy Curriculum Framework.
Specific Topic Areas Covered
– Ancient African Empires
– Trans Atlantic Slave Trade
– Black Scientists & Inventors
– Sports & music icons
All supplements are designed to be easily incorporated within schemes of work that cover the National Curriculum topics.
These curriculum supplements address many issues that are common themes throughout black history, such as;
– History & Culture
– Racism
– Identity
– Dual Heritage
– Citizenship
– Cultural Diversity
– Positive role models
– Equal Rights
– Academic & Scientific Achievements
– Achieving Beyond Circumstances
The Curriculum Supplements:- The available supplements & complimentary resources are intended to help raise cultural awareness, tackle specific curriculum topics and examine the key themes outlined.
Accessibility:- All curriculum supplements, together with their corresponding support material are available exclusively to and through the ABC 1-2-3 Service.
[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title=”BLACK HISTORY MONTH SERVICES” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”ABC 1-2-3 BHM”]
Click TABS to the right to find out about the ABC 1-2-3 BHM Service, or the TABS below to discover what BHM is all about.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”THE BACKGROUND”]Here you can find out just how and what the ABC 1-2-3 services does and can do to help our clients develop a Black History Month programme that truly fulfills the purpose and achieves the intended objective for this event in Britain. 
Throughout October UK Black History Month celebrations are taking place all over the country. People all over the nation commemorate the contributions made to society and the world in general by black people. Through the ABC 1-2-3 Service Imani provide a unique service that supports and assists clients to plan and deliver a totally inclusive Black History Month programme to their service users.
The ABC 1-2-3 BHM Service is one of few in the UK that can boast of offering such a diverse and extensive range of culturally focused products, resources and services.
This diversity enables us to offer a complete BHM service that includes, identity and awareness workshops, presentations and training, exhibition and display hire, social and recreational activities, book Stalls, plus much more. In addition to these, clients are able to take advantage of our expertise and experience in hosting and being a part of BHM activities throughout Britain over the past 15 years.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”THE ABC SERVICE”]Our Exclusive ABC 1-2-3 BHM Resources & Services;
offer an interactive and fun method to engage people in a exciting learning experiences that helps to raise their knowledge and awareness of the many contributions and achievements of Black people throughout history and modern society.
Our programmes are also designed to attract, interest, motivate, and encourage greater participation in learning opportunities. They also help to dispel negative stereotypes through the increased visibility of notable BME achievements and contributions to modern civilisation. The programme activities are designed to engage young people and adults on an exciting journey of exploration through the rich cultural heritage & achievements of Black African people throughout the ages.
Some of the potential ABC 1-2-3 BHM Services include:
– BHM Project Development Support
– Edutainment Workshops (Cultural Games)
– Cultural Identity & Diversity Workshops
– Cultural Identity & Diversity Presentations
– Displays / Exhibitions (Daily / Weekly Hire)
– Cultural Books and Resource
– Curriculum Resources & Programme
– Cultural Events Interior design
Clients can either commission one or a number of ABC 1-2-3 Services to include in their BHM activities, alternatively ABC can help to develop and support our clients entire BHM provision.
Now that you have some idea of what the ABC 1-2-3 BHM Service entails and you are familiar with some of the services on offer, as highlighted above, hopefully you have gained a better understanding and appreciation of what these unique services consists and can offer, as well as what exactly is accessible to your organisation, to be incorporated within your Black History Month celebrations for this year. We Look Forward to Hearing From You.[/su_tab][/su_tabs]
[su_tabs][su_tab title=”BHM”]
Click the TABS to the right to LEARN about what Black History Month is all about?[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”WHAT?”]
What is BHM?:
Black History Month, for Britain, takes place throughout October. This is the official month when people of all ethnic backgrounds are invited to join in celebrating the cultural heritage of black people the world over.
During this month activities presenting information on the cultural heritage of black people take place all over Britain. These activities include theatre productions, lectures, children’s activities and much more.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”WHO?”]Who Started BHM & When?
Black History Month was first celebrated in America in 1926 under the title of ‘Negro History Week’, but was changed to Black History Month in the 1960’s. A man named Dr Carter G. Woodson also called the “Father of Negro History” first instigated this celebration. Woodson was born in Virginia in 1875 and was taught to read by family members.
Woodson’s parents and ancestors had been slaves, they had however in 1865 been emancipated due to the proclamation and 13th Amendment of the American Constitution, outlawing chattel slavery. Woodson therefore was born free, being the first of his generations to do so and the first to have a legal right and opportunity to raise the circumstance of his people. He took a job as a coal miner in order to put himself through high school and finally gained a PhD in history from Harvard University. He was only the second black man to achieve this and became a great scholar and intellect making him also an very important person for us to remember during Black History Month.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”HOW?”]How BHM began?:
In 1915 Woodson founded the Association for the Study of Negro life and History, also the following year the association issued the Journal of Negro History. This journal became and is still seen as one of the most scholarly contributions that recorded the backgrounds, life experiences, and history of African’s and their descendants in America and Diaspora. The journal was in many ways the foundation on which many scholars of African History at the time based their research and is still the case with most modern scholars of this subject. Within ten years of the Journals publishing enough information and data had been secured to publicly announce the findings through a week of events.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”WHY?”]Why BHM Began?: During this event much valuable information was revealed concerning the history of African black people not then generally known. Unlike Britain, Woodson chose February as the month the celebration should be held because of its significance and relevance to Black History itself. As both Frederick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln were born in this month, two individuals who were instrumental and responsible for the emancipation of black slaves in America.
Woodson recognised the need to highlight the contributions black people had made and were making in world progress after noticing their absence from many of the history books as well as the many racist assumptions and stereotypes that existed in relation to African peoples intellect and capabilities at that time.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”U.K HISTORY”]
History of BHM in Britain:
Black History Month has been celebrated in Britain since 1986. This celebration was instigated and endorsed by the Black community primarily in London in addition to the British Government in 1987 to commemorate the centenary celebration of the birth of Marcus Garvey the first national hero of Jamaica. Who himself was a formidable promoter of black history during the early to mid 20th century.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”WHY U.K?”]Why we Celebrate BHM in Britain?:
This celebration was instigated in Britain, as it was in the USA sixty years previous, for the exact same reasons, to help black people and the wider society better understand, recognise and celebrate the many achievements of black people throughout the ages, and more specifically to help black people living in Britain create an authentic and positive cultural identity and be proud of their cultural heritage.
Particularly second, third and fourth generation Black people who had been born in Britain, but whose parents had been born in the Caribbean and other parts of the world. As reports are now showing the educational attainment levels of black children in some areas in Britain to be the highest of all ethnic groups when they enter schooling, but is at the lowest by the time they leave, raises serious concerns about how black youths benefit from their education in Britain’s many schools.
See the chart below, this report showed that in one particular Local Education Authority in Britain, Black children entered school in regards to their academic attainment, 20% above the average and higher than every other Ethnic group. But by the time they left school 10 years latter, they were 20% below the average, and at the bottom of the attainment chart for all ethnic groups.
This chart published in 1999, proves beyond doubt that something very concerning is happening to Black youth when entering U.K. schooling system, that resulted for this particular study in a continued decline in attainment from start to finish of these young people. All studies and recommendations that followed this report, suggested that a lack of positive cultural material in schools, was also a factor for this drastic decline.
Black History Month therefore tries to address this issue, by celebrating not only the resilient black men and women who fought for equal rights after slavery. It also seeks to remember the many great achievements of ancient black civilisations over thousands of years. This is hoped to present to all of society a positive insight into black peoples culture and heritage. In order to help break down barriers to learning, raise cultural awareness and promote cultural diversity.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”NEED”]
The importance of BHM: Why? Black History Month is such an important event for not only black people, but people of all ethnic backgrounds. Black History Month was first brought into being as mentioned in order to help set records straight and correct false assumptions and concepts of black peoples role in history. Dr Woodson noted in his studies how little, it would seem from history books, black people had contributed to civilisation. He discovered that since slavery black people had been systematically written out of history.
It is still a fact today that society and educational institutions frequently over look the contributions black people have made to the world. Black children therefore have no foundation upon which they can build a positive cultural identity and people from other ethnic groups are left to view black culture through, stereotypical images and ideas, based upon a bias and even sometimes misinformed racist ideology, this is also sometimes demonstrated unfortunately through the popular media.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”INCLUSION”]
Creating an inclusive Britain: Now you’ve learnt the basics of what black history month is all about and what it sets out to achieve. ABC 1-2-3 Service invites you to access our unique Black History Month Service’s that will assist you in providing an educational, entertaining, exciting and memorable celebration to commemorate this occasion in your own respective communities. This is also inline with present Government directives that recommends that all people participate and support this annual event held throughout October, in order to create, maintain and sustain a totally inclusive, cohesive and culturally diverse society in Britain. To learn more or to book our services please contact the Imani’s Website Team, via the contact page.[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler]
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