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Study Guide Subject 3: African Empires

Study 3 African Empires_Feature

 What are the Specific
Topics You can Research Here?

   1.      Egypt

   2.     Kush / Merowe

   3.     Carthage

   4.     Nok Culture / Nigeria

   5.     Ghana

   6.     Mali

   7.      Songhai

   8.      Kongo

   9.      Benin

  10.      Zimbabwe

   11.      Mapata

   12.     Zulu

guide tools copy

[su_spoiler title=”BEFORE YOU BEGIN YOUR STUDIES” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Study 3 African Empires_Icon-230Before you begin to research this topic, please make sure that you have prepared yourself by familarising yourself with Imani’s Study Guide Tools (1-10).  It is also hoped that you have already completed a Study Guide Planner (4), identifying this topic as one you intended study.  Also you should have already began to complete your Review & Evaluation Form (5).
To get the full benefit from your intended research and study into this topic, you will also need to have at hand,  Imani’s 16 Questions (8) that will need to be answered for each Subject & Topic.  Please access  all these relevant resources below.line_1_290_wht copy[su_tabs][su_tab title=”CLICK ON TABS BELOW TO ACCESS STUDY GUIDE TOOLS”]THE STUDY GUIDE TOOLS line-break1Study Guide Resource FRT Cover[ 1  ]  STUDY HELP: Help & Support Notes
[ 2 ]  ADVICE: Preparing to Study
[ 3 ]  GUIDE TIPS: Tips & Tricks
[ 4 ]  PLAN: Study Schedule & Planner
[ 5 ]  REVIEW: Review & Evaluation Form
[ 6 ]  FORM 1: Book Reading List Record
[ 7 ]   FORM 2: Video Reading List Record
[ 8 ]  FIND: Questions for subjects / topics
[ 9 ]  SUB NOTES: Notes for each subject
[10 ]  TOP NOTES: Notes for each topic     line-break1Click the TABS ABOVE 1 – 10 to enter these individual TOOLS. DOWNLOAD STUDY GUIDE TOOLS PACK HERE [/su_tab][su_tab title=”1″]HELP & SUPPORT NOTES:
These are Imani’s support notes to help you better utilise all the available Study Guide Tools & Subject Resources.
–    A List of the Study tools
–    Study Guide Steps
–    What you will need
–    What you will need to do
–    How to rate your knowledge
–    How to rate the material you useline-break1A LIST OF THE STUDY GUIDE TOOLS 
[1]      Imani’s Help & Support Notes
[2]     Imani’s Advice, Preparing to Study
[3]     Imani’s Tips & Tricks
[4]     The Schedule & Planner
[5]     Assessment Tool: The Review & Evaluation Form
[6]     A Book Reading List Recording Form
[7]      A Video Watched List Recording Form
[8]     The 16 Subject & Topic Questions
[9]     About Subject x 10 Notes
[10]   About the Topic x 70 Key Pointsline-break1STUDY GUIDE STEPS
[1]  Select a Subject you wish to research & study.
[2] Identify the Topics you wish to research within this Subject.
[3] Complete a Schedule & Planner for this  specific subject.
[4] Ensure you have access to all the relevant Topic resources and materials before you begin your research & study.
[5] Secure and begin to fill in your Assessment Tool: Review & Evaluation Form, transferring and adding the relevant data from your Planner to your this Form.line-break1WHAT YOU WILL NEED
God_Neter_Bullet2Access to a PC (device) with the internet, to be able to access the relevant i-man-is-website resources.
God_Neter_Bullet2Access to a printer or printing facilities (not essential) to print all Study Guide Tools
God_Neter_Bullet2An up to date calendar, calculator and folder to keep your blank and completed forms and your study notes.
God_Neter_Bullet2You may need to acquire the relevant resources if not freely available through imaniswebsite.line-break1WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO DO;
God_Neter_Bullet2Prepare yourself mentally to begin your studies. HOW? Read Imani’s Advice, Preparing to Study.
God_Neter_Bullet2Read Imani’s Study Guide: Tips & Notes, in order to know how to use and better utilise the Tools.
God_Neter_Bullet2Create a specific folder with its corresponding folders to store & archive study material and notes on your PC.
God_Neter_Bullet2Remember to update the relevant forms and notes regularly & periodically (all the time and at designated times)
God_Neter_Bullet2Stick as closely as possible to your Study Guide Schedule & Plan, as you can.line-break1HOW TO RATE YOUR KNOWLEDGE
Use this Rating Scale below, to rate your current and future knowledge of each Subject and Topic.line-break1[ 5 ]   You know    NOTHING         =   Beginner
[ 4 ]   You know    VERY LITTLE   =   Basic
[ 3 ]   You know    A LITTLE           =   Apprentice
[ 2You have     STUDIED         =   Student
[ 1  ]  You know    MUCH             =   Pupil (1st Eye)line-break1NOTES ON THE ABOVE RATING SCALEline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Notice that contrary to normal practice 5 represents the lowest scale i.e Beginner knowing nothing and 1 represents the highest i.e Pupil.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2In this case and in many others, it is often necessary to turn things up-side-down or the opposite-way-round, in order to get things back the right-side-up again.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2This strategy often has great benefit, not only in getting closer to the truth, but to help you develop a new way of thinking and way of looking at things.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2In this instance 1 symbolising; First Class, Oneness, One with the Divine Spirit, One Mind, One God, Aim & Destiny and specifically seeing with your 1st Eye, (not 3rd Eye).line-break1RATING THE MEDIA, MATERIALS & RESOURCES
Using the above analogy, rate the material you use and follow the exact same principle, i.e. 1 representing; Excellent, unique, one-a-way and so, whilst 5 represents poor or common.line-break1RATING [ 1 ] = IT WAS EXCELLENT
RATING [ 5 ] = IT WAS POORline-break1You are able and required to rate all the books you read, video’s you watch or any other resource featured through Imani’s Website.line-break1DOWNLOAD OR PRINT THIS PAGE (PDF)[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”2″]ADVICE: PREPARING YOURSELF TO STUDY:
Here is some advice and guidance from Imani to help prepare you mentally to start your own personal research & studies.line-break1FEATURED IN THIS SECTION;
Points to help Prepare You to Study
–    Putting on the Appropriate Reading Glasses
–    The Greatest Knowledge
–    How To Focusing Your Mind
–    How To Get The Right Inspiration
–    How To Get & Stay Motivated
–    How To Get Organisedline-break1Preparing Yourself to Studyline-break1PUTTING ON THE APPROPRIATE READING GLASSES
The most important thing is to first, put on your Ethiopian Spectacles, or what other suited spectacles, for non-Ethiopian’s is required, to help to enable you see more clearly, the Ethiopian – African – Black perspective of History, presented here, through these resources and via Imani’s Website. It should never be forgotten that everyone and anyone, regardless of their Ethnic Group, can benefit from being aware of, as well as understanding better, the history of Africans and humanity in generally, from this unique and specific perspective. As it represents a valid, although often disregarded interpretation of where, as a species i.e. humans, we have been, we are now and what our potential is for the future. It should also be noted that both Ethiopian and none Ethiopian spectacles, can be tainted, smudged or completely darkened through the dirt that may have accumulated over the years.line-break1It is therefore necessary to first wipe your lenses clean, so you can see more clearly. This is easily done, but not as easily achieved, HOW? line-break1YOU MUST rid yourself of any thought or idea that divides or discriminates against humanity and fuels intolerance, racism, classism, tribalism, or divides or measures people based upon their; Skin colour (often called race, a misnomer), Religion, Nationality, Political or any other ties and associations.line-break1YOU MUST also extinguish and put aside any form of hate, anger, revenge, shame, guilt, or other negative human emotion or characteristic.line-break1YOU MUST always keep an OPEN MIND, regardless of your current beliefs.line-break1YOU MUST be willing to adapt or change your views and beliefs, when confronted with new information that may challenge your current belief and stance on any particular topic.line-break1YOU MUST always seek to find the TRUTH and not what you want to find, excepting also this TRUTH, even if it hurts, it will only be your ego, which eventually you will have no use of anyway.line-break1YOU MUST approach your studies at all times with LOVE IN YOUR HEART, this is the most import rule. If you do this all other points above will be dealt with simultaneously.line-break1THE GREATEST KNOWLEDGE
The greatest knowledge to have or to know; what actually brings wisdom and makes you wise and enlightened is LOVE, pure & simple. This LOVE comes directly from the HEART in the metaphysical sense, and then manifests in the MIND, then the THOUGHTS and finally it reaches the Brain. It is whilst in the brain that it is confronted by other knowledge or information, mainly dealing with your immediate environment, or recent or past experiences, your likes and dislikes and a myriad of other physical things, stored there.
Wisdom comes from FINDING the BALANCE, between the TWO and FAITH comes from ALWAYS giving the HEART the benefit of the doubt, e.g. SHOWING LOVE. Without LOVE all studies are futile, you may become knowledgeable, aware and even great or famous, but without love you will never know Wisdom, you will never be Enlightened and you will never truly experience this Wonderful thing that we call LIFE.line-break1HOW TO FOCUS YOUR MIND
Focus your mind upon things or people that will help motivate or inspire you to keep on track in your studies. This can literally be anything or anybody, such as a religious icon, your child or another, the world and everyone and thing in it, your ancestors, your future offspring, literally anything. As long as by focusing on this thing, you are motivated and inspired to study and learn more, then use it. Focusing your mind on your studies can be difficult, especially if you have a demanding life, with responsibilities and commitments that take up the greater part of your day, not to mention your thoughts. However having a focus on your studies is also essential to ensure any real and lasting results. Even as little as 1 hour per day, of focus on your studies can produce great fruits if stuck to over a period. So try in amidst all else that is going on, have some focus on your studies. Maybe the points below can help you to achieve this.line-break1HOW TO GET THE RIGHT INSPIRATION
Find also a quote or proverb that encourages you to learn and put it in a visible format (printed on paper or as a poster etc.) and in plain view, where you can see it everyday at least twice a day. Recite it every time you see it until memorised, then find another quote, once the first has been firmly established on your heart. There are many thousands of such quotes to choose from, however if you are unaware of any at this time, then refer to any of the quotes featured throughout Imani’s Website.line-break1HOW TO GET & STAY MOTIVATED
Whatever motivated, encouraged or inspired you to ever look into history in the first place, as a means of being better informed and possibly even a better person. Always keep this firmly in your thoughts. It is likely if you actually remember this, that it did at the time spark or switch on a LIGHT inside, that your intention should be to begin or even to continue to walk into that LIGHT and out of the darkness of ignorance.   Focusing the mind and reciting encouraging statements of people you revere will help to do this, i.e. get and keep you motivated. Nevertheless sometimes even negative things and thoughts can be used positively to keep you motivated, often more so than the positive people & things do themselves.
An example of this is remembering if you are a descendant of African slaves the popular saying and strategy of the slave owners i.e. “If you want to hide something from a slave put it in a book” as a means of motivating yourself, firstly to find what ever has been hidden and secondly, if found proving to yourself that you are no longer a slave, i.e. The TRUTH has SET YOU FREE.line-break1HOW TO GET ORGANISED
To make good progress as well as achieve the most with what you have, you must be organised. This organisation, again starts with the mind, organise this and everything else will follow. What is meant by this is that organisation is determined by stable thoughts leading to regular and precise action.
Similar to focusing your mind, but not specifically on things or people, but on priorities. Poor organisation leads to destruction and chaos, this is normally as a result of poor memory or forgetfulness. Good organisation is a result of remembering and never forgetting. Apply this analogy to NEVER forgetting who you are, what your ancestors have endured for you to be here? Your responsibility to your family, your community, your nation and the human race, and this should help to motivate, inspire and keep you organised.line-break1Imani hopes that his advice, to help prepare people for their studies will be of use to all those hoping; To find the TRUTH AND SET THEMSELVES FREEline-break1DOWNLOAD OR PRINT THIS PAGE (PDF)
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”3″]STUDY TIPS & TRICKS:
Here are some tips and tricks of how to get the most from using Imani’s Website and Study Guide Resources & Toolsline-break1
[1]     Read Imani’s Advice, Preparing to Studyline-break1[2]     Study each topic separately.line-break1[3]     Set up a study schedule for a defined period, e.g. 6 weeks.line-break1[4]     You can decide on any length of time to study, in accordance with your other commitments, however a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 3 months or 12 weeks should be adhered to for each topic to be studied.line-break1[5]     Remember you are only building or setting up a foundation, to gain a broader knowledge base,  each topic can and should become a lifetime study and even after this, you would still need more time to know everything concerning it.line-break1[6]     Complete your schedule and study plan, e,g. how many books you wish to read or time you will spend reading, watching video’s etc.  (this will determine what you can realistically learn and achieve over this period).line-break1[7]     It is suggested that to get any realistic benefit from this research or your study plan you must allocate a minimum of 1 hour per day to your study, e.g. 1hr x 7 days = 7hrs x 6 weeks = approximately 42 hours of study per topic.  Sufficient time to form a good knowledge base, as most Level 1 courses are normally only 30 hrs maximum in the UK.line-break1[8]     Set yourself realistic goals of what you think you want to know by the end of your study.line-break1[9]     Review your study progress at least twice during your schedule e.g if a 6 week schedule then on your 2nd and 4th week. Review you study a maximum of 4 times over the duration of your research.line-break1[10]     Set up a new folder or folders on your computer (device) in order to save your personal notes and to archive corresponding researched material. e.g. Main Folder = My History Research, Sub Folders = Prehistory / Ancient History etc.line-break1[11]     Remember to always identify and select all necessary known available resources needed, before you begin to study.line-break1[12]     Choose what ever method of assessment suits you, to monitor and measure your progress e.g. TEST, GAME. PUZZLE or QUIZ provided through this website. “Please try to use all these tools when available as a means of evaluating your progress, measuring your achievements and most importantly have fun”.line-break1Please feel free and don’t hesitate to contact us via our website if you need any support in your studies, Imani and the rest of our team will be happy to assist where possible.line-break1DOWNLOAD OR PRINT THIS PAGE (PDF)[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”4″]STUDY PLANNER & SCHEDULE:
To help you plan and schedule a study programme.
This form is very simple to complete, access a completed form from the how to fill in link below. Study plannerline-break1DOWNLOAD: | BLANK FORM | FORM FILLED IN |[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”5″]REVIEW & EVALUATE FORM:
To enable you to review and evaluate your studies.
This form is very simple to complete, access a completed form from the how to fill in link below.Study EvaluationREVIEW & EVALUATE YOUR STUDIES:
Some of the featured study guides are complemented and accompanied by tools and practical ways that you can measure and assess your acquired knowledge.
This is achieved through TESTS, GAMES. PUZZLES & QUIZZES  provided through this website.
Please try to use all these tools when available as a means of evaluating your progress, measuring your achievements and most importantly have fun. line-break1DOWNLOAD: | BLANK FORM | FORM FILLED IN |[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”6″]BOOK READING LIST RECORD:
To enable you to catalogue and list the books you read.Read list table jpgline-break1PRINT BLANK FORM[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”7″]VIDEO WATCH LIST RECORD:
To enable you to catalogue and list the videos you watch.Video list tableline-break1PRINT BLANK FORM[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”8″]SUBJECT’S & TOPIC’S QUESTIONS:
Questions to be answered for all 10 subjects & 70 topics.
Here are 16 questions to be answered when researching all Subjects & Topics that feature throughout Imani’s Website Study Guide Resources.line-break1A Note & Introduction to all Topic Questions
Some of these specific questions may however not apply to all topics, therefore disregard these questions appropriately.line-break1These 16 questions should also be seen and used only as a guide and to help focus you in your research. Therefore you may have your own questions you want answering, add these to the 16 listed here. It is suggested however that unless a particular question does not actually apply to a specific topic; then try to answer all of these listed 16 questions.line-break1THE 16 QUESTIONSline-break1[1]    What is the name usually given to this topic?line-break1[2]    Explain briefly what this topic is about?line-break1[3]    Over what period of time does this topic cover?line-break1[4]    What are some of the main events in this topic?line-break1[5]    How knowledge of this topic is usually obtained?line-break1[6]    What main facts exist to support the evidence of this topic?line-break1[7]    Where in the world is evidence of this topic mostly found?line-break1[8]    What is the importance and significance of this topic in the history and heritage of the world in general?line-break1[9]    Who is considered the main authority of authorities in this topic, if any?line-break1[10]    When or at what time was serious study and research of this specific topic first engaged?line-break1[11]    Establish a minimum of 5 links between this topic and 5 other topics, preferably not from the same subject.line-break1[12]    Are their any individuals or specific groups that feature mostly in the research of this particular topic.line-break1[13]    Identify or create a timeline for this topicline-break1[14]    If this topic is not directly about a notable black person, in Africa, or associated with African people, then who are the specific, identifiable black-African people or groups that feature in this topic?line-break1[15]    What specific aspects, characteristics and attributes differentiate this particular topic individual or group from others?line-break1[16]    What are the main achievements and accomplishments attributed to this specific topic?line-break1If by the end of your studies you have answered all the appropriate questions and possibly even more, then you can consider yourself knowledgeable about this particular subject or topic researched. This should also be reflected and demonstrated by your results after completing anyone of the available assessment tools, available through Imani’s Website, specific to this subject or topic. It is hoped that these questions, in addition and in conjunction with other available Study Resources, can be of great value to all people sincerely interested in learning about true African history & cultural heritage.line-break1GOOD LUCK & ENJOYline-break1DOWNLOAD QUESTIONS: | IN TEXT | IN TABLE | (PDF) [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”9″]SUBJECT NOTES:
For each of the 10 Subjects featured in Imani’s Website Study Guides, Imani has provided his own personal notes.line-break1Imani’s Subject Notes have been developed to support and assist people in their studies by highlighting key points  as well as information relevant to the heritage of African Black people. Below is a list of the headings, with a brief description, for each of Imani’s Subject Notes. These headings represent the specific content and context of Imani’s notes for each particular subject.line-break1Imani’s Subject Notes:  The Headingsline-break1What is the name of the topic?
God_Neter_Bullet2A mainstream definition or description of the topic:
Subject description from a mainstream source.
God_Neter_Bullet2Imani’s Note & Description:
Imani’s particular insight & understanding of subject.line-break1What is the purpose of Studying this subject?
God_Neter_Bullet2Context:- Imani details some of the reasons why it is important to research and study this subject.line-break1What are the Specific Topics you can Research?
God_Neter_Bullet2Context:- A List of the available topics within the subjectline-break1Imani’s Key Points
God_Neter_Bullet2Context:- Here  Imani highlights some of the key points concerning the specific subject and its relation to African or world history.line-break1What you will learn by using this Study Guide?
God_Neter_Bullet2Context:- Imani bullet points some of the things you can/will learn by using the Study Guide tools  & resources.line-break1Putting on the Ethiopian Spectacles:
God_Neter_Bullet2Context:-  Imani summarise each subject with particular focus upon issues relevant to African Black people’s heritage.  He also highlights the importance of viewing the subject from a specific African perspective, i.e Through Ethiopian Spectacles.line-break1Begin your Research
God_Neter_Bullet2Context:- Imani ends each Subject Notes, with an introduction to the reader to start researching the subject topics.line-break1These above headings and corresponding notes are created to hopefully help lay a solid foundation of knowledge upon which future studies can be built, expanded upon or even rejected, if adequate facts are found to dispute Imani’s specific points.line-break1ENJOY YOUR STUDIESline-break1DOWNLOAD OR PRINT THIS PAGE (PDF)[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”10″]STUDY TOPIC NOTES & POINTERS:
Imani’s specific notes & points for each of the 70 Topicsline-break1Imani’s also highlights through these Study Guides specific points of interest to help people better focus  their research of each of the 70 Topics featured within the 10 Subject areas.line-break1You can access  the individual topics through the provided Subject links, to see Imani’s specific  “Points of Interest” for each specific Topic area.line-break1Imani’s Topic points are designed to better focus, support and assist researchers in their studies, by highlighting some key area’s of research that will provide useful information relevant to the heritage of African Black people, not normally known.  Pin-Pointing specific facts that also indicate, the true relevance of the specific topic to both African & World Heritage.line-break1This is done to both present Imani’s personal views, in regards to the subject or topic area, as well as to support, or more often than not, dispute and refute current perceptions and popular beliefs.line-break1Below is an example of the type of information featuring in Imani’s Points of Interest. These headings represent the specific content and context of Imani’s Points for each particular subject.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Identifying some of the Key Specific Topic Areas to Study, in this subject.line-break1DOWNLOAD OR PRINT THIS PAGE (PDF)[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler]

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[su_spoiler title=”IMANI’S INTRODUCTION TO: AFRICAN KINGDOMS” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”WHAT?”]Oxford Dictionary Definition: line-break1African empires is an umbrella term used in African studies to refer to a number of historical states in Africa with multinational structures incorporating various populations and polities into a single entity, usually through conquest.line-break1Imani’s Note: line-break1The term classical is used to denote, those specific African empires or kingdoms that have left a lasting legacy on the region they emerged out of and the world in general.   Additionally it refers to the fact that the history and heritage of these particular empires are well documented and well known to the modern investigator. Although Africa when studied from a historical and sometimes modern point of view, is normally split into two, four and sometimes as many as six distinct groupings, e.g. North & South of the Sahara, or Northern, Eastern, Western & Southern Africa, or the latter four in addition to North East, Central Africa and so on. line-break1Although useful in focusing ones attention to specific regions in your studies, these terms or groupings can often serve to separate, disassociate and usurp the actual empires that emerged in these regions out of Africa itself, this is particularly the case in regards that emerged out of North & North Eastern Africa, whose civilisations and accomplishments have been adding to either Europeans (Mediterranean’s) or Asians i.e. the Near East. Nevertheless within this particular study guide and throughout Imani’s Website, in reference to African Empires or African Civilisations, this includes all empires that emerged on the continent of Africa. Likewise their achievements as well as their mistakes will be attributed and counted as the heritage of African people, irrespective of what region the specific empire emerged from.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”AIM”]What is the purpose of Studying this subject? line-break1Studying and researching about the history of African empires, here termed classical empires, can be very useful in dispelling many ideologies, concepts and stereotypes about African people and their heritage people may have. Sadly of all the continents and ethnic groups on earth, African people their kingdoms, empires and civilizations, feature little if ever in the history of the world, when told by non-Africans.line-break1 Without study and a conscious thought, together with a desired and determined attitude to know for yourself, based upon what we learn at school, all over this planet, including and in many cases in Africa itself, as well as what we see in the media. One would believe that Africans or Africa as a continent has never produce a culture a social or political structure of any reckoning or worth. Although many would disagree with this statement, but the reality is, that if you were to ask anyone, regardless of their ethnicity, including Africans and their descendants themselves, to name 3 African Empires before slavery, few would be competent. If however 3 empires were given, no doubt this would be the response of a person who, as mentioned above, made a conscious decision to research and find this information for themselves.line-break1Generally speaking if left to schooling and the media, we would remain in total ignorance of this most beautiful, ancient and inspiring of histories, luckily, it is not left to them. The information and evidence is there and freely available, all you need is the desire the will and the time, to find these facts for yourself. Imani’s Website together with our available resources, are more than happy to assist you in your own investigation.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”POINTS”]Imani’s Key Pointsline-break1activist 3Remember African Empires represents any kingdom that emerged from out of the African continent at any period in history; therefore this may include prehistoric, ancient as well as modern African Empires. However for this particular study we will focus on what we have termed classical empires that emerged during a specific period, from around 1500 BCE to the 1500 AD, i.e 3000 years.line-break1activist 3Some empires featured here within our list of what we call classical, existed and have a recorded history long before this actual period focused upon. However even these ancient kingdoms have what mainstream scientific researchers in these areas, call themselves classical times, which according to there own discovery’s, which obviously is backed up by scientific evidence, also falls within this period of three thousand years.line-break1activist 3Any student or researcher of the history of African Empires and civilizations, would be wise to also learn first about the many statements as well as strategies and tactics used in the past, and even still at present, that insinuate and sometimes outright state, that Africa or Africans have never produced any kingdom of significance. These are numerous and up until the last century were standard practice in reference to Africans. After learning about these many ludicrous statements, you will better appreciate the truth when discovered.line-break1activist 3Although great empires and civilizations are usually synonymous to literacy and writing, in many parts of Africa this has not been the case. Notwithstanding the fact that ancient scripts have existed throughout African, in all regions and in all ages, this phenomena, writing, does not seem to have had the impact, influence and relevance in Africa as elsewhere, barring a few specific empires.line-break1activist 3Nevertheless without the aid of written records and writing, this by no means discredits the credibility or grandeur of these African empires, but to the contrary, and in many cases, adds to the genius, ingenuity and uniqueness, not to mention, the levels of social, political and educational systems and structures these kingdom maintained by simple organization. In other words the social order must have been very organized, since many of these empires included many millions of people, sometimes hundreds of tribes and therefore languages that incorporated area’s of terrain larger than the U.S.A or Western Europe, maintaining stability as well as controlled trade, for hundreds of years. Without the need of written records, I guess an enormous feet.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”LEARN”]What you will learn by studying this Subject?line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2About many African empires that have emerged all over the continent.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2About specific tribes and ethnic groups, responsible for maintaining stability within these African empires.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2About the influence of African empires upon the outside world & foreign influences upon Africa.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2The relevance and importance of African empires to world history and heritage.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2The many migrations of African people throughout the continent, over the centuries.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2The factors that gave birth to conditions suitable to produced great African empires.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2The factors that ultimately lead or resulted in the demise of many of these African empires.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Notable Africa kings, queens and other famous icons in the annuals of different African empires.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Many of the great achievements and feats, accomplished by these African empires.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2About some of the false and negatives statements of the past, concerning the abilities of African Black people.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2The true richness of African people’s tradition, heritage & culture.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”SUMMARY”] “Putting on the Ethiopian Spectacles” line-break1spectacles2You may think that it is not necessary to put on Ethiopian Spectacles when studying specifically in African it self, however this is far from the case. In fact it is now that these spectacles can be of great importance and use. Not to mention imperative in order for you to both see and understand the significance of African empires, to not only to Africans, but to the world in general. Although as already mentioned the history and heritage of African empires, does not feature much in the mainstream annuals of world history. Nevertheless when included alongside other more famous empires that existed simultaneously in other parts of the world, it is easy to see that these particular African empires featured here in these topics, were at the time far more advanced and influential, in what was happening in the world. line-break1Also without knowledge of many of these African empires, it is virtually impossible to understand the history of the world during this period and its influences today. Although many of these African empires have also had very strong links to and influences from, outside forces, it is not feasible or even sensible to attribute the achievements of these Africans to any outsiders, as is normally done by the majority of mainstream non-African historians, if forced to mention these kingdoms. In fact it is a well known fact that; whatever the outside influence upon Africans, Africans have always absorbed new knowledge and ideas, adapting and applying it practically, in a way unique to Africa and Africans. line-break1Therefore a specific investigation and study can identify those unique African characteristics that enabled these foreign ideas to first take root and become an important factor to the growth and expansion of these African empires. Likewise it can also be easily identified why some of these same foreign ideas, actually had an adverse effect on the sustainability of these Africans empires and the regions they inhabited, resulting in the erosion of traditional African customs, therefore African identity and ultimately first the empires themselves, secondly the people and thirdly the land itself. With our Ethiopian or non-Ethiopian spectacles our intention therefore is to identify these unique African characteristics that gave birth to these great empires.line-break1Last Note Before You Begin Your Research: line-break1Now you have an idea what this subject area is all about, if you would like to acquire a better understanding of it, then please access the corresponding topic resources above.   By studying these above topics you will no doubt better prepare yourself for any future study of history or any other subject for that matter, as all things are linked, directly or indirectly[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title=”IMANI’S AFRICAN EMPIRES TOPIC NOTES” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”HELP”]Click on the tabs to the right to enter the specific TOPICS.  Find out the relevance of these topics to both African people and the humanity in general.  After you have familiarised yourself with these topics with the identified KEY POINTS of interest. Then access the STUDY GUIDE resources below[/su_tab][su_tab title=”TOPIC 1″]TOPIC 1: EGYPTline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaThe importance of the history of Egypt through what I will call the classical period, starting from around 1,800 BC, is of the utmost significance to African people and the African continent as a whole.  As this period although seen and often referred to as the height of Egyptian culture, actually represents the beginning of the decline.  This decline ultimate leading to the weakening and later plundering of the entire African continent, as we currently find it, in our modern times.line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeFor the world this period in Ancient Egyptian history is possible the most known, definitely the most extensively researched, owing to the amount of literary and other materials unearthed recently, as well as the large quantity of monuments, unearthed that was built during this period.  It is also a period in which, the then known world, began  to have a recognisable impact and influence upon Egypt, in addition to have been influenced by traditional African culture, in the form of the Egyptian civilisation.line-break1KEY POINTSTO RESEARCHline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Second Intermediate:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | Historyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2New Kingdom:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | Historyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet218th to 20th Dynasty:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | Historyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Thebes:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | Historyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet225th Dynasty:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | Historyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Persian & Greek Conquest:- You Must Find out: About the Discoveries | African Links | Religion | Historyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2End of an Empire:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | History[/su_tab][su_tab title=”TOPIC 2″]TOPIC 2: KUSH / MEROWEline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaThe study of what we will call Classical Kush / Ethiopia is very important to all African’s, not to mention Ethiopians, those at home and abroad.   This classical period coinciding exactly with Egypt’s defined classical period, from 1,800 BCE, see Classic Egypt Topic. This date is very significant as it signifies a period in history when the records and evidence indicates that a definite split or break occurred between the two Great Nile Valley Empires,   Egypt & Kush that although split, never ever completely severed.  Therefore through the study of Kush we can even better understand to story of Egypt and African heritage in general.line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeThis defined classical period 1,800 BCE, is often presented as the beginning and the start of the Kushite empire, by most mainstream historians.  Although far from being the start, the study of the Kushite empire and civilisation during and from this period, is of the utmost importance to world heritage, nevertheless.  As it defines the split between the two empires Ethiopia & Egypt, therefore it gives us an opportunity to discover how these two empires differed but also shared many of the attributes and the same foundations upon which they were built, and went on to influence the heritage of the world both in and outside of Africa.line-break1KEY POINTS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Merowe:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | Historyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Napata:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | Historyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Axum:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | Historyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Saba:- You Must Find out: About the 
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | Historyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2X Group:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | Historyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Nuba:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | History[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 3″]TOPIC 3: CARTHAGEline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaThe importance and relevance of the history of Carthage or North Africa is of great significance in understanding the heritage of Africa and African people as a whole.  Possibly more than any other region in Africa, this area symbolises just how the strained relationship between Egypt and Ethiopia in ancient times, particularly from what we call the Classical Period, actually affected from the outset the stability of the whole continent and ultimately in the end, African peoples control over it, beginning with the loss of north Africa.line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeNorth Africa has had and has played a very significance role throughout history of Europe the Near East and therefore the world in general.  Like Egypt and even Ethiopia on occasion, North Africa and her corresponding empires and civilisation are not considered African civilisations,  who’s achievement and contributions are also like the aforementioned African Empires, normally credited to none-Africans.  Nevertheless once these African links and this unique African heritage has been firmly re-established,  it becomes more apparent the debt the world owes not only in regards to the foundation of arts & culture, but the specific roots in Ethiopia from which this tradition first emerged.line-break1KEY TOPICS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Phoenicia:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | Historyline-break1IGod_Neter_Bullet2berians:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | Historyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Carthage:- You Must Find out: About the 
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | Historyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2The Moors:- You Must Find out: About the 
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | Historyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Berbers:- You Must Find out: About the 
Discoveries | African Links | Religion | History[/su_tab][su_tab title=”TOPIC 4″]TOPIC 4: NOKline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaThe relevance of this particular African empire, in the history and heritage of the continent as a whole is of great importance. The ancient culture of Nok, represents one of the earliest, settlements of organised society in west Africa and offers us a link between the decline of the ancient cultures of the Nile Valley and rise of civilisation in the west, central and south of the African continent.  Possibly indicating a migration at an early time, from the east and possibly north, of people displaced or who had voluntarily migrated, due to foreign conquest, specifically in their respective regions.line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeAlthough the Nok Empire was isolated from direct influence of, or upon cultures and people outside of Africa at the time.  Nevertheless this particular empire has much significance in world heritage, as it represents some of the earliest evidence and examples of complex social organisation, highly developed arts and sciences  in Africa, outside of the north and east, in west Africa.   Importantly also it should be remembered that although possibly not directly, indirectly this particular Empire and this region has been very influenced in shaping our modern world, specifically in regards to African people, in and outside of Africa.line-break1KEY TOPICS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Research & Study to:  Find out: About the;
Discoveries | Time Line | Culture | Links to other African Empires | The Known History | Geography | and the relevance to world heritage through the following areas.line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Monarchs:- Find out: About; 
Who where the Kings & Queens line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Traditional Faiths:- Find out: About; 
What was the state Religion? is it still in practice today line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Influence of foreign Religions:- Find out: About; 
How influential were outside religions on cultureline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Arts & Crafts:- Find out: About; 
What was the traditional creative arts practiced
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Languages:- Find out: About; 
What were the languages spoken  in this regionline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Ethnic & Tribal Groups:- Find out: About; 
What were the main ethnic groups, within empireline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Technologies:- Find out: About; 
What were the main technologies used by empire
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Trade & Trade Links:- Find out: About; 
What were the main import & export trade items
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Internal & external Migrations:- Find out: About; 
When main ethnic groups arrive, where come from & went.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”TOPIC 5″]TOPIC 5: GHANAline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaThe location of modern day Ghana, is also very important to the heritage of the African continent as a whole.  Like the Nok Culture or the Nigeria region, it provides for us with another early example, of organised societies outside of the traditional north and Nile Valley African civilisations.  Like Nigeria also its populating was in very recent times, in regards to the heritage of Africa.  Nevertheless it is of great significance also, as indicates a definite migration pattern from the east, through central to west and south Africa and visa versa.  In addition to have been influenced directly from the earlier Nok culture and people.  Who seem to have disappeared, exactly at the time, when ethnic groups who share both language and customs, became influential in the region of Ghana, namely the Akan families.  It is from these early inhabitants the later west African people and empires emerged.line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeThe history of this region and specific empires in Africa to world history, although not manifested until modern times, has great significance to how our modern world has developed.  Indirectly though this region has also been very significant to world heritage, long before it surfaced on the world stage.  Although being isolated from the outside world due to the Sahara Desert and its importance to foreigners, only became apparent when they were able to penetrate this terrain, such as the Arabs during the 10th to 17th century  and the Europeans thereafter.  Nevertheless from the founding of these empires, before the common era, i.e. BC and right up to the 10th century AD, the produce of these empires had been reaching the four corners of the earth, through the trade links established with the ancient African coastal Empires, in the North and North East.line-break1KEY TOPICS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Research & Study to: Find out: About the; 
Discoveries | Time Line | Culture | Links to other African Empires | The Known History | Geography | and the relevance to world heritage through the following areas.line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Monarchs:- Find out: About; 
Who where the Kings & Queens line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Traditional Faiths:- Find out: About; 
What was the state Religion? is it still in practice today line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Influence of foreign Religions:- Find out: About; 
How influential were outside religions on cultureline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Arts & Crafts:- Find out: About; 
What was the traditional creative arts practiced
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Languages:- Find out: About; 
What were the languages spoken  in this regionline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Ethnic & Tribal Groups:- Find out: About; 
What were the main ethnic groups, within empireline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Technologies:- Find out: About; 
What were the main technologies used by empire
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Trade & Trade Links:- Find out: About; 
What were the main import & export trade items
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Internal & external Migrations:- Find out: About; 
When main ethnic groups arrive, where come from & went[/su_tab][su_tab title=”TOPIC 6″]TOPIC 6: MALIline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaThe History of the Mali Empire is also of great importance to the heritage of the continent and African people generally. Like the Kongo it serves to give Africans an insight into; not only internal migrations, but also the links between the then emerging traditional Africans states, who after contact and partnerships formed with none-African groups, ultimately lead to their own downfall, as well as the displacement of its population both inside and outside of Africa. Mali however has specific significance in the heritage of African people as it has a direct link to an older African culture, namely Ghana, from which it inherited the foundations of its original state.line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeThe heritage of the Mali empire is also of great significance to world history, particularly those people influenced by the Islamic tradition, as well as those first European states that emerged out of the dark ages.  Although the history and heritage of this empire may not be generally known by people outside of west Africa itself, Mali has no doubt played a very significant role in world heritage, from the birth of this empire until present, more than 500 years.  This  significance is validated by the phrase or word used to designate a faraway, often thought of to be a mysterious place of unknown location, i.e. Timbuktu, which was and remains today a famous and important  city of the Mail Empire.line-break1KEY POINTS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Research & Study to:- Find out: About the; 
Discoveries | Time Line | Culture | Links to other African Empires | The Known History | Geography | and the relevance to world heritage through the following areas.line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Monarchs:- Find out: About; 
Who where the Kings & Queens line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Traditional Faiths:- Find out: About; 
What was the state Religion? is it still in practice today line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Influence of foreign Religions:- Find out: About; 
How influential were outside religions on cultureline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Arts & Crafts:- Find out: About; 
What was the traditional creative arts practiced
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Languages:- Find out: About; 
What were the languages spoken  in this regionline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Ethnic & Tribal Groups:- Find out: About; 
What were the main ethnic groups, within empireline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Technologies:- Find out: About; 
What were the main technologies used by empire
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Trade & Trade Links:- Find out: About; 
What were the main import & export trade items
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Internal & external Migrations:- Find out: About; 
When main ethnic groups arrive, where come from & went[/su_tab][su_tab title=”TOPIC 7″]TOPIC 7: SONGHAIline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaThe Songhai Empire proceeded Mali and was one of the largest Empires on the continent, since ancient times.   Like Mali also it was a great African trading Empire.  Its significance to Africans is that like Ghana, Mali & other great African empires during the period, it offers us an opportunity to get an insight into the significance of migrations within Africa, into  social structures founded upon traditional African principles & culture, as well as how these same structures, principles and traditions, after being replaced or adapted to conform to foreign ideas, ultimately leads to the eventual down fall of the empire.  Also like the empire of Mali, although credit is normally given for the accomplishments of the Songhai empire to their Arab & Muslim influences, it is the foundations upon which the empire was built, that enabled the fruits of Islam to blossom, i.e. traditional African culture.line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeThe Songhai Empire has much importance in the heritage of the world, as it is reputed to have been and remains, one of the largest Muslim Kingdoms of all times.  Not only one of the largest but possibly one of the wealthiest also.   Like Mali, who’s Empire they usurped and replaced, the Songhai Empire became a very important centre  of learning for the Muslim world of the time.  In regards to trade also Songhai like its predecessor was a commercial centre of world trade, through which many Europeans and Arabs traders made their fortunes, that enabled their respective regions to not only get access to the produce traded, but also the benefit from the increased local wealth, that in Europe’s case was essential to ending there dark ages.line-break1KEY POINTS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Research & Study to:- Find out: About the; 
Discoveries | Time Line | Culture | Links to other African Empires | The Known History | Geography | and the relevance to world heritage through the following areas.line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Monarchs:- Find out: About; 
Who where the Kings & Queens line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Traditional Faiths:- Find out: About; 
What was the state Religion? is it still in practice today line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Influence of foreign Religions:- Find out: About; 
How influential were outside religions on cultureline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Arts & Crafts:- Find out: About; 
What was the traditional creative arts practiced
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Languages:- Find out: About; 
What were the languages spoken  in this regionline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Ethnic & Tribal Groups:- Find out: About; 
What were the main ethnic groups, within empireline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Technologies:- Find out: About; 
What were the main technologies used by empire
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Trade & Trade Links:- Find out: About; 
What were the main import & export trade items
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Internal & external Migrations:- Find out: About; 
When main ethnic groups arrive, where come from & went[/su_tab][su_tab title=”TOPIC 8″]TOPIC 8: KONGOline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaThe empires that formally existed in the region of modern central and west-central Africa, namely Congo or Kongo dya Ntotila, is also of great importance in understanding the history of Africa, as a whole.  Like in the west of the continent, it demonstrates examples of complex social organisation, outside of the traditional north and north east African civilisations.  Also like the empires and populations of West Africa, it offers us an opportunity to discover the migratory routes taken by African’s in there populating of the entire continent.   Although having a slight different type of heritage than the west, as this region has been inhabited continuously from prehistoric times.  Nevertheless like in West Africa, it was due to latter migrations, that this particular region, began to host a considerable population, therefore having a recognisable influence on the history & heritage of African people generally.line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeAlthough, like in west and southern Africa, central Africa has not had a direct influence on people outside the continent until recent times, due to its isolation, as a result of the expanding Sahara.  This region nevertheless has also, indirectly long before it entered onto the world stage, in the 16th century, been supplying materials to the four corners of the earth, through its trade links, with well established coastal African empires in the north & northeast of the continent.  Importantly also it is through this region that both Arabs and later Europeans, got a foothold in Africa, that would eventually lead to the African holocaust, (slavery).  Therefore very significant in world heritage, particularly in regards to world trade, economics and ultimately the displacement of the African Diasopra, found in countries throughout the world.line-break1KEY POINTS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Research & Study to:- Find out: About the; 
Discoveries | Time Line | Culture | Links to other African Empires | The Known History | Geography | and the relevance to world heritage through the following areas.line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Monarchs:- Find out: About; 
Who where the Kings & Queens line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Traditional Faiths:- Find out: About; 
What was the state Religion? is it still in practice today line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Influence of foreign Religions:- Find out: About; 
How influential were outside religions on cultureline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Arts & Crafts:- Find out: About; 
What was the traditional creative arts practiced
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Languages:- Find out: About; 
What were the languages spoken  in this regionline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Ethnic & Tribal Groups:- Find out: About; 
What were the main ethnic groups, within empireline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Technologies:- Find out: About; 
What were the main technologies used by empire
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Trade & Trade Links:- Find out: About; 
What were the main import & export trade items
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Internal & external Migrations:- Find out: About; 
When main ethnic groups arrive, where come from & went[/su_tab][su_tab title=”TOPIC 9″]TOPIC 9: BENINline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaThe Empire of Benin has much relevance to African black people as it was one of the last traditional African empires to fall to the pressures of external forces, namely the Europeans.  Also of importance it the stylised traditional Art of Benin, which represents one of few African art that is more realistic than symbolic.  This indicates a definite development or possibly decline in Traditional African culture, whether you consider realism and detail to be more advanced than symbolism.  In addition to the size, complexity and direct heritage of the Benin people and kingdom with other African people, is the significance and relevance this kingdom’s Art form, known as the Benin Bronzes, holds outside of Africa.  Much can be learnt through study of this empire also regarding authentic traditional African culture, social structures and technologies.line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeAs mention the Art of Benin is world famous.  offers us through its Art.  many of these Artefact’s can be seen and studied through Museums throughout the world.  with the Britain having some of the most extensive collections.   Obtained when the country of Benin was pillaged during the British attempts to quell the influence of this empire, not only upon their own subjects but the surrounding region.  Nevertheless this Art and this heritage is of great significance to non-African as its popularity and accessibility offers them an opportunity to learn and study about a traditional African culture, more similar to western culture then most, if we are to take its Art form as an stand point.  That even displays in its own traditional style and form, carvings and casts that feature some early European visitors to that region.  line-break1 KEY POINTS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Research & Study to:- Find out: About the; 
Discoveries | Time Line | Culture | Links to other African Empires | The Known History | Geography | and the relevance to world heritage through the following areas.line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Monarchs:- Find out: About; 
Who where the Kings & Queens line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Traditional Faiths:- Find out: About; 
What was the state Religion? is it still in practice today line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Influence of foreign Religions:- Find out: About; 
How influential were outside religions on cultureline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Arts & Crafts:-Find out: About; 
What was the traditional creative arts practiced
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Languages:- Find out: About; 
What were the languages spoken  in this regionline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Ethnic & Tribal Groups:- Find out: About; 
What were the main ethnic groups, within empireline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Technologies:- Find out: About; 
What were the main technologies used by empire
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Trade & Trade Links:- Find out: About; 
What were the main import & export trade items
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Internal & external Migrations:- Find out: About; 
When main ethnic groups arrive, where come from & went[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 10″]TOPIC 10: ZIMBABWEline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaThe African empire known to history as Zimbabwe, from which the modern country takes it name, is of great importance to African people, for a number of reasons.  One of which is that it is one of those African Empire that was unknown to European until very recently.  This being the case offers Africans an opportunity to study and learn about an authentic tradition Empire that research and understanding is still very much complete.  Offering therefore the opportunity for them to begin themselves to piece together exactly what gave rise to this empire as well as lead to its demise, where the ethnic groups responsible for developing this empire came from and in many cases where they currently reside.  This later information is of importance and relevance as it gives greater insight into the influence and impact of internal African migrations, that has lead to much of the diversity of African people and culture.    line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeThe history and awareness of ancient Zimbabwe is also of much importance to non-Africans, as it represents an African empire that very little is known, as it has only recently surfaced onto the world stage.  Nevertheless the iconic buildings and stone structures unearthed at the capital of this extensive empire, is already famous and proving to be very intriguing to anyone genuinely interested in the history and heritage of this vast continent.  Zimbabwe also offers a very good example of how a once prosperous, productive and industrious empire in African and people can after centuries of war, colonial and migration, can result in the total collapse of a empire, not to mention the adverse effect this demise has had on the identity and aspirations of African people directly affected.  Who after trying to rid themselves of foreign influence, in a desire to return and reclaim the land of their ancestor, is today, ostracised, alienated and even condemned for even insinuating such an idea.line-break1KEY TOPICS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Research & Study to:-  Find out: About the; 
Discoveries | Time Line | Culture | Links to other African Empires | The Known History | Geography | and the relevance to world heritage through the following areas.line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Monarchs:- Find out: About; 
Who where the Kings & Queens line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Traditional Faiths:- Find out: About; 
What was the state Religion? is it still in practice today line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Influence of foreign Religions:- Find out: About; 
How influential were outside religions on cultureline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Arts & Crafts:- Find out: About; 
What was the traditional creative arts practiced
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Languages:- Find out: About; 
What were the languages spoken  in this regionline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Ethnic & Tribal Groups:- Find out: About; 
What were the main ethnic groups, within empireline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Technologies:- Find out: About; 
What were the main technologies used by empire
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Trade & Trade Links:- Find out: About; 
What were the main import & export trade items
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Internal & external Migrations:- Find out: About; 
When main ethnic groups arrive, where come from & went[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 11″]TOPIC 11: MAPATAline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaMapata is also one of those great African empires of much importance, relevance and significance to African people.  As it not only represents an authentic traditional empire, but also has direct links to other industrious African people, such as the Ancient Zimbabweans.  Like Zimbabwe also it is one of those African empires that has only recently surfaced unto the world stage, therefore much research and study is still required to piece to exactly what this empire was all about, how it developed and the factors leading to its decline.  In addition to this also like Zimbabwe when this picture becomes clearer it will be a useful tool to again measure and identify the true influence of internal migrations and external influences.   line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeFor non-Africans the history and heritage of the African Empire known as Monotapa has much relevance, as it was renowned in history for its trade, particular in gold, no doubt therefore although possibly unknowing this gold was finding its way into the four corners of the world before anyone outside of Africa knew its actual source.  These are also like Zimbabwe and other African kingdoms renowned for their trade in gold, mysterious tales and stories of where these sources of gold could be and what the people mining it were.  Through the study of Mapata and other similar empires this mysteriousness can be finally be put to rest, and the people responsible for administering the trade can be clearly identified as none other than that same African, who today represent some of the poorest people on earth. line-break1KEY POINTS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Research & Study to:- Find out: About the; 
Discoveries | Time Line | Culture | Links to other African Empires | The Known History | Geography | and the relevance to world heritage through the following areas.line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Monarchs:- Find out: About; 
Who where the Kings & Queens line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Traditional Faiths:- Find out: About; 
What was the state Religion? is it still in practice today line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Influence of foreign Religions:- Find out: About; 
How influential were outside religions on cultureline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Arts & Crafts:- Find out: About; 
What was the traditional creative arts practiced
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Languages:- Find out: About; 
What were the languages spoken  in this regionline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Ethnic & Tribal Groups:- Find out: About; 
What were the main ethnic groups, within empireline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Technologies:- Find out: About; 
What were the main technologies used by empire
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Trade & Trade Links:- Find out: About; 
What were the main import & export trade items
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Internal & external Migrations:- Find out: About; 
When main ethnic groups arrive, where come from & went[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 12″]TOPIC 12: THE ZULUline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaThe Zulu Empire is one of the more famous Traditional African  empires that had a great influence upon the region in which they inhabited and emerge from.  The Zulu’s are also very important as they represents one of those African who was able to withstand the forces of superior western weaponry with, with strategy and military genius, namely the celebrated Shaka Zulu, one of the most famous and revered of all Zulu’s in history.  Nevertheless it important for Africans to extend there interest into the Zulu people and culture, beyond Shaka and his successful battle and war with the British. Although it is definitely true that Shaka should be remembered, but more important for African is the Zulu’s in time of peace, when they cold contrite more of their creative arts, sciences and culture.  All of which have direct links to Africans through the conitinant, As the Zulu’s are also one of the migrating bantu people, who only reached their present location in recent years.  The Zulu language and culture can therefore act a key to link back Africa people and their traditions continent-wide   line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeThe study of the Zulu Empire is also of great importance to non-African people as it is one of the more popular and known traditional African people, respected the world over.  This is mainly due to the legendary Shaka’s defence and defeat of would be conquerors.  Importantly also it is evident that strength, courage and success is respected and valued in world heritage.  As even Shaka’s fighting tactics and military strategy, began to be taught and revered by those people who suffered most from their underestimation of its power.   Also of much importance is that this ethnic group is still present and popular due to its exploits and endeavours in the 20th and 21st century, as a nation after emerging from one of the most oppressive regimes on earth, namely apartheid.  leading the way in Africa in determining their future themselves, with Nelson Mandela although not representing or a representative of the Zulu nation, becoming the Shaka of the 21st century.  Having the strategy and the technique to defeat an otherwise more powerful entity, this time however, without shedding a single drop of blood.line-break1KEY TOPICS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Research & Study to:-  Find out: About the; 
Discoveries | Time Line | Culture | Links to other African Empires | The Known History | Geography | and the relevance to world heritage through the following areas.line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Monarchs:- Find out: About; 
Who where the Kings & Queens line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Traditional Faiths:- Find out: About; 
What was the state Religion? is it still in practice today line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Influence of foreign Religions:- Find out: About; 
How influential were outside religions on cultureline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Arts & Crafts:- Find out: About; 
What was the traditional creative arts practiced
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Languages:- Find out: About; 
What were the languages spoken  in this regionline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Ethnic & Tribal Groups:- Find out: About; 
What were the main ethnic groups, within empireline-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Technologies:- Find out: About; 
What were the main technologies used by empire
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Trade & Trade Links:- Find out: About; 
What were the main import & export trade items
line-break1God_Adinkra_Bullet2Internal & external Migrations:- Find out: About; 
When main ethnic groups arrive, where come from & went[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler]

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