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Study Guide Subject 6: Famous People » Welcome To Imani's Website
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Study Guide Subject 6: Famous People

Study 6 Famous_Feature

What are the Specific
Topics You can Research Here?

     1.   Scientists & Inventors

    2.   Writers & Scholars

    3.   Voice of Inspiration

    4.   Freedom Fighters

    5.   Great Sport people & Athletes

    6.   Musicians and Entertainers

    7.    Kings & Queens

guide tools copy

[su_spoiler title=”BEFORE YOU BEGIN YOUR STUDIES” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Before you begin to research this topic, please make sure that you have prepared yourself by familarising yourself with Imani’s Study Guide Tools (1-10).  It is also hoped that you have already completed a Study Guide Planner (4), identifying this topic as one you intended study.  Also you should have already began to complete your Review & Evaluation Form (5).
To get the full benefit from your intended research and study into this topic, you will also need to have at hand,  Imani’s 16 Questions (8) that will need to be answered for each Subject & Topic.  Please access  all these relevant resources below.line_1_290_wht copy[su_tabs][su_tab title=”CLICK ON TABS BELOW TO ACCESS STUDY GUIDE TOOLS”]THE STUDY GUIDE TOOLS line-break1Study Guide Resource FRT Cover[ 1  ]  STUDY HELP: Help & Support Notes
[ 2 ]  ADVICE: Preparing to Study
[ 3 ]  GUIDE TIPS: Tips & Tricks
[ 4 ]  PLAN: Study Schedule & Planner
[ 5 ]  REVIEW: Review & Evaluation Form
[ 6 ]  FORM 1: Book Reading List Record
[ 7 ]   FORM 2: Video Reading List Record
[ 8 ]  FIND: Questions for subjects / topics
[ 9 ]  SUB NOTES: Notes for each subject
[10 ]  TOP NOTES: Notes for each topic     line-break1Click the TABS ABOVE 1 – 10 to enter these individual TOOLS. DOWNLOAD STUDY GUIDE TOOLS PACK HERE [/su_tab][su_tab title=”1″]HELP & SUPPORT NOTES:
These are Imani’s support notes to help you better utilise all the available Study Guide Tools & Subject Resources.
–    A List of the Study tools
–    Study Guide Steps
–    What you will need
–    What you will need to do
–    How to rate your knowledge
–    How to rate the material you useline-break1A LIST OF THE STUDY GUIDE TOOLS 
[1]      Imani’s Help & Support Notes
[2]     Imani’s Advice, Preparing to Study
[3]     Imani’s Tips & Tricks
[4]     The Schedule & Planner
[5]     Assessment Tool: The Review & Evaluation Form
[6]     A Book Reading List Recording Form
[7]      A Video Watched List Recording Form
[8]     The 16 Subject & Topic Questions
[9]     About Subject x 10 Notes
[10]   About the Topic x 70 Key Pointsline-break1STUDY GUIDE STEPS
[1]  Select a Subject you wish to research & study.
[2] Identify the Topics you wish to research within this Subject.
[3] Complete a Schedule & Planner for this  specific subject.
[4] Ensure you have access to all the relevant Topic resources and materials before you begin your research & study.
[5] Secure and begin to fill in your Assessment Tool: Review & Evaluation Form, transferring and adding the relevant data from your Planner to your this Form.line-break1WHAT YOU WILL NEED
God_Neter_Bullet2Access to a PC (device) with the internet, to be able to access the relevant i-man-is-website resources.
God_Neter_Bullet2Access to a printer or printing facilities (not essential) to print all Study Guide Tools
God_Neter_Bullet2An up to date calendar, calculator and folder to keep your blank and completed forms and your study notes.
God_Neter_Bullet2You may need to acquire the relevant resources if not freely available through imaniswebsite.line-break1WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO DO;
God_Neter_Bullet2Prepare yourself mentally to begin your studies. HOW? Read Imani’s Advice, Preparing to Study.
God_Neter_Bullet2Read Imani’s Study Guide: Tips & Notes, in order to know how to use and better utilise the Tools.
God_Neter_Bullet2Create a specific folder with its corresponding folders to store & archive study material and notes on your PC.
God_Neter_Bullet2Remember to update the relevant forms and notes regularly & periodically (all the time and at designated times)
God_Neter_Bullet2Stick as closely as possible to your Study Guide Schedule & Plan, as you can.line-break1HOW TO RATE YOUR KNOWLEDGE
Use this Rating Scale below, to rate your current and future knowledge of each Subject and Topic.line-break1[ 5 ]   You know    NOTHING          =   Beginner
[ 4 ]   You know    VERY LITTLE   =   Basic
[ 3 ]   You know    A LITTLE             =   Apprentice
[ 2You have     STUDIED         =   Student
[ 1  ]  You know    MUCH              =   Pupil (1st Eye)line-break1NOTES ON THE ABOVE RATING SCALEline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Notice that contrary to normal practice 5 represents the lowest scale i.e Beginner knowing nothing and 1 represents the highest i.e Pupil.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2In this case and in many others, it is often necessary to turn things up-side-down or the opposite-way-round, in order to get things back the right-side-up again.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2This strategy often has great benefit, not only in getting closer to the truth, but to help you develop a new way of thinking and way of looking at things.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2In this instance 1 symbolising; First Class, Oneness, One with the Divine Spirit, One Mind, One God, Aim & Destiny and specifically seeing with your 1st Eye, (not 3rd Eye).line-break1RATING THE MEDIA, MATERIALS & RESOURCES
Using the above analogy, rate the material you use and follow the exact same principle, i.e. 1 representing; Excellent, unique, one-a-way and so, whilst 5 represents poor or common.line-break1RATING [ 1 ] = IT WAS EXCELLENT
RATING [ 5 ] = IT WAS POORline-break1You are able and required to rate all the books you read, video’s you watch or any other resource featured through Imani’s Website.line-break1DOWNLOAD OR PRINT THIS PAGE (PDF)[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”2″]ADVICE: PREPARING YOURSELF TO STUDY:
Here is some advice and guidance from Imani to help prepare you mentally to start your own personal research & studies.line-break1FEATURED IN THIS SECTION;
Points to help Prepare You to Study
–    Putting on the Appropriate Reading Glasses
–    The Greatest Knowledge
–    How To Focusing Your Mind
–    How To Get The Right Inspiration
–    How To Get & Stay Motivated
–    How To Get Organisedline-break1Preparing Yourself to Studyline-break1PUTTING ON THE APPROPRIATE READING GLASSES
The most important thing is to first, put on your Ethiopian Spectacles, or what other suited spectacles, for non-Ethiopian’s is required, to help to enable you see more clearly, the Ethiopian – African – Black perspective of History, presented here, through these resources and via Imani’s Website. It should never be forgotten that everyone and anyone, regardless of their Ethnic Group, can benefit from being aware of, as well as understanding better, the history of Africans and humanity in generally, from this unique and specific perspective. As it represents a valid, although often disregarded interpretation of where, as a species i.e. humans, we have been, we are now and what our potential is for the future. It should also be noted that both Ethiopian and none Ethiopian spectacles, can be tainted, smudged or completely darkened through the dirt that may have accumulated over the years.line-break1It is therefore necessary to first wipe your lenses clean, so you can see more clearly. This is easily done, but not as easily achieved, HOW? line-break1YOU MUST rid yourself of any thought or idea that divides or discriminates against humanity and fuels intolerance, racism, classism, tribalism, or divides or measures people based upon their; Skin colour (often called race, a misnomer), Religion, Nationality, Political or any other ties and associations.line-break1YOU MUST also extinguish and put aside any form of hate, anger, revenge, shame, guilt, or other negative human emotion or characteristic.line-break1YOU MUST always keep an OPEN MIND, regardless of your current beliefs.line-break1YOU MUST be willing to adapt or change your views and beliefs, when confronted with new information that may challenge your current belief and stance on any particular topic.line-break1YOU MUST always seek to find the TRUTH and not what you want to find, excepting also this TRUTH, even if it hurts, it will only be your ego, which eventually you will have no use of anyway.line-break1YOU MUST approach your studies at all times with LOVE IN YOUR HEART, this is the most import rule. If you do this all other points above will be dealt with simultaneously.line-break1THE GREATEST KNOWLEDGE
The greatest knowledge to have or to know; what actually brings wisdom and makes you wise and enlightened is LOVE, pure & simple. This LOVE comes directly from the HEART in the metaphysical sense, and then manifests in the MIND, then the THOUGHTS and finally it reaches the Brain. It is whilst in the brain that it is confronted by other knowledge or information, mainly dealing with your immediate environment, or recent or past experiences, your likes and dislikes and a myriad of other physical things, stored there.
Wisdom comes from FINDING the BALANCE, between the TWO and FAITH comes from ALWAYS giving the HEART the benefit of the doubt, e.g. SHOWING LOVE. Without LOVE all studies are futile, you may become knowledgeable, aware and even great or famous, but without love you will never know Wisdom, you will never be Enlightened and you will never truly experience this Wonderful thing that we call LIFE.line-break1HOW TO FOCUS YOUR MIND
Focus your mind upon things or people that will help motivate or inspire you to keep on track in your studies. This can literally be anything or anybody, such as a religious icon, your child or another, the world and everyone and thing in it, your ancestors, your future offspring, literally anything. As long as by focusing on this thing, you are motivated and inspired to study and learn more, then use it. Focusing your mind on your studies can be difficult, especially if you have a demanding life, with responsibilities and commitments that take up the greater part of your day, not to mention your thoughts. However having a focus on your studies is also essential to ensure any real and lasting results. Even as little as 1 hour per day, of focus on your studies can produce great fruits if stuck to over a period. So try in amidst all else that is going on, have some focus on your studies. Maybe the points below can help you to achieve this.line-break1HOW TO GET THE RIGHT INSPIRATION
Find also a quote or proverb that encourages you to learn and put it in a visible format (printed on paper or as a poster etc.) and in plain view, where you can see it everyday at least twice a day. Recite it every time you see it until memorised, then find another quote, once the first has been firmly established on your heart. There are many thousands of such quotes to choose from, however if you are unaware of any at this time, then refer to any of the quotes featured throughout Imani’s Website.line-break1HOW TO GET & STAY MOTIVATED
Whatever motivated, encouraged or inspired you to ever look into history in the first place, as a means of being better informed and possibly even a better person. Always keep this firmly in your thoughts. It is likely if you actually remember this, that it did at the time spark or switch on a LIGHT inside, that your intention should be to begin or even to continue to walk into that LIGHT and out of the darkness of ignorance.   Focusing the mind and reciting encouraging statements of people you revere will help to do this, i.e. get and keep you motivated. Nevertheless sometimes even negative things and thoughts can be used positively to keep you motivated, often more so than the positive people & things do themselves.
An example of this is remembering if you are a descendant of African slaves the popular saying and strategy of the slave owners i.e. “If you want to hide something from a slave put it in a book” as a means of motivating yourself, firstly to find what ever has been hidden and secondly, if found proving to yourself that you are no longer a slave, i.e. The TRUTH has SET YOU FREE.line-break1HOW TO GET ORGANISED
To make good progress as well as achieve the most with what you have, you must be organised. This organisation, again starts with the mind, organise this and everything else will follow. What is meant by this is that organisation is determined by stable thoughts leading to regular and precise action.
Similar to focusing your mind, but not specifically on things or people, but on priorities. Poor organisation leads to destruction and chaos, this is normally as a result of poor memory or forgetfulness. Good organisation is a result of remembering and never forgetting. Apply this analogy to NEVER forgetting who you are, what your ancestors have endured for you to be here? Your responsibility to your family, your community, your nation and the human race, and this should help to motivate, inspire and keep you organised.line-break1Imani hopes that his advice, to help prepare people for their studies will be of use to all those hoping; To find the TRUTH AND SET THEMSELVES FREEline-break1DOWNLOAD OR PRINT THIS PAGE (PDF)
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”3″]STUDY TIPS & TRICKS:
Here are some tips and tricks of how to get the most from using Imani’s Website and Study Guide Resources & Toolsline-break1
[1]     Read Imani’s Advice, Preparing to Studyline-break1[2]     Study each topic separately.line-break1[3]     Set up a study schedule for a defined period, e.g. 6 weeks.line-break1[4]     You can decide on any length of time to study, in accordance with your other commitments, however a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 3 months or 12 weeks should be adhered to for each topic to be studied.line-break1[5]     Remember you are only building or setting up a foundation, to gain a broader knowledge base,  each topic can and should become a lifetime study and even after this, you would still need more time to know everything concerning it.line-break1[6]     Complete your schedule and study plan, e,g. how many books you wish to read or time you will spend reading, watching video’s etc.  (this will determine what you can realistically learn and achieve over this period).line-break1[7]     It is suggested that to get any realistic benefit from this research or your study plan you must allocate a minimum of 1 hour per day to your study, e.g. 1hr x 7 days = 7hrs x 6 weeks = approximately 42 hours of study per topic.  Sufficient time to form a good knowledge base, as most Level 1 courses are normally only 30 hrs maximum in the UK.line-break1[8]     Set yourself realistic goals of what you think you want to know by the end of your study.line-break1[9]     Review your study progress at least twice during your schedule e.g if a 6 week schedule then on your 2nd and 4th week. Review you study a maximum of 4 times over the duration of your research.line-break1[10]     Set up a new folder or folders on your computer (device) in order to save your personal notes and to archive corresponding researched material. e.g. Main Folder = My History Research, Sub Folders = Prehistory / Ancient History etc.line-break1[11]     Remember to always identify and select all necessary known available resources needed, before you begin to study.line-break1[12]     Choose what ever method of assessment suits you, to monitor and measure your progress e.g. TEST, GAME. PUZZLE or QUIZ provided through this website. “Please try to use all these tools when available as a means of evaluating your progress, measuring your achievements and most importantly have fun”.line-break1Please feel free and don’t hesitate to contact us via our website if you need any support in your studies, Imani and the rest of our team will be happy to assist where possible.line-break1DOWNLOAD OR PRINT THIS PAGE (PDF)[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”4″]STUDY PLANNER & SCHEDULE:
To help you plan and schedule a study programme.
This form is very simple to complete, access a completed form from the how to fill in link below. Study plannerline-break1DOWNLOAD: | BLANK FORM | FORM FILLED IN |[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”5″]REVIEW & EVALUATE FORM:
To enable you to review and evaluate your studies.
This form is very simple to complete, access a completed form from the how to fill in link below.Study EvaluationREVIEW & EVALUATE YOUR STUDIES:
Some of the featured study guides are complemented and accompanied by tools and practical ways that you can measure and assess your acquired knowledge.
This is achieved through TESTS, GAMES. PUZZLES & QUIZZES  provided through this website.
Please try to use all these tools when available as a means of evaluating your progress, measuring your achievements and most importantly have fun. line-break1DOWNLOAD: | BLANK FORM | FORM FILLED IN |[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”6″]BOOK READING LIST RECORD:
To enable you to catalogue and list the books you read.Read list table jpgline-break1PRINT BLANK FORM[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”7″]VIDEO WATCH LIST RECORD:
To enable you to catalogue and list the videos you watch.Video list tableline-break1PRINT BLANK FORM[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”8″]SUBJECT’S & TOPIC’S QUESTIONS:
Questions to be answered for all 10 subjects & 70 topics.
Here are 16 questions to be answered when researching all Subjects & Topics that feature throughout Imani’s Website Study Guide Resources.line-break1A Note & Introduction to all Topic Questions
Some of these specific questions may however not apply to all topics, therefore disregard these questions appropriately.line-break1These 16 questions should also be seen and used only as a guide and to help focus you in your research. Therefore you may have your own questions you want answering, add these to the 16 listed here. It is suggested however that unless a particular question does not actually apply to a specific topic; then try to answer all of these listed 16 questions.line-break1THE 16 QUESTIONSline-break1[1]    What is the name usually given to this topic?line-break1[2]    Explain briefly what this topic is about?line-break1[3]    Over what period of time does this topic cover?line-break1[4]    What are some of the main events in this topic?line-break1[5]    How knowledge of this topic is usually obtained?line-break1[6]    What main facts exist to support the evidence of this topic?line-break1[7]    Where in the world is evidence of this topic mostly found?line-break1[8]    What is the importance and significance of this topic in the history and heritage of the world in general?line-break1[9]    Who is considered the main authority of authorities in this topic, if any?line-break1[10]    When or at what time was serious study and research of this specific topic first engaged?line-break1[11]    Establish a minimum of 5 links between this topic and 5 other topics, preferably not from the same subject.line-break1[12]    Are their any individuals or specific groups that feature mostly in the research of this particular topic.line-break1[13]    Identify or create a timeline for this topicline-break1[14]    If this topic is not directly about a notable black person, in Africa, or associated with African people, then who are the specific, identifiable black-African people or groups that feature in this topic?line-break1[15]    What specific aspects, characteristics and attributes differentiate this particular topic individual or group from others?line-break1[16]    What are the main achievements and accomplishments attributed to this specific topic?line-break1If by the end of your studies you have answered all the appropriate questions and possibly even more, then you can consider yourself knowledgeable about this particular subject or topic researched. This should also be reflected and demonstrated by your results after completing anyone of the available assessment tools, available through Imani’s Website, specific to this subject or topic. It is hoped that these questions, in addition and in conjunction with other available Study Resources, can be of great value to all people sincerely interested in learning about true African history & cultural heritage.line-break1GOOD LUCK & ENJOYline-break1DOWNLOAD QUESTIONS: | IN TEXT | IN TABLE | (PDF) [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”9″]SUBJECT NOTES:
For each of the 10 Subjects featured in Imani’s Website Study Guides, Imani has provided his own personal notes.line-break1Imani’s Subject Notes have been developed to support and assist people in their studies by highlighting key points  as well as information relevant to the heritage of African Black people. Below is a list of the headings, with a brief description, for each of Imani’s Subject Notes. These headings represent the specific content and context of Imani’s notes for each particular subject.line-break1Imani’s Subject Notes:  The Headingsline-break1What is the name of the topic?
God_Neter_Bullet2A mainstream definition or description of the topic:
Subject description from a mainstream source.
God_Neter_Bullet2Imani’s Note & Description:
Imani’s particular insight & understanding of subject.line-break1What is the purpose of Studying this subject?
God_Neter_Bullet2Context:- Imani details some of the reasons why it is important to research and study this subject.line-break1What are the Specific Topics you can Research?
God_Neter_Bullet2Context:- A List of the available topics within the subjectline-break1Imani’s Key Points
God_Neter_Bullet2Context:- Here  Imani highlights some of the key points concerning the specific subject and its relation to African or world history.line-break1What you will learn by using this Study Guide?
God_Neter_Bullet2Context:- Imani bullet points some of the things you can/will learn by using the Study Guide tools  & resources.line-break1Putting on the Ethiopian Spectacles:
God_Neter_Bullet2Context:-  Imani summarise each subject with particular focus upon issues relevant to African Black people’s heritage.  He also highlights the importance of viewing the subject from a specific African perspective, i.e Through Ethiopian Spectacles.line-break1Begin your Research
God_Neter_Bullet2Context:- Imani ends each Subject Notes, with an introduction to the reader to start researching the subject topics.line-break1These above headings and corresponding notes are created to hopefully help lay a solid foundation of knowledge upon which future studies can be built, expanded upon or even rejected, if adequate facts are found to dispute Imani’s specific points.line-break1ENJOY YOUR STUDIESline-break1DOWNLOAD OR PRINT THIS PAGE (PDF)[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”10″]STUDY TOPIC NOTES & POINTERS:
Imani’s specific notes & points for each of the 70 Topicsline-break1Imani’s also highlights through these Study Guides specific points of interest to help people better focus  their research of each of the 70 Topics featured within the 10 Subject areas.line-break1You can access  the individual topics through the provided Subject links, to see Imani’s specific  “Points of Interest” for each specific Topic area.line-break1Imani’s Topic points are designed to better focus, support and assist researchers in their studies, by highlighting some key area’s of research that will provide useful information relevant to the heritage of African Black people, not normally known.  Pin-Pointing specific facts that also indicate, the true relevance of the specific topic to both African & World Heritage.line-break1This is done to both present Imani’s personal views, in regards to the subject or topic area, as well as to support, or more often than not, dispute and refute current perceptions and popular beliefs.line-break1Below is an example of the type of information featuring in Imani’s Points of Interest. These headings represent the specific content and context of Imani’s Points for each particular subject.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Identifying some of the Key Specific Topic Areas to Study, in this subject.line-break1DOWNLOAD OR PRINT THIS PAGE (PDF)[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler]

study-guide-banner copy

[su_spoiler title=”IMANI’S INTRODUCTION TO: FAMOUS PEOPLE” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”WHAT?”]Oxford Dictionary Definition: line-break1There was no definition found online to begin to define this subject matter in its entirety, unless approached from a number of different points of views and using different terminologies, i.e., famous; African American’s, African Caribbean’s, Black People, Africans and so on. Nevertheless awareness and knowledge of these above designated people is widespread and freely available to all investigators all over the internet.line-break1Imani’s Note: line-break1Although no definition can be found online that culminates and includes the collective achievements of African Black people. Through this study and throughout this website these achievements are presented as an inseparable collection of the heritage of African people generally, regardless of the definition used to describe any particular branch of them. By including all these terms used to describe African people and their descendants under the umbrella of simply African heritage, offers us a remarkably extensive catalogue of great achievers, selected from the ancient the old and this modern world of ours.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”AIM”]What is the purpose of Studying this subject? line-break1When studying Famous African people, it can be easily seen that this catalogue, to a great extent, could represent one of the most inspirational group of individuals to any observer, regardless of their own personal ethnic background, not to mention a definite source of inspiration to those who share their heritage with all the members featured. This is mainly due to the fact that many if not the vast majority of these featured individuals, made their fame or achieved their noted greatness under the most strenuous, hostile and otherwise hopeless conditions. Proving that humans when given the opportunity or in some cases when forced, are able to overcome any barrier or obstacle to their success.line-break1This catalogue of famous people also represents achievers from every aspect of life, socially, politically educationally scientifically and so on. Studying about these people can therefore introduce the investigators to aspects of life they may otherwise not have any interest in, such as politics for instance.line-break1Also when exploring and learning bout science or sport or any other area that these Africans have excelled in, people may even be inspired to possibly engage themselves within these same areas. Researching, studying and learning not only about the accomplishments of these individuals, but also their lives and the conditions they found themselves in, may in some cases bare similarities and have relevance to our own modern lives, not only as adults, but for young people to, as every great man and women was once a child, so knowledge of this childhood and youth, can be of great importance and a source of great inspiration for young people also.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”POINTS”]Imani’s Key Pointsline-break1activist 3Famous African Black people represents; Africans and people of direct Africa descent, who have achieved notable fame, through their personal endeavours. This includes Africans on the continent and in the Diaspora.line-break1activist 3The heritage of these individuals spans over many hundred and even thousands of years and can be found all over the world, within the histories of very diverse non-Ethiopian people.line-break1activist 3Although it will be useful if not logical to study and learn about these people within the topics that have been separated by the terminologies to describe these famous people, e.g. African, African American and so on, nevertheless our findings can and should be understood, catalogued and remembered as been collectively African heritage.line-break1activist 3There are many things in the earth, both from the ancient and modern world, that the world is indebted to African people, although this is seldom know, many things we use daily and take for granted were the products of the minds of these people.line-break1activist 3Through study of these individuals it will be seen that once given the opportunity and in some cases, regardless of whether this opportunity is given, African Black people will excel.line-break1activist 3The study and research of these individuals as mentioned above can introduce individuals to a range of life experiences, activities and awareness they would otherwise possibly have no interest in, or motivation to look into the relevant area of expertise displayed by the famous person in question.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”LEARN”]What you will learn by studying this subject?line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2What were the circumstances many of these brilliant people emerged from?line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2What were the actual factors that lead to these individuals excelling in their given trade or vocation.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2What the actual achievements and accomplishments of these African people were.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2The many contributions African people have made to the progress of civilisation.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2What was and has been the lasting legacy of these great individuals.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2When, how and why these individual African Black people became famous? line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2The influential people who spoke out or for the rights of African Black people & humanity in generalline-break1[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”SUMMARY”] “Putting on the Ethiopian Spectacles” line-break1spectacles2Putting on your Ethiopian Spectacles when studying about Famous African Black people, can also be very rewarding as well as necessary. You would think that this action would be obvious and automatic; however there is a big difference between the terms Black, African, Caribbean and even Ethiopian, a difference not at first apparent. Therefore a study of this particular subject, with its many topics, requires us to see all these inspirational people with and through these Ethiopian Spectacles. line-break1Let me explain; the difference between these terms is firstly that they describe four distinct people each having strong links to Africa, second being that whilst the first three terms today may be synonymous with black or dark skinned people, however Ethiopia or Ethiopians the last term, to the contrary would today bring to mind the lightest and fairest of all African people. This may seem to be a great anomaly, since it was universally known and accepted that in the ancient world the Ethiopian was definitely the darkest and blackest of all known people. line-break1However there is no contradiction or anomaly here, in fact there is great wisdom in seeing things, not as they were but as they are. Could it be that the modern Ethiopians are not true Ethiopians or is it that Black, African & Caribbean people are not really Ethiopians. The truth is that today Ethiopians, African, Caribbean, Black, Negro, or what ever term to describe them have always and will always represent a people of many hues, from the blackest to the lightest, as demonstrated literally by modern Ethiopians, who are, when observed through clear spectacles, are a true reflection of not only Africa, but also her Diaspora.line-break1Last Note Before You Begin Your Research: line-break1Now you have an idea what this subject area is all about, if you would like to acquire a better understanding of it, then please access the corresponding topic resources above.   By studying these above topics you will no doubt better prepare yourself for any future study of history or any other subject for that matter, as all things are linked, directly or indirectly[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title=”IMANI’S FAMOUS PEOPLE TOPIC NOTES” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”HELP”]Click on the tabs to the right to enter the specific TOPICS.  Find out the relevance of these topics to both African people and humanity in general.  After you have familiarised yourself with these topics with the identified KEY POINTS of interest. Then access the STUDY GUIDE resources below.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 1″]TOPIC 1: SCIENTIST & INVENTORSline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaThe contributions of African people to the develop of science over the millenniums, is immeasurable and undisputable and can be a great source of inspiration and has much significance to the heritage of all African people. However for the purpose of this Topic our intention is to explore, not only these ancient contributions, but also those of African Black people who have made recognisable and significant contributions, specific to our modern technology, science and medicine.  In particular those who have done so during and since the abolition of slavery.   These individuals and this information is of the utmost importance and relevance to African people, as not only does it show that even under the most hostile of circumstance, with all odds against them, with all the possible barriers, obstacles and hindrances, African’s will still excel in anything that they put there minds to, but can also serve as a great source of inspiration for young people, and those people with a genuine interest in the sciences themselves, who can look up to these individuals as Role Models.  These individuals have excelled in all area’s of science and invention, and have lived in countries all over the world and therefore represent a very important element of the achievements of the African Diaspora, and African history and heritage generally.line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeAlthough the accomplishments of African Black people to science and invention is today well documented. Awareness of these contributions made by black people in the many different academic and scientific fields, since the abolition of slavery has been largely suppressed. This leaves the public at large believing that black people have never created , achieved or contributed anything of real importance to the modern world, other than labour.
This notion or idea has today finally been challenged and corrected. It is not however because black people are only now starting to achieve success and greatness in society, but that they now because or due to this success, have the freedom to tell their own story. Therefore over the past century Black people have been themselves researching and documenting those people who have made considerable advances in the sciences and through inventions.  Unfortunately as mentioned this information and these individuals are not generally known by the masses and are seldom featured in the mainstream media.  It is therefore important that people research and study for themselves this heritage of African people, in order for them to not only change their misinformed views and concepts, but also get an appreciation and begin to recognise and value the many contributions of African people to world civilisation and heritage. line-break1KEY POINTS TO  RESEARCHline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2History:- You Must Find out: About the
Earliest evidence of human awareness of the sciencesline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2African Inventions:- You Must Find out: About
What? | Where? | When? | Who? | Why? | Benefitline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Black Scientist:- You Must Find out: About the
Ancient world | Modern | What? | Who? | Why? | Benefit
line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Biographies:- You Must Find out: About the
Famous Black Scientist | When? | Why? | Benefitline-break1[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 2″]TOPIC 2: WRITERS & SCHOLARSline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaAlthough the written word has not had the relevance or significance to African Traditional Culture, as it has in other parts of the world.  It is important that African’s remember that the very art of writing may have had its roots in Africa.  It is also a fact that even though this may be the case in most Traditional African Cultures, Africa, from the times of Ancient Egypt & Kush, until our present day, i.e. at least 6000 yeas, there has always been a rich and vibrate and often at times globally influential, literary tradition, on the African continent.  Through this Topic our aim is to identify and highlight, this six thousand year tradition, but also incorporate within it and explore the famous African people that have contributed to world literature, since the past 400 years, i.e. during and after the abolition of slavery.  Many of these African both slaves and free men and women were able and fortunate to published their writings, which has helped to shape many of today’s modern concepts and ideas of how human beings should live and interact.  particularly African’s, but not exclusively.  It is also through the writings of many of these great scholars that we are today, to know and to an extent come to understand, what was happening in the lives of African people, at the time and place the book was scribed.  Additionally it is through these writers and scholars, that we can also today, learn about African history, from an African point of view, as the groundwork and foundation studies into the study of the heritage of African people, was first laid by them.line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeThe contributions of African Black Writers and Scholars, to world literature, is of great importance, significant and relevance in understanding exactly how the world’s literary tradition has progressed, from its inception until the presence.  Three of the main literary traditions of the world, i.e. Christian, Muslim and Hindu, owe a great debt to African Black people for their particular contributions to those literary traditions.  We could add also the literary tradition of the ancient Greeks, to that list and many others to. In addition to these contributions and these contributors, it is also important that people are aware of the more recent literary contributions to world literature.  particularly over the past 400 years.  Although most of this material was written by African’s who were suffering the most hostile and inhuman treatment from others, far from being racially focused this material, was and has been successful and triumphant in outlining some of the aspirations of not only black people, but other oppressed people regardless of their ethnicity.   Both in fiction and non-fiction African have contributed to world literature, it is therefore important the people are aware of some of these writers and scholars and the literature they gave to the world.line-break1KEY POINTS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2History:- You Must Find out: About the
Earliest evidence of human awareness of writingline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2African / Black Writers:- You Must Find out: About
Ancient | Modern | Arab world | Who? | When? | Books line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Black Scholars:- You Must Find out: About the
Recognised Great Historians both past and present
line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Biographies:- You Must Find out: About the
Famous Black Writers & Scholars | Who? | Books[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 3″]TOPIC 3: VOICES OF INSPIRATIONline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaIt is very important for African people are aware and better acquainted with those individuals who have stood up and spoke out against the injustices perpetrated upon African (black) people, both on the continent and in the Diaspora. Therefore through this Topic, you are invited and given the opportunity to learn about the lives of many of those individuals,  who definitely helped to shape the consciousness and self perception of African (black) people over the years. These individuals and the groups they represent are of great importance and significance to the heritage of African people.  It is also imperative that Africans remember as well as commemorate the lives of many of these individuals both men and women, who through their personal sacrifice, commitment and determination managed to help improve the conditions or mindset of African (black) people over the years. The lives of all these people can also be a great source of inspiration to many, proving that one individual can make a difference.  Many of these people have come from very poor backgrounds, some even progressing directly out of slavery, many are self taught which again illustrates their determination and self confidence.line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeIt is important that all non-African people become better aware of the lives and experience of those African Black people who have spoke out and advocated on behalf of African Black people for equality and justice.  These individuals although known to most people, are often misinterpreted and misrepresented through and by the mainstream media.  This has lead many to believe and have a false conception, that the African Black struggle, for equal rights and justice is some how targeted at and against white people.  However to the contrary the more successful of these Voices of Inspiration, directed their criticism mostly to African Black people themselves, hence why here they are called Voice’s of Inspiration, with Inspiration being the key word. Barring a few, the majority of these Voices, held or taught no malice towards any other human being.  In fact the African Black struggle for Justice and Equality, has been one of Peace, founded upon the principles of the Brother-Sisterhood of all people, and to a great degree can be classified as humanitarian mission.  A mission not only to help African People in their distress, but also the oppressor distressing them, in a bid to try and save even them from there own eventual self-destruction, implosion, and ultimate future collapse,   that any system, state, nation or civilisation, no matter how great and powerful they may seem, who withholds, or is reluctant to give freely to all it citizens, equal rights and justice will ultimately experience.  This being the case, what great humanitarian mission has their been in the world, than those African Black people who have spoken out for justice.line-break1KEY POINTS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2African / Black Voices:- You Must Find out: About
Ancient | Modern  | Who? | When? | Where? | Why? line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2The Movements:- You Must Find out: About the
Different organisations | When? | Where? | Success
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 4″]TOPIC 4: FREEDOM FIGHTERSline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaIt is important that African people are fully aware of the many individuals, many of whom have sacrificed their own lives to fight for the freedom of African people. This Topic therefore aims to highlight and bring to the attention of people those individuals who have made a significant contribution to the struggle of African (black) people throughout the ages. Those people Who have defended as well as fought for the rights of Africans as well as to uphold their dignity wherever they were being oppressed. These people, on most if not all occasion paid for their defiance of oppressive rule with their lives, which has earned for them the status of martyrdom amongst African (black) people throughout the world. Many people both Africans & non-Africans have been lead to believe or they are under the impression that all Africans subjected themselves to slavery without any form of resistance. This however is far from the truth, many hundreds and possibly thousands of revolts, rebellions, mutinies occurred from the inception of the slave trade and continued to its end.  It is therefore important that Africans understand the relevance of the lives and experience of these Freedom Fighters, who have emerged on the continent and throughout the Diaspora, to the history and heritage of African people generally.line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeIt is very important that all non-Africans are aware of not only the many revolts, rebellions and wars, fought by African’s to free themselves from oppression, but also those brave and courageous Africans who lead these resistance.  It is true that many of the rebellions were actually fought against Europeans, Arabs and others, however it is important that these rebellions do not remain in the archives and annuals of these nations, as tyrants, criminals and even terrorist, as many of them would have seemed to be, at the time of there insurrection.  It is very important that these national archives are altered, not changed in anyway, but taken out of the sections or category of the undesirables, the enemies and the vagabonds.  This is very important and significant for the world to progress and begin to heal some of the deep wounds of the past.  Why? if today most people agree, and no one in there right mind could disagree, that the system of slavery was totally wrong on all levels.  Then obviously this would account for a new age realisation, or indicate that humans have progressed, since this once legal and profitable institution was abolished.  This is definitely a credit to our modern world.  Nevertheless, it should be remembered and never forgotten, that for the African this realisation, the second he was captured on the shores of African, and every second of his life thereafter.  This realisation would continue to be ever present in the mind of every slave.  Bearing this in mind therefore, should not these once tyrants, now be heroes of humanities cause and respected as such by the world community.  It is with this aim and intention that we invite all people to learn about the lives of many African who literally fought for us all Humanity.    line-break1KEY POINTS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2The Freedom Fighter:- You Must Find out: About
Ancient | Modern  | Who? | When? | Where? | Why? line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2The Wars & Rebellions:- You Must Find out: About the
African | Caribbean | America’s  | Asia | [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 5″]TOPIC 5: SPORTS & ATHLETICSline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaIt is true that Africa has a very rich sports and athletic history stretching back many thousands of years, it is very important for all Africans to be aware of this rich heritage. In addition to this heritage it is also important for Africans to be aware of those individuals, both from Africa and from the Diaspora, who have excelled in the field sports and athletics in more recent times also.  This Topic therefore aims to help identify and highlight some of these ancient traditions, together with many great African Black who have excelled and made a tremendous contribution to our modern world of sports and athletics. These more recent personalities of African descent have come from all parts of the world, including the Caribbean, America’s and Africa. Today we often see people of African descent dominating many of the sports they compete in, and for African Black people this can be a great source of pride as well as inspiration.  However it has only been over the past 100 years and the last 50 years specifically, that this has been possible. Therefore it is of great importance that African people themselves are aware of the struggles, trials and prejudices that other Africans have had to face from their entrance into the sporting arena. In addition to what they had to endure in order to remain in it.  To a degree many of these athletes, were and are like true revolutionary fighters and should be remembered and honoured by Africans as such, as many had to fight not only to get the chance to compete , but more importantly to win.line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeAlthough today many African Black people from all parts of the world have been , dominating many sports & athletic competitions and have been doing so for the past few decades. Few people are aware of the rich heritage of Black African peoples success in the sports and athletic tournaments over many hundreds and even thousands of years. This heritage begins with the Ancient Egyptians who were actually the forefathers and founders of many of todays modern sports.  It is therefore very important that people are aware of these most ancient African contributions to the field of sport.  In addition to this as already mention, today African Black people can be seen dominating many sports and athletic events. Nevertheless it is important and should never be forgotten that African Black people have not had it easy within mainstream sport and have continued, persisted and endured these most harshest of treatment and insults, to now becoming some of the most revered sports personalities the world has ever seen.
This long trek by these talented individuals began in the late 19th, early 20th century leading up to our present day, many of whom have left a long lasting impression on the sport or event they competed in, some have even been credited as the greatest ever, in the sport that they excelled in.line-break1KEY POINTS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Sports & Athletics:- You Must Find out: About
Ancient | Modern  | In Africa | What? | Where? |  line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2The Athletes:- You Must Find out: About the
| Who? | What? | When? | Where? [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 6″]TOPIC 6: MUSICIANS & ENTERTAINERSline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaFor African people and within traditional African culture the creative arts have always had and played a pivotal role in preserving culture, recording history, celebration and ceremony.  In fact and in essence, in all cases and on all levels, the arts, particular  music & dance has always been and remains today where ever African Black people are found, fundamental to there culture. It is important therefore that Africans become better aware of the diverse musical tradition both on the continent and in the diaspora.  This Topic therefore aims to offer the investigator the opportunity to explore this rich cultural heritage.  Taking a specific focus on the musical tradition as well as identifying those individuals who have made the greatest impression on the numerous genres. It is important that Africans are aware of the many artists and entertainers who have lead the way in establishing black art, music and creativity, throughout the modern world and to a degree, have often represented some of the greatest positive influence on the entire African Black world.  In addition to musicians, included within this Topic as a relevant area to research and study are the renowned African black entertainers, who have excelled in many other aspects of the creative arts, such as in TV, Film, Comedy and others.  These individuals there lives and experiences can also be a source a great inspiration to African people, particularly those aspiring to be artist or entertainers themselves.line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeThe history and heritage of African people’s contribution in the world of music and entertainment is of great importance to the heritage of the world.  It is through these two aspects of social life that Africans have possibly had the greatest visible influence and impact upon the world community. Today very few people realize that all modern popular black music such as , Hip Hop, Gospel, Reggae, Blues, Jazz, including the more modern Jungle, Drum and Base and many others have directly originated and come out of the music tradition of African. It is also important to note that all the genres of black music mentioned above have had a great struggle to get mainstream exposure, and were prevented in their embryonic stage, the access to and support of the mainstream media and then established record companies. Therefore as with most other things concerning African (black) people, since abolition, this has also been a long and horrendous struggle. However it is now becoming increasing evident that this struggle has been won and today we find that most charts are dominated with black music. Some of today’s most famous artists or entertainers are black and like most African (blacks) born in the Diaspora (outside Africa) have had to fight, struggle and achieve against the odds, using nothing other than their talent together with a determination to share with mankind the pleasure and benefits from Black music art and expression.  Also of great importance and relevance to world heritage, is the fact that this aspect of African Black peoples culture, i.e. the music, has possibly done more to break down the barriers of race prejudice, than any other single entity on earth.line-break1KEY POINTS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Music Tradition:- You Must Find out: About
In African  | In Caribbean  | In America’s | in Asia | Europe line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Black Entertainers:- You Must Find out: About the
Who? | What? | When? | Where? | Success[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 7″]TOPIC 7: KINGS & QUEENSline-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?line-break1africaAlthough many of the individuals that will feature in this particular Topic, would have already possibly been identified in previous Subjects & Topics, namely Ancient Egypt, Kush & the African Kingdoms Topics.  Due to the particular relevance to African people’s heritage and culture, in regards to her tradition of monarchy it is important that we also address this particular Topic independently.  Africa without doubt has the oldest and longest tradition of monarchy and hierarchal social order on earth.  This tradition stretches back nearly 6000 years, and in one particular region has been uninterrupted from that time until the modern era, i.e. 1974, the dethroning of Emperor Haile Sellassie I.  Although when people think of African hierarchy tradition they often speak or think of Chiefs, although it is true that chiefs or elders do play a pivotal role in the tradition African social order, but in addition to these Chief’s you will have Paramount Chief and kind of Chief of the Chief, and in addition to these you will still find a King, or even Kings and therefore an Imperial Monarch, i.e. Emperor or Empress or even a Pharaoh.  It is not only important that Africans are aware of this social structure, but also, the origins, purpose and true function of these institutions.  It is through this knowledge and awareness that a possible social structure based upon traditional principles can be in acted and devised suitable to lead African people into the 21st Century and beyond.   Although it is true and sad that many of the monarchs, chiefs and royal leaders featured here and through the annuals of African history, did not live up to the standards set by their predecessor, it is important that we learn about, who these monarchs where, where they ruled and what they achieve. And with this knowledge learn from both the successes and failures.  line-break1What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?line-break1globeThe history of the Kings and Queens of Africa have much significance and relevance in world heritage, for a number of reasons.  One being that as mentioned above, the tradition of hierarchal social order, i.e. kings and queens, had is roots in Africa, in Ethiopia in particular.  This fact has always been known in Europe, or from the dawn of European written history, not only in Europe, but in the ancient world generally. Also of great importance to world heritage is that throughout the annuals of the world literature can be found many references to many of these African monarchs, some of whom have played very important and significant roles in the lives and experience of people all over the world.  It is important therefore that people are aware of these African King & Queens, who have made a distinctive contribution not only to the heritage of Africa, but also to the heritage of the world.    Significantly and as a consequence of this study, people can and will be able to dispel any idea that Africans cannot govern themselves, or have never produced an empire or civilisation of any reckoning.  This you will find is very far from the truth, and in some instances and on many occasion, find that some kings and queens were very successful and ruled over expanses of territory, inhabited by diverse ethnic groups speaking myriads of languages, but were able to maintain stability and relative internal peace, for many generations, a feat surely many of our modern world leaders and people in power could learn something of value from some of the successful African monarch.line-break1KEY POINTS TO RESEARCHline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2History of Monarchs:- You Must Find out: About the
In Africa | What? | Where? | Why? | How?line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2The Monarchs:- You Must Find out: About
In Africa | Who? | Where? | When? | Lists of Monarchs[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler]

study-portal-banner copy[su_spoiler title=”IMANI’S SELECTED FAMOUS PEOPLE RESOURCES” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs active=”1″][su_tab title=”HELP”]Click The Tabs to Your Right to Access The Study Resources.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”WEBSITES”]List of African Black Music Genres: wikiIn the black culture music is extremely important because it has a unifying quality that works in the same way cultural identity does; it crosses all borders. Music unifies people because all backgrounds can both appreciate the same song even if they have nothing else in common…….. READ MOREAbout Famous Black People: World history has brought forth many people who have been noted as geniuses, but only a handful of them have ever been noted as “multi-genius”. Notable historians have applied the term “multi-genius” to describe such people as Socrates and Plato. However, at the same time, hardly any historian has ever noted a Black person as a multi-genius,……READ MOREAbout Famous African (Black) People: Welcome to Great Black Heroes. This site looks as many of the Black heroes in the course of history, pioneers and ground breakers in different fields. Many have gone unrecognized for their contributions, but their significance is now being rediscovered. Join us in recognizing these Great Black Heroes. …. READ MOREThe Black Athlete Sports Network: The Black Athlete Sports Networks is a website the focuses specifically on the contributions of African Black people to sports.  The website is U.S. based therefore pays much attention to African American Athletes, both of the past and at present…… READ MORE [/su_tab]line-break1 [su_tab title=”BOOKS”]Resources_Book list_IconHere are some Relevant Books; Selected from Imani’s 100 Booklist featured in this website.  Please click links to access the webpage for selected title. Through these webpages you can learn more about the specific book and the author, as well as purchase, read or download the title for free, when available.   In addition to these books, numerous other titles exist that can help you learn more about this subject & topic area.[su_posts posts_per_page=”30″ tax_term=”126″ tax_operator=”0″ order=”desc” orderby=”title”][/su_tab] [su_tab title=”VIDEOS”][/su_tab] [su_tab title=”SEARCH”]googleHere are a some searches on Google, identifying KEY material relating to this specific subject & topic, for further studies. line-break1-blackOn Famous Black People: Here is a link to a very comprehensive wiki list of Famous African Black people to help you in your studies…. LEARN MOREline-break1-black Biographies of Famous African People; Here is a link to a website with a list and links to online biographies of Famous African (Black) People…..LEARN MOREline-break1-blackAfrican Royalty List : Here is a very comprehensive wiki list with links to information about African Kings, Queens & Royalty…… LEARN MOREline-break1-blackFamous African Americans: Here is a extensive and comprehensive wiki list with links to information about many Famous African Americans…..
LEARN MOREline-break1-blackAfrican Scientist & Inventors: Here is a wiki list with links to famous African Scientist & Inventors, from the Continent…..LEARN MOREline-break1-blackAbout Famous Black People: Here is a link to a selection of Famous African Black People Topics, to help you in your research…….. LEARN MOREline-break1-blackAbout the African (Black) British: Here is a link to a very good website focusing on the Black Presence & Achievements in Britain…….. LEARN MORE line-break1-blackquiz_laptopTEST Yourself QUIZ: Here is a link to the funtriva website, where you can do a selection of quizzes about African American History…..LEARN MOREline-break1-blackquiz_laptopTEST Yourself QUIZ: Here is a link to a Quiz to test your knowledge and awareness of some Famous African Black People….DO THE QUIZline-break1-blackquiz_laptopTEST Yourself QUIZZES: Here is a link to the funtriva website, where you can do a selection of quizzes about Reggae Music….. LEARN MORE[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler]



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