What are the Specific
Topics You can Research Here?
1. Nile Valley Religions
2. African Spirituality
3. Mesopotamia
4. Hinduism
5. Judaism
6. Buddhism
7. Shintoism
8. Zoroastrianism
9. Sabianism or Sabaen
10. Christianity
11. Islam
12. Sikhism
[su_spoiler title=”BEFORE YOU BEGIN YOUR STUDIES” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]
Before you begin to research this topic, please make sure that you have prepared yourself by familarising yourself with Imani’s Study Guide Tools (1-10). It is also hoped that you have already completed a Study Guide Planner (4), identifying this topic as one you intended study. Also you should have already began to complete your Review & Evaluation Form (5).
To get the full benefit from your intended research and study into this topic, you will also need to have at hand, Imani’s 16 Questions (8) that will need to be answered for each Subject & Topic. Please access all these relevant resources below.
[ 1 ] STUDY HELP: Help & Support Notes
[ 2 ] ADVICE: Preparing to Study
[ 3 ] GUIDE TIPS: Tips & Tricks
[ 4 ] PLAN: Study Schedule & Planner
[ 5 ] REVIEW: Review & Evaluation Form
[ 6 ] FORM 1: Book Reading List Record
[ 7 ] FORM 2: Video Reading List Record
[ 8 ] FIND: Questions for subjects / topics
[ 9 ] SUB NOTES: Notes for each subject
[10 ] TOP NOTES: Notes for each topic
Click the TABS ABOVE 1 – 10 to enter these individual TOOLS. DOWNLOAD STUDY GUIDE TOOLS PACK HERE [/su_tab][su_tab title=”1″]HELP & SUPPORT NOTES:
These are Imani’s support notes to help you better utilise all the available Study Guide Tools & Subject Resources.
– A List of the Study tools
– Study Guide Steps
– What you will need
– What you will need to do
– How to rate your knowledge
– How to rate the material you use
[1] Imani’s Help & Support Notes
[2] Imani’s Advice, Preparing to Study
[3] Imani’s Tips & Tricks
[4] The Schedule & Planner
[5] Assessment Tool: The Review & Evaluation Form
[6] A Book Reading List Recording Form
[7] A Video Watched List Recording Form
[8] The 16 Subject & Topic Questions
[9] About Subject x 10 Notes
[10] About the Topic x 70 Key Points
[1] Select a Subject you wish to research & study.
[2] Identify the Topics you wish to research within this Subject.
[3] Complete a Schedule & Planner for this specific subject.
[4] Ensure you have access to all the relevant Topic resources and materials before you begin your research & study.
[5] Secure and begin to fill in your Assessment Tool: Review & Evaluation Form, transferring and adding the relevant data from your Planner to your this Form.
Access to a PC (device) with the internet, to be able to access the relevant i-man-is-website resources.
Access to a printer or printing facilities (not essential) to print all Study Guide Tools
An up to date calendar, calculator and folder to keep your blank and completed forms and your study notes.
You may need to acquire the relevant resources if not freely available through imaniswebsite.
Prepare yourself mentally to begin your studies. HOW? Read Imani’s Advice, Preparing to Study.
Read Imani’s Study Guide: Tips & Notes, in order to know how to use and better utilise the Tools.
Create a specific folder with its corresponding folders to store & archive study material and notes on your PC.
Remember to update the relevant forms and notes regularly & periodically (all the time and at designated times)
Stick as closely as possible to your Study Guide Schedule & Plan, as you can.
Use this Rating Scale below, to rate your current and future knowledge of each Subject and Topic.
[ 5 ] You know NOTHING = Beginner
[ 4 ] You know VERY LITTLE = Basic
[ 3 ] You know A LITTLE = Apprentice
[ 2 ] You have STUDIED = Student
[ 1 ] You know MUCH = Pupil (1st Eye)
Notice that contrary to normal practice 5 represents the lowest scale i.e Beginner knowing nothing and 1 represents the highest i.e Pupil.
In this case and in many others, it is often necessary to turn things up-side-down or the opposite-way-round, in order to get things back the right-side-up again.
This strategy often has great benefit, not only in getting closer to the truth, but to help you develop a new way of thinking and way of looking at things.
In this instance 1 symbolising; First Class, Oneness, One with the Divine Spirit, One Mind, One God, Aim & Destiny and specifically seeing with your 1st Eye, (not 3rd Eye).
Using the above analogy, rate the material you use and follow the exact same principle, i.e. 1 representing; Excellent, unique, one-a-way and so, whilst 5 represents poor or common.
You are able and required to rate all the books you read, video’s you watch or any other resource featured through Imani’s Website.
Here is some advice and guidance from Imani to help prepare you mentally to start your own personal research & studies.
Points to help Prepare You to Study
– Putting on the Appropriate Reading Glasses
– The Greatest Knowledge
– How To Focusing Your Mind
– How To Get The Right Inspiration
– How To Get & Stay Motivated
– How To Get Organised
Preparing Yourself to Study
The most important thing is to first, put on your Ethiopian Spectacles, or what other suited spectacles, for non-Ethiopian’s is required, to help to enable you see more clearly, the Ethiopian – African – Black perspective of History, presented here, through these resources and via Imani’s Website. It should never be forgotten that everyone and anyone, regardless of their Ethnic Group, can benefit from being aware of, as well as understanding better, the history of Africans and humanity in generally, from this unique and specific perspective. As it represents a valid, although often disregarded interpretation of where, as a species i.e. humans, we have been, we are now and what our potential is for the future. It should also be noted that both Ethiopian and none Ethiopian spectacles, can be tainted, smudged or completely darkened through the dirt that may have accumulated over the years.
It is therefore necessary to first wipe your lenses clean, so you can see more clearly. This is easily done, but not as easily achieved, HOW?
YOU MUST rid yourself of any thought or idea that divides or discriminates against humanity and fuels intolerance, racism, classism, tribalism, or divides or measures people based upon their; Skin colour (often called race, a misnomer), Religion, Nationality, Political or any other ties and associations.
YOU MUST also extinguish and put aside any form of hate, anger, revenge, shame, guilt, or other negative human emotion or characteristic.
YOU MUST always keep an OPEN MIND, regardless of your current beliefs.
YOU MUST be willing to adapt or change your views and beliefs, when confronted with new information that may challenge your current belief and stance on any particular topic.
YOU MUST always seek to find the TRUTH and not what you want to find, excepting also this TRUTH, even if it hurts, it will only be your ego, which eventually you will have no use of anyway.
YOU MUST approach your studies at all times with LOVE IN YOUR HEART, this is the most import rule. If you do this all other points above will be dealt with simultaneously.
The greatest knowledge to have or to know; what actually brings wisdom and makes you wise and enlightened is LOVE, pure & simple. This LOVE comes directly from the HEART in the metaphysical sense, and then manifests in the MIND, then the THOUGHTS and finally it reaches the Brain. It is whilst in the brain that it is confronted by other knowledge or information, mainly dealing with your immediate environment, or recent or past experiences, your likes and dislikes and a myriad of other physical things, stored there.
Wisdom comes from FINDING the BALANCE, between the TWO and FAITH comes from ALWAYS giving the HEART the benefit of the doubt, e.g. SHOWING LOVE. Without LOVE all studies are futile, you may become knowledgeable, aware and even great or famous, but without love you will never know Wisdom, you will never be Enlightened and you will never truly experience this Wonderful thing that we call LIFE.
Focus your mind upon things or people that will help motivate or inspire you to keep on track in your studies. This can literally be anything or anybody, such as a religious icon, your child or another, the world and everyone and thing in it, your ancestors, your future offspring, literally anything. As long as by focusing on this thing, you are motivated and inspired to study and learn more, then use it. Focusing your mind on your studies can be difficult, especially if you have a demanding life, with responsibilities and commitments that take up the greater part of your day, not to mention your thoughts. However having a focus on your studies is also essential to ensure any real and lasting results. Even as little as 1 hour per day, of focus on your studies can produce great fruits if stuck to over a period. So try in amidst all else that is going on, have some focus on your studies. Maybe the points below can help you to achieve this.
Find also a quote or proverb that encourages you to learn and put it in a visible format (printed on paper or as a poster etc.) and in plain view, where you can see it everyday at least twice a day. Recite it every time you see it until memorised, then find another quote, once the first has been firmly established on your heart. There are many thousands of such quotes to choose from, however if you are unaware of any at this time, then refer to any of the quotes featured throughout Imani’s Website.
Whatever motivated, encouraged or inspired you to ever look into history in the first place, as a means of being better informed and possibly even a better person. Always keep this firmly in your thoughts. It is likely if you actually remember this, that it did at the time spark or switch on a LIGHT inside, that your intention should be to begin or even to continue to walk into that LIGHT and out of the darkness of ignorance. Focusing the mind and reciting encouraging statements of people you revere will help to do this, i.e. get and keep you motivated. Nevertheless sometimes even negative things and thoughts can be used positively to keep you motivated, often more so than the positive people & things do themselves.
An example of this is remembering if you are a descendant of African slaves the popular saying and strategy of the slave owners i.e. “If you want to hide something from a slave put it in a book” as a means of motivating yourself, firstly to find what ever has been hidden and secondly, if found proving to yourself that you are no longer a slave, i.e. The TRUTH has SET YOU FREE.
To make good progress as well as achieve the most with what you have, you must be organised. This organisation, again starts with the mind, organise this and everything else will follow. What is meant by this is that organisation is determined by stable thoughts leading to regular and precise action.
Similar to focusing your mind, but not specifically on things or people, but on priorities. Poor organisation leads to destruction and chaos, this is normally as a result of poor memory or forgetfulness. Good organisation is a result of remembering and never forgetting. Apply this analogy to NEVER forgetting who you are, what your ancestors have endured for you to be here? Your responsibility to your family, your community, your nation and the human race, and this should help to motivate, inspire and keep you organised.
Imani hopes that his advice, to help prepare people for their studies will be of use to all those hoping; To find the TRUTH AND SET THEMSELVES FREE
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”3″]STUDY TIPS & TRICKS:
Here are some tips and tricks of how to get the most from using Imani’s Website and Study Guide Resources & Tools
[1] Read Imani’s Advice, Preparing to Study
[2] Study each topic separately.
[3] Set up a study schedule for a defined period, e.g. 6 weeks.
[4] You can decide on any length of time to study, in accordance with your other commitments, however a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 3 months or 12 weeks should be adhered to for each topic to be studied.
[5] Remember you are only building or setting up a foundation, to gain a broader knowledge base, each topic can and should become a lifetime study and even after this, you would still need more time to know everything concerning it.
[6] Complete your schedule and study plan, e,g. how many books you wish to read or time you will spend reading, watching video’s etc. (this will determine what you can realistically learn and achieve over this period).
[7] It is suggested that to get any realistic benefit from this research or your study plan you must allocate a minimum of 1 hour per day to your study, e.g. 1hr x 7 days = 7hrs x 6 weeks = approximately 42 hours of study per topic. Sufficient time to form a good knowledge base, as most Level 1 courses are normally only 30 hrs maximum in the UK.
[8] Set yourself realistic goals of what you think you want to know by the end of your study.
[9] Review your study progress at least twice during your schedule e.g if a 6 week schedule then on your 2nd and 4th week. Review you study a maximum of 4 times over the duration of your research.
[10] Set up a new folder or folders on your computer (device) in order to save your personal notes and to archive corresponding researched material. e.g. Main Folder = My History Research, Sub Folders = Prehistory / Ancient History etc.
[11] Remember to always identify and select all necessary known available resources needed, before you begin to study.
[12] Choose what ever method of assessment suits you, to monitor and measure your progress e.g. TEST, GAME. PUZZLE or QUIZ provided through this website. “Please try to use all these tools when available as a means of evaluating your progress, measuring your achievements and most importantly have fun”.
Please feel free and don’t hesitate to contact us via our website www.imaniswebsite.co.uk if you need any support in your studies, Imani and the rest of our team will be happy to assist where possible.
To help you plan and schedule a study programme.
This form is very simple to complete, access a completed form from the how to fill in link below. 
To enable you to review and evaluate your studies.
This form is very simple to complete, access a completed form from the how to fill in link below.
Some of the featured study guides are complemented and accompanied by tools and practical ways that you can measure and assess your acquired knowledge.
This is achieved through TESTS, GAMES. PUZZLES & QUIZZES provided through this website.
Please try to use all these tools when available as a means of evaluating your progress, measuring your achievements and most importantly have fun.
To enable you to catalogue and list the books you read.
PRINT BLANK FORM[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”7″]VIDEO WATCH LIST RECORD:
To enable you to catalogue and list the videos you watch.
PRINT BLANK FORM[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”8″]SUBJECT’S & TOPIC’S QUESTIONS:
Questions to be answered for all 10 subjects & 70 topics.
Here are 16 questions to be answered when researching all Subjects & Topics that feature throughout Imani’s Website Study Guide Resources.
A Note & Introduction to all Topic Questions
Some of these specific questions may however not apply to all topics, therefore disregard these questions appropriately.
These 16 questions should also be seen and used only as a guide and to help focus you in your research. Therefore you may have your own questions you want answering, add these to the 16 listed here. It is suggested however that unless a particular question does not actually apply to a specific topic; then try to answer all of these listed 16 questions.
[1] What is the name usually given to this topic?
[2] Explain briefly what this topic is about?
[3] Over what period of time does this topic cover?
[4] What are some of the main events in this topic?
[5] How knowledge of this topic is usually obtained?
[6] What main facts exist to support the evidence of this topic?
[7] Where in the world is evidence of this topic mostly found?
[8] What is the importance and significance of this topic in the history and heritage of the world in general?
[9] Who is considered the main authority of authorities in this topic, if any?
[10] When or at what time was serious study and research of this specific topic first engaged?
[11] Establish a minimum of 5 links between this topic and 5 other topics, preferably not from the same subject.
[12] Are their any individuals or specific groups that feature mostly in the research of this particular topic.
[13] Identify or create a timeline for this topic
[14] If this topic is not directly about a notable black person, in Africa, or associated with African people, then who are the specific, identifiable black-African people or groups that feature in this topic?
[15] What specific aspects, characteristics and attributes differentiate this particular topic individual or group from others?
[16] What are the main achievements and accomplishments attributed to this specific topic?
If by the end of your studies you have answered all the appropriate questions and possibly even more, then you can consider yourself knowledgeable about this particular subject or topic researched. This should also be reflected and demonstrated by your results after completing anyone of the available assessment tools, available through Imani’s Website, specific to this subject or topic. It is hoped that these questions, in addition and in conjunction with other available Study Resources, can be of great value to all people sincerely interested in learning about true African history & cultural heritage.
DOWNLOAD QUESTIONS: | IN TEXT | IN TABLE | (PDF) [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”9″]SUBJECT NOTES:
For each of the 10 Subjects featured in Imani’s Website Study Guides, Imani has provided his own personal notes.
Imani’s Subject Notes have been developed to support and assist people in their studies by highlighting key points as well as information relevant to the heritage of African Black people. Below is a list of the headings, with a brief description, for each of Imani’s Subject Notes. These headings represent the specific content and context of Imani’s notes for each particular subject.
Imani’s Subject Notes: The Headings
What is the name of the topic?
A mainstream definition or description of the topic:
Context:- Subject description from a mainstream source.
Imani’s Note & Description:
Context:- Imani’s particular insight & understanding of subject.
What is the purpose of Studying this subject?
Context:- Imani details some of the reasons why it is important to research and study this subject.
What are the Specific Topics you can Research?
Context:- A List of the available topics within the subject
Imani’s Key Points
Context:- Here Imani highlights some of the key points concerning the specific subject and its relation to African or world history.
What you will learn by using this Study Guide?
Context:- Imani bullet points some of the things you can/will learn by using the Study Guide tools & resources.
Putting on the Ethiopian Spectacles:
Context:- Imani summarise each subject with particular focus upon issues relevant to African Black people’s heritage. He also highlights the importance of viewing the subject from a specific African perspective, i.e Through Ethiopian Spectacles.
Begin your Research
Context:- Imani ends each Subject Notes, with an introduction to the reader to start researching the subject topics.
These above headings and corresponding notes are created to hopefully help lay a solid foundation of knowledge upon which future studies can be built, expanded upon or even rejected, if adequate facts are found to dispute Imani’s specific points.
Imani’s specific notes & points for each of the 70 Topics
Imani’s also highlights through these Study Guides specific points of interest to help people better focus their research of each of the 70 Topics featured within the 10 Subject areas.
You can access the individual topics through the provided Subject links, to see Imani’s specific “Points of Interest” for each specific Topic area.
Imani’s Topic points are designed to better focus, support and assist researchers in their studies, by highlighting some key area’s of research that will provide useful information relevant to the heritage of African Black people, not normally known. Pin-Pointing specific facts that also indicate, the true relevance of the specific topic to both African & World Heritage.
This is done to both present Imani’s personal views, in regards to the subject or topic area, as well as to support, or more often than not, dispute and refute current perceptions and popular beliefs.
Below is an example of the type of information featuring in Imani’s Points of Interest. These headings represent the specific content and context of Imani’s Points for each particular subject.
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?
Identifying some of the Key Specific Topic Areas to Study, in this subject.
DOWNLOAD OR PRINT THIS PAGE (PDF)[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”IMANI’S INTRODUCTION TO: WORLD RELIGIONS” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”WHAT?”]Oxford Dictionary Definition:
Religion can be explained as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
Imani’s Note:
Religion plays a very important role in the lives of people all over the world today, as it has done for many thousands of years. In all parts of the world, religious ideas and faith systems have been formulated to teach to its followers some ethical, moral and even scientific truth, as indicated in the above definition. These ideas and systems have served to unite people in a common objective and to a great degree, determines what is described as their culture.
The term classical used here is to identify those religions both ancient and modern, who have had a significant influence on a specific region or across the globe generally, it also signifies those that have been well documented and whose influence can still be seen in the cultures of people living today. Notwithstanding the fact that many of the more ancient religions or faith systems, although not now practiced today in its entirety, or under the original name they once assumed, are actually the foundations upon which more modern religions inherited their idea’s and sometime practices & rituals, often without an accurate understanding of the true purpose of the acts performed or words recited[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”AIM”]What is the purpose of Studying this subject?
Studying these classical religions can help us to understand the history, heritage and tradition of a wide variety of people across the globe. As mentioned above, these religions play a very important role in the lives of people. Therefore knowledge, not to mention an understanding and awareness of the main tenants and customs of these religions, can help to dispel many negative perceptions people may have about others and their beliefs. In addition it can serve us to better appreciate the diversity of human thought, and therefore assist us in forming stronger bonds and affinities to people or adherents of these faiths.
It is also possibly true that most people interested in the history of the world, limit this interest to their own particular religious belief and sometimes narrow views of history. Nevertheless in all religions we can get an insight into many important events in both the ancient and prehistoric world that has ultimately steered the progression as well as regression of the human family as a whole.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”POINTS”]Imani’s Key Points
Whilst information and material is freely available and in abundance to the investigator, concerning the history and heritage of most classical religions, and many people after having doubts about the religion they were born into, often research and study many different religious system, in a bid to discover what the truth really is, this truth is seldom sort for in Africa or from Africans.
Like in most other cases, when dealing with major world religions and Africa or the African’s contributions or value to it, if left to what we are taught in schools, through mainstream books on the subject, or through the media, we would believe Africa or Africans have played an insignificant role in the development of classical religions, other than been, converted, this is far from the truth.
If asked to name any recognized African religions, most people even African and black people themselves would answer, voodoo, obeah or witchcraft, even though in their own minds they would not actually constitute these faith systems as religions, but this would be likely the only knowledge they could bring to mind regarding this subject, if asked.
Whilst voodoo and obeah may actually constitute as religions, this is mainly due to their foreign influences and not their practices that are mostly of a spiritual nature and grounded in traditional African culture and ideas. Whereas witchcraft would not constitute a religion but actually anti-religion or irreligious as it is normally presented through mainstream sources.
Within the history and heritage of world religions can be found, much information and material that provides evidence for a direct African influence, either in the form of individuals or ideas.
Most if not all religions claim an origin at the beginning of time, proof of this been provided through their books and doctrines. Obviously all can’t be right, unless in the beginning there was only one religion or faith system that they all have emerged from.
When studying world religions you will find, when translated and stripped of customs, culture and traditions, that they all teach the exact same thing. This is also evidence that they all possibly inherited there ideas from a central source.
It is possibly true, that Africa has produced no significant religions of any importance; we could go further and say no religions at all. In fact religion is actually alien to traditional African culture, as it would be to most if not all and every ancient people. Africa does not and has not produced religions, but myriads of spiritual systems, based upon principles that eventually became the backbone and foundation upon which religions are built.
Therefore the inclusion of African Spiritual systems in this particular subject of religion is very important to also enable the investigator to identify ideas found within classical religions, that is purely and fundamentally a product of authentic African spirituality.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”LEARN”]What you will learn by studying this Subject?
About the history and heritage of many of the world’s most influential religions.
When and what part of the earth, the world’s classical religions emerged.
What were the factors to why these faiths originally emerged, took route, developed and survived.
Who are the main icons and personalities celebrated within the heritage of these world religions?
How these newly emerged faiths systems eventually became influential world religions.
What are the main tenants, beliefs, concepts and customs of these religions?
The many similarities found between different religions as well as their main differences.
What are the specific influences of world religions upon each other?
The actual African Black presence and/or influence upon world religions.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”SUMMARY”] “Putting on the Ethiopian Spectacles”
Putting on Ethiopian Spectacles, whilst studying this particular subject and its corresponding topics, is possibly more important and significant than when studying any other subject.
Why? It is in reference to this particular subject religion and God, that this particular saying was first coined and used by The Rt. Honorable Marcus Garvey. Below is a excerpt from a Garvey speech that makes reference to this idea.
What Garvey said concerning the Image of God;
“If the white man has the idea of a white God, let him worship his God as he desires. If the yellow man’s God is of his race let him worship his God as he sees fit. We, as Negroes, (black people) have found a new ideal. Whilst our God has no color, yet it is human to see everything through one’s own spectacles, and since the white people have seen their God through white spectacles, we only now started out, late though it be, to see our God through our own spectacles. The God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. We Negroes believe in the God of Ethiopia, the everlasting God – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, the One God of all ages. That is the God in whom we believe, but we shall worship Him through the Spectacles of Ethiopia”, (emphasis added).
The importance and significance of this above statement or quote can not be overstated, within it lays the keys and tools for African Black people to truly free their minds, in addition to non-Black Africans understanding why exactly, Black African people, need to take this very approach in order to achieve this, and possibly be of assistance to them. One of those keys, is actually within the quote itself, for example, Garvey’s reference to “the God of Isaac, Jacob” or “the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Names and ideas not normally associated with African Black people and sometimes even totally disregarded by black people themselves in their search to learn about their history and culture.
However like everything else once the Ethiopian Spectacle are worn, these people their history and heritage can be interpreted and accepted from purely an African concept, notwithstanding the fact that in reality, they do and are a reflection of the true history of African Black people as well as fundamental to traditional African idea’s of God.
This same interpretation can and must be applied to all the topics researched in this subject, in order to see clearly and appreciate the value, not only to the world but African people specifically
Last Note Before You Begin Your Research:
Now you have an idea what this subject area is all about, if you would like to acquire a better understanding of it, then please access the corresponding topic resources above. By studying these above topics you will no doubt better prepare yourself for any future study of history or any other subject for that matter, as all things are linked, directly or indirectly[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”IMANI’S WORLD RELIGIONS TOPIC NOTES” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”HELP”]Click on the tabs to the right to enter the specific TOPICS. Find out the relevance of these topics to both African people and the humanity in general. After you have familiarised yourself with these topics with the identified KEY POINTS of interest. Then access the STUDY GUIDE resources below[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 1″]TOPIC 1: NILE VALLEY RELIGION
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?
For African people, this region on earth known as the Nile Valley, is of the utmost importance, for a number of reason. Ones of these possible the most significance and possibly relevant is the ancient religion or spiritual system that emerged out of this region. Often credited incorrectly to the Ancient Egyptian, who themselves where inheritors of this most ancient of faith. No other religion, either ancient or modern, warrants our attention or even investigation to discover, what its is really all about. This is mainly due to the fact that it is not only oldest recorded spiritual system on the continent, but also, the earliest found any where on earth. Also what is of great significance are the many parallels and similarities with traditional Africa Spirituality, still practiced today.
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?
As mentioned the religion and faith systems that emerged out of the Nile Valley represent the earliest examples of organised, clearly defined rituals and beliefs systems, engaged by humans to try and understand the world around them, both the seen and unseen, often called religion. Therefore as the oldest it is of great importance in world heritage. Although being demonised through mainstream media, or degraded by modern religions who often find disgust with the idea of many gods, not to mention animal figure gods. Nevertheless, unknowingly many of these adherents of these modern faiths, are actually maintaining many of the religious, principles, ideas and even practices, first laid down by these Ancient Nile Valley Cultures.
Gods & Goddesses:- You Must Find out: About the
List of Deities, what they symbolised & their functions
Beliefs:- You Must Find out: About
Some of the fundament religious ideas held by these people
History:- You Must Find out: About the
Known evidence that support the antiquity of belief systems
Tradition:- You Must Find out: About the
What were some of the rituals, ceremonies and practices
African Link:- You Must Find out: About the
Similarity in beliefs with other known African faiths
Links:- You Must Find out: About the
The similarity in beliefs with non-African known religions
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 2″]TOPIC 2: AFRICAN SPIRITUALITY
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?
The importance and relevance of Traditional African Spirituality and Religious practices cannot be overstated or underestimated. Although most Africans who claim to trying regain or know about their culture, particular those in the diaspora often concentrate there investigation into the historic heritage and seldom if ever, make an enquiry into the religion or spiritual idea’s of African people and the heritage of this element of their culture. Therefore this being the case, most are only aware and only ever true find out the history, and unless they have learnt a specific African language, they are mostly totally oblivious to the culture. This state of naivety remains even with ardent committed investigators even after study of many of years. In is however possibly more importance to be aware of the culture and the spirituality in particular if we are to truly understand who we are.
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?
The significance of African Spirituality to non-Africans is possibly more important than it is to African people themselves. This may seem a ludicrous statement. However when we consider that even without direct knowledge of this heritage, as we are dealing with spirituality and African spirituality in particular, it should be remember, accordingly Africans and there descendants are connected spirituality, this however is not manifested, verbally of consciously but through feelings. Therefore even unknowingly and unconcously African people people often apply a tradional African view, to religious idea’s interpreted differently from the very teacher or so called custodian. Due to this phenomena, it is not as easy for traditional African views to manifest in non-African, therefore direct stimulation of tis unconscious knowledge that is in all people can surface and introduce that individual to a completely different life experience and world-view. This difference is today sort for by millions of humans who have rejected the faiths of their own predecessors, in a search to discover an alternative truth. These millions, like those Africans in the diaspora and many on the continent itself, seldom make an enquiry into African spirituality, for this truth.
Tradition:- You Must Find out: About
Creation stories | Fundamentals | Similarities | History
Dogon:- You Must Find out: About the
Gods & Goddesses | Beliefs | History | Africa Links

Akan:- You Must Find out: About the
Gods & Goddesses | Beliefs | History | Africa Links

Yoruba:- You Must Find out: About the
Gods & Goddesses | Beliefs | History | Africa Links
Ife:- You Must Find out: About the
Gods & Goddesses | Beliefs | History | Africa Links
Nuba:- You Must Find out: About the
Gods & Goddesses | Beliefs | History | Africa Links
Zulu:- You Must Find out: About the
Gods & Goddesses | Beliefs | History | Africa Links
Kongo:- You Must Find out: About the
Gods & Goddesses | Beliefs | History | Africa Links
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 3″]TOPIC 3: MESOPOTAMIA
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?
The religion of the empires of Ancient Mesopotamia, is of great importance and significance in understanding the history and heritage of African people. These ancient faiths although seldom associated with African people are in fact some of the oldest examples of African people outside of Africa. Any serious study of these ancient faiths, reveals immediately this fact. This is due to the fact that the futher you go back in history the greater similarities these faiths share with traditional African though. Even modern sciences proves that the earliest in habitants of this region were not Semitic or Asian and were most definitely African black people, this is also confirmed by all references in about these most ancient of people, by not only other ancient people but by the Mesopotamian themselves.
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?
Although the history and religion of this region on earth, already has much recognisable relevance to humanity in general, as it is believed that many of the idea’s of the world’s most influential faith systems, have their root in this region. This may be true, although the regions relevance and influence from and by African black people seldom highlight and sometimes even totally denied. This is easily accepted by a person not aware of the history of this region or its earliest inhabitants, their beliefs and customs. That eventually, influenced and shaped all later empires in that region and elsewhere. What is important also to note is that most of the direct influence of this region and its corresponding empires upon the surrounding region and eventually the world, is actually a misinterpretation or misrepresentation of the original faith, by inheritors who lived many thousands of years after these ideas were first conceived and even written down. Namely through the Assyrians and Babylonians, both of whom inherited their beliefs from the much older Sumerian’s.
Summerian:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African or Black Links | Religion | History
Akkad:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African or Black Links | Religion | History
Assyrian:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African or Black Links | Religion | History
Babylonnian:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African or Black Links | Religion | History
Persian:- You Must Find out: About the
Discoveries | African or Black Links | Religion | History
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 4″]TOPIC 4: HINDUISM
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?
The religion of the Hindus commonly called Hinduism that is a very recent terminology to describe this most ancient of religious traditions. For Africans this particular culture is of great significance, mainly due to the fact that again like in Mesopotamia, it can be and has been proven both in the historical record a by modern investigation that the earliest inhabitants of this region was also none other that the same African Black Cushite, Ethiopian people, who had, at this time in history spread themselves throughout the four corners of the earth, or the then known world. Bringing the seeds of civilisation that would eventually flourish into well organised and established empires. More importantly though is the fact that as the religion of the Hindu’s is the oldest surviving practiced religion on earth, and due to its ancient origin, displays and incorporates more traditional African idea’s, customs and rituals than any other known modern faith systems. The similarity in concepts and idea’s of spirit is quite striking once an investigation and comparison of the two faith are made, not immediately visible but as the underlining principle of the faith system itself. Of much importance and significant are those individuals that feature throughout the Hindu saga both Gods and heroes who are most definitely Black and indigenous to that region.
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?
Although Hinduism already has much significance for the world, as it is recognised of one of the world great religions. very little attention is paid to the origins of this faith system. Even though many new converts most of them not themselves Indians have accepted this faith, few have sort to go beyond the public standard idea’s of Hinduism to discover the real roots of this most wonderful expression of human faith. Interestingly though is the fact that although principally identical to African faith traditions, modern Hinduism does not receive the negative publicity and statements usually afforded Africans. This may ultimately be due to our modern fixation on sight and presentation, where if it does not look good it most likely doesn’t taste good. it seems as if this idea in this instance can be applied to even faith. where based solely upon presentation, with one faith valued and the other devalued. Therefore the study of Hinduism can act as steeping stone to traditional African religion, that will immediately enable it to be a lot more acceptable or understandable, once the basics of Hinduism is known.
Personalities/Icons:- You Must Find out: About the
Who? | Life | African or Black Links | What they did?
Religion:- You Must Find out: About the
What? | Discoveries | African or Black Links | History
Deities:- You Must Find out: About the
What? | Discoveries | African or Black Links | History
Dwipas:- You Must Find out: About the
What? | Discoveries | African or Black Links | History
Yuga’s:-You Must Find out: About the
What? | Discoveries | African or Black Links | History
ribes:- You Must Find out: About the
Who? | Discoveries | African or Black Links | History
Books:- You Must Find out: About the
What? | Discoveries | African or Black Links | History
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 5″]TOPIC 5: JUDAISM
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?
The religion of Judaism like most ancient religions hold much significance to African Black people. Although most people are aware of this religion and its core doctrine, few people are aware of its ancient origins. Even though these ancient origins are normally attributed and accredited to non-African and mostly Asians or the so-called Semitic tribes, nevertheless the earliest history and even the writings, doctrines, idea’s and customs are more rooted in African tradition, then in ant other. Also of great importance is the numerous references to important African Black Ethiopian people within the Jewish Tradition. In addition to these connections are the established genetic and cultural connections between the Ancient Hebrew people and numerous traditional African ethnic groups, found throughout the continent the most famous of whom is the Falasha of Ethiopia. These direct connections together with the countless indirect ones, makes this particular religion, of great importance to African people
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?
It is more than evident that the religion of Judaism is already of much importance to non-Africans, as this faith is possibly today the most influential on earth, being the foundation upon which the two largest faiths systems are based, namely Christianity & Islam. Nevertheless like other influential faith systems, the origins are seldom sort in Africa. Although all history, science and even actual testimony within the holy scriptures of this faith clearly indicate that from its inception and throughout the lives of all the patriarchs Black African Ethiopian people and the lands they inhabited was the home and birthplace of these then wondering Hebrews. As mentioned this faith has been very influential upon the world including upon African’s, nevertheless it is important that people are aware specifically about the countless African people who a also contributed to the development of the rich heritage.
Personalities:- You Must Find out: About the
Main people featured | African Links | 
Religion:- You Must Find out: About the
History | Discoveries | Founders | Main beliefs & practices
References:- You Must Find out: About
All the names that refer to Africa or Black people 
Ethiopians:- You Must Find out: About
All references | Actual People | Significance in Scriptures
Egyptians:- You Must Find out: About
All references | Actual People | Significance in Scriptures

Hamites (Africans):- You Must Find out: About
All references | Actual People | Significance in Scriptures
Black Jews:- You Must Find out: About
Where are they? | African Links | History | Jewish Links
Books:- You Must Find out: About the
What? | Discoveries | African or Black Links | History
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 6″]TOPIC 6: BUDDHISM
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?
The religion of the Buddha known as Buddhism is also like Hinduism from which it sprang, very important and significant to African people. Although seldom highlighted the history, life and heritage of the Buddha, including even the religion itself can be traced to the remotest history in India, at a time that predated even Hinduism, as the Buddha who we often refer to i.e. Gautama, lived only 2500 years ago, but is reputed to have been the reincarnate of previous Buddha’s who have been manifest in ages past, going back many thousands and possibly millions of years, according to what school of thought is investigated. Whether thousands or millions of years it is clear that The Buddha and this idea of reincarnation, offers us a unique opportunity if our eye’s are open, as once you pass a certain time in history every body on earth were Black people, therefore at some time and stage in the history of the Buddha, on possibly more than one occasion the Buddha of the age must have himself been black. Nevertheless without going so far back in history and just by observation of the last incarnation, it is evident that throughout the Buddhist world even Gautama is often feature with distinct African characteristic and features. Also it is fact that older the depiction of Buddha the more African he seems to get.
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?
Buddhism like Hinduism ad Judaism are already world renowned and respected religions. Nevertheless again as is usually the case, the origin’s of this faith system is never sort in African Tradition. Nevertheless although not at first apparent, any study of this faith and of the history and heritage will clearly highlight these definite African links. It is also therefore very important that non-Africans are also aware of these connections and this origin. There has also been a definite presence of African Black people in India from the remotest of time, although considered Indigenous Indians, which they most definitely are, however many of whom have retained both their African customs and traditions, in addition to their African features. It is with these most ancient of Indian tribes that the roots of both Hinduism & Buddhism can be found. Not to mention the many stories that also place these indigenous tribes as custodians and keepers of Indians most ancient of tradition, that was shared with Gautama, whilst he lived amongst these tribes, when he took on the life of an ascetic.
The Buddha:- You Must Find out: About
Who? | Life | African Links | Religion | History
Deity or God:- You Must Find out: About
What? | How seen | Role in human life

Beliefs:- You Must Find out: About
Some of the fundament religious ideas 
History:- You Must Find out: About the
Evidence that support the antiquity of belief systems
Tradition:- You Must Find out: About
What some of the rituals, ceremonies and practices
African Link:- You Must Find out: About the
Similarity in beliefs with other known African faiths
Links:- You Must Find out: About the
Similarity in beliefs with world religions
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 7″]TOPIC 7: SHINTOISM
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?
Shintoism, like Zoroastrianism is one of the world’s great unknown Religions, well at least unknown to people outside of the region of its influence, namely, Asia. Seldom visited in the research of African people in search of their heritage. This religion no different from any other belief system is of the utmost importance, relevance and significance to African Black people and the search to discover their true heritage. Although without doubt Shintoism has its origins in Japan and can rightly be designated a term to describe the body of traditional Japanese religious, ritual and spiritual practices, nevertheless, like other regions on earth today, its modern residents may not necessarily originate in that region. This is not to say that the modern Japanese are not from the original stock of aborigines, however that this original stock or people may have appeared completely different from how their descendants look today. This is most definitely the case in Japan, in China, India in fact the whole planet, who’s indigenous population were all black skinned people. This is proved also through modern science. However it is not only in the distant ancient prehistoric past that these African influences are evident and present in this region, but throughout its entire, habitation up until our present modern current era. This is proven not only within the tradition, mythology and recorded history of the region, by the Japanese themselves, but is even evident today, most visible through the religion, called Shintoism, as well as through the hierarchical social order. Also of notable important are the aborigines and indigenous populations of this region, particular the Ainu people, who are a key to unlocking the heritage of African people in the entire region.
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?
Shintoism, like Zoroastrian as well as other great religious belief systems of both the ancient and modern world, has had a profound influence on the people, there thoughts and idea’s. Although most people in the modern world would be unaware of this ancient faith, Shintoism has it’s roots in the deepest parts of prehistory and is of the greatest importance and relevance to world heritage. Although confined mainly in the Far East, Japan in particular, but not exclusively, Shintoism can rightly be consider one of the Great World Religions, its impact on a branch of humanity warrants it to be as important and as sacred as any other belief system on earth in the past or at present, to the human family. Notwithstanding that the influence it has had upon even in just Japan alone has been of major importance to how the world has been in the past and is today, literally. Shintoism and the Japanese people are examples to the world that ritual, consistency, devotion and spirituality, based upon the most ancient and even primitive of human thought, can when adapted to suit current times, be a shining example of not only adaptation but progress, ingenuity and uniqueness. Like Hinduism and Zoroastrianism, Shintoism is also a beautiful example and a modern day opportunity to get a glimpse into the wisdom of the ancients. Based upon the most ancient traditions and practices, this religions like all other sited and featured Topics within this Subject, i.e. World Religions, is therefore of immense importance for all people to become aware of and has a very important and specific relevance to everyone, as through it and them, we can possibly get closer to the true and only fact that we are All Brothers & Sisters, Under One Sun & One God.
Shinto:- You Must Find out: About
Who? | Life | African Links | Religion | History
Deity or God:- You Must Find out: About
What? | How seen | Role in human life

Beliefs:- You Must Find out: About
Some of the fundamental religious ideas 
History:- You Must Find out: About the
Evidence that support the antiquity of belief systems
Tradition:- You Must Find out: About
What some of the rituals, ceremonies and practices
African Link:- You Must Find out: About the
Similarity in beliefs with other known African faiths
Links:- You Must Find out: About the
Similarity in beliefs with world religions
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 8″]TOPIC 8: ZOROASTRIAN
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?
Zoroastrianism, unlike Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism or any of the other popular world religions is unknown to most people outside of the regions on earth where it has had its strongest influence. As this religion is unknown to most including most African Black people, both on the continent and in the diaspora. Knowledge and awareness of of it is of the utmost importance, not withstanding the fact that it is one of the oldest religions and spiritual ideologies on earth today. However unknowing to most is that this religion, reputed and indisputably to have had a great influence and impact upon the origins and doctrines of the world’s three major faith’s, i.e. Judaism, Christianity & Islam, has a specific relevance and significance to African Black People specifically. Although still this Religion thought to have been founded in the 7th Century BC, in Persia, Ancient Mede, modern day Iran. With millions of followers still today in the 21st Century, had its origins and the influence is certain of African Black people. Nevertheless again as is usually the case, the origin’s of this faith system in the current world heritage are never sort for in African Tradition, although without doubt that is where these origins lay. Nevertheless although not at first apparent, any study of this faith and of the history and heritage will clearly highlight these definite African links. It is also therefore very important that non-Africans are also aware of these connections and this origin. Beginning with its founder Zoroaster himself, who throughout history and within the legends, reports and traditions of the world’s three major religions cited above, was none other than the Ethiopian Eunuch Ebedmelech, identified in the book of Jeremiah. This connection plus the links in doctrine, philosophies, practices and rituals with Traditional African Spiritual systems, makes this particular religion of the great importance and significance to African people.
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?
As Zoroastrian Religion is not popular to most people or included by most within world heritage. It is of the utmost importance, relevance and significance that all people learn about this most ancient and influential of world religions. Although people may not be aware of this religion, this does not mean that the world or people have not been influenced by it. But to the contrary, this religion known today as Zoroastrianism after its founder Zoroaster, was one of the most influential faith systems of the times, especially when Persia was at here height and she dominated most of the known world, including, Greece, India, Israel, Egypt and many other then powerful empires. Who for centuries were at the whim of the Great Persian Empire. Obviously at this period in time the Persian religion was the most influential on Earth, as is indicated also in the Jewish holy book The Bible. Nevertheless this influence did not begin then, but deep in the most ancient of history even prehistory of the world, as this region as always been significant in world heritage as it acted as one of the bridges between the barbaric and civilised worlds or people and nations of the day. Even today in the twenty first century, this significance remains, in regards to this land and region, as can be seen through the relations between the modern Persians, i.e. the Iranians and the world community. Therefore this most ancient of influence of the Iranians upon the world is indisputable, but as indisputable is the fact that African people or the African has from time immemorial been link not only to the land but to the people their tradition and culture. In regards o who Zoroaster was is still debated throughout the scholastic world, dates for his life vary dramatically, from 2000 BC to 600BC and anywhere in between, sometimes dates given even beyond these, in truth the world is still undecided. Nevertheless in all cases when ever in history he lived, associations and links have been made between this individual and a personality of definite African identity such as Ebedmelech or even Nimrod. Based upon this awareness it is important that people learn about this beautiful expression of human faith, and discover more about the debt that the world owes to African people.
Zoroaster:- You Must Find out: About
Who? (Baruch/Ebedmeleh) | Life | African Links | Religion | History
Deity or God:- You Must Find out: About
What? | How seen | Role in human life

Beliefs:- You Must Find out: About
Some of the fundament religious ideas 
History:- You Must Find out: About the
Evidence that support the antiquity of belief systems
Tradition:- You Must Find out: About
What some of the rituals, ceremonies and practices
African Link:- You Must Find out: About the
Similarity in beliefs with other known African faiths
Links:- You Must Find out: About the
Similarity in beliefs with world religions
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 9″]TOPIC 9: SABIANISM
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?
For most African people the religion of the Sabians is unknown, in fact this would be the case for most people. Other than Muslims most people would possibly never heard of this religion. Ironically is the fact that this is possibly the oldest religion on earth, and for Africans one of the most important. Although mostly unheard of this study topic offers the investigator to learn about this ancient unique faith system, that has existed and survived long before any of our current religions including Hinduism. Who are actually one of the inheritors of many aspects of this ancient faith. The importance to Africans can not be overstated as it represents possibly the vehicle through which traditional African culture has been spread directly throughout the world. The key that links this tradition and these Sabians or Sabbaens to African people, is Ancient Ethiopia, and her legendary monarchs, who had ruled over southern Arabia for thousands of years from their capital in Yemen, known to history and even in modern times as Saba, from where it is supposed the Legendary Queen Makeda, known to history as the Queen of Sheba, journeyed from here to Jerusalem to test the famed wisdom of Solomon
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?
As stated above, other than Muslims, very few people would be aware or even would have heard about the religion known to history as Sabbaens or Sabians or any derivative of the word Saba. This is not strange as this religion has been downgraded and even misrepresented as something else, when we consider that a wide variety of fundamental principles and practices found in modern world religions, have their origin in or have been first accredited in history to authentic culture. Things such as circumcism, baptism, schedule ritual prayer, fasting, the idea and worship of One God, as well as the recognition of many aspects of this One God manifested through the myriad of manifest created beings and entities. All of this and many other fundamental traditions were practiced by the Sabian, in the remotest of times. Nevertheless today if the religion of the Sabians is known it is usually as the ancient Star Gazers a practice they were renowned for in the ancient world. Therefore through the study of this religion people from many different beliefs, can discover not only a new faith system but also the origins of many of the world religions most celebrated traditions.
Religion:- You Must Find out: About
What? | Heritage | Historic references | Religion | History
Deity or God:- You Must Find out: About
What? | How seen | Role in human life

Beliefs:- You Must Find out: About
Some of the fundament religious ideas 
History:- You Must Find out: About the
Evidence that support the antiquity of belief systems
Tradition:- You Must Find out: About
What some of the rituals, ceremonies and practices
African Link:- You Must Find out: About the
Similarity in beliefs with other known African faiths
Links:- You Must Find out: About the
Similarity in beliefs with world religions
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 10″]TOPIC 10: CHRISTIANITY
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?
The religion of Christianity is also of the greatest importance to African people, in regards to them understanding both their modern as well as ancient heritage. Contrary to what most people believe, even African themselves, Christianity is far from simply a Jewish / European faith system. It could possibly be a definite religion of these two groups, but the tradition, the faith, symbolism and the very essence of this faith, existed many thousands of years, before the first Hebrew or European walked the earth. Therefore the relevance of Christianity once these direct parallels are made between its core doctrines and that of the oldest recorded faith system in Africa and on planet earth, become very clear. In addition to this origin of the faith, is the influence Africa and African people have had on shaping what we now call Christianity from its inception. Also of great significance to note is that it was through the vehicle of Christianity that our modern Ethiopianism emerged, and was maintain both politically and spiritually. Proving that through a proper investigation of this religion and faith, Christianity can become a positive influencing factor to African people development.
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?
It is evident that Christianity is already very significant, relevant and influential upon the world community, as over a billion people today are said to be adhering to this faith. Nevertheless it is also important for people to understand the origins of this religion and faith and the factors and people who helped to make this a world religion. Most people when they think of Christianity think or associate in primarily with Jews and European, with all other followers, being indebted to mainly the Europeans for sharing this good news with them. Although this may be true in our modern times, and for the majority of the current adherents of this faith, however a greater debt is owed to the Africans and Africa generally for the survival of this faith. This mainly due to the fact that that not only was Jesus Christ protected in African, but specifically in regards to the growth of this movement in its infancy. When North African was the cradle & fountain of Christian, thought, from where many of the acclaimed Church Fathers emerged. Not to mention the countless black Ethiopian people that feature throughout the story of Jesus life and experiences.
Jesus Christ:- You Must Find out: About the
Who? | What he said | In the Bible, Apocrypha, Tradition
Religion:- You Must Find out: About the
History | Discoveries | Founders | Main beliefs & practices
References:- You Must Find out: About
All the names that refer to Africa or Black people 
Ethiopians:- You Must Find out: About
All references | Actual People | Significance in Scriptures
Egyptians:- You Must Find out: About
All references | Actual People | Significance in Scriptures

Hamites (Africans):- You Must Find out: About
All references | Actual People | Significance in Scriptures
African or Black Christians:- You Must Find out: About
Where are they? | African Links | History | Jewish Links
Books:- You Must Find out: About the
What? | Discoveries | African or Black Links | History[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 11″]TOPIC 11: ISLAM
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?
Now Islam like Chritainity, Judaism, Hinduism are never associated with African people. Nevertheless as with the aforementioned religions, Islam is of much importance and significance, importance and relevance to the heritage of African n Black people. Like with other religions this relevance is in relation to main principles and doctrines, that the faith of Islam share with traditional African religion. In addition to these similarities are the countless amount of African Ethiopian people who feature prominently throughout the life of Prophet Muhammad as well as throughout the early development of the faith community.
Also of great importance and relevance to African people is the entire heritage and history of Arabia, that from the remotest of times had very strong links with African’s on the continent.
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?
Islam like all the other world religions featured in these Study Guides, has much significance and relevance to the heritage of world, not to mention in our present time and for the future. although many people are aware of the basics of Islam and its heritage. Few people are aware of the influence and contributions of African Black people to this faith. From the very beginning Africans have featured prominently within the development, growth and expansion of this religion to the four corners of the world. Africans feature not only prominently in very important roles but in some cases as fundamentally responsible for the survival of this faith in its infancy. This information is of great importance for people to understand and be aware of, not only for African, people or Muslims but for humanity generally. As this heritage in represents some example of a productive, positive relationship between devote Christians i.e. Ethiopians and devote Muslims, both Arabs and other Ethiopians included.
Muhammad:- You Must Find out: About
Who? | Life | African Friends | Barakah | African Links
Sabians:- You Must Find out: About
Who? | Links to Muhammad | Religion | History 
The Religion:- You Must Find out: About the
History | Discoveries | Founders | Main beliefs & practices
References:- You Must Find out: About
All the names that refer to Africa or Black people 
Ethiopians:- You Must Find out: About
All references | Actual People | Significance in Scriptures
Egyptians:- You Must Find out: About
All references | Actual People | Significance in Scriptures

Africans:- You Must Find out: About
All references | Actual People | Significance in Scriptures
African or Black Muslims:- You Must Find out: About
Where are they? | African Links | History | Jewish Links
Books:- You Must Find out: About the
What? | Discoveries | African or Black Links | History
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”TOPIC 12″]TOPIC 12: SIKHISM
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance to African people & their heritage?
Although unlike the other world religions featured within these Study Guides, to date I have found no direct link between the Sikh religion and African people. Obviously as this religion emerged out of India and was influenced by the ancient Hindu faith as well as Islam, a powerful force in the region at the time, therefore many links exist in directly. Nevertheless this religion is still very important for African people to understand for a number of reasons. One of these is that Sikhism actually represents the fusion of two distinctly different religions the spirituality of Hinduism and the monotheism of the Muslims. This amalgamation therefore represents a methodology that can be engaged to begin to interpret the traditional spirituality of Africa, within the dominating often destructive influences of the monotheistic religions. This however doesn’t mean that Africans should convert to Sikhism, but learn about it in order to use it as a tool to analyse how such an amalgamation as successfully been achieved and maintained into our modern era. Outside of this object Sikhism is a beautiful religion that warrants our investigation
What is this topic’s specific relevance and significance in world history & heritage?
Although Sikhism is a popular religion throughout Europe, Africa Asia and the America. Few people aware of the fundamentals of this religion. As there numbers are no-way comparably with other world religions, they have not had much influence upon the world and members are mainly from Asian. Nevertheless awareness of this faith can be very useful to any investigator in understanding the diversity of human thought as well as better prepare an individual to establish good relation with Sikhs
Guru Nanak / Others:- You Must Find out: About
Who? | Life | African Links | Religion | History
Deity or God:- You Must Find out: About
What? | How seen | Role in human life

Beliefs:- You Must Find out: About
Some of the fundament religious ideas 
History:- You Must Find out: About the
Evidence that support the antiquity of belief systems
Tradition:- You Must Find out: About
What some of the rituals, ceremonies and practices
African Link:- You Must Find out: About the
Similarity in beliefs with other known African faiths
Links:- You Must Find out: About the
Similarity in beliefs with world religions[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”IMANI’S SELECTED WORLD RELIGIONS RESOURCES” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs active=”1″][su_tab title=”HELP”]Click The Tabs to Your Right to Access The Study Resources.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”WEBSITES”]On Religion
: A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. Many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that are intended to explain the meaning of life and/or to explain the origin of life or the Universe……. READ MORE
About Religions: There are many definitions for the term “religion” in common usage. On this website, we define it very broadly, in order to include the greatest number of belief systems: “Religion is any specific system of belief about deity, often involving rituals, a code of ethics, and a philosophy of life;….. READ MORE
The Study of Religion: The study of religion, attempt to understand the various aspects of religion, especially through the use of other intellectual disciplines. The study of religion emerged as a formal discipline during the 19th century, when the methods and approaches of history, philology, literary criticism, psychology, anthropology, sociology, economics, …. READ MORE
On Different Religions: Religion can be explained as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code…… READ MORE [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”BOOKS”]Here are some Relevant Books; 
Selected from Imani’s 100 Booklist featured in this website. Please click links to access the webpage for selected title. Through these webpages you can learn more about the specific book and the author, as well as purchase, read or download the title for free, when available. In addition to these books, numerous other titles exist that can help you learn more about this subject & topic area.
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Here are a some searches on Google, identifying KEY material relating to this specific subject & topic, for further studies. 
List of Major World Religion: Here is a very comprehensive list with linked Topics about many World Religions…. LEARN MORE
The Basis Facts on Religions: Here is a link to a website that provide the Basis Facts about many World Religions…..LEARN MORE
List of some World Religions: Here is a list of different Topics to research, specific to the Study of World Religions….. LEARN MORE
On Religions: Here is a link to a list of different websites, that have relevant material and resources to assist you in your study of Religion….LEARN MORE
Religion in Africa: Here is a link to a wiki page on Religion in Africa, that explores, traditional spirituality and the impact foreign Religions……. LEARN MORE
African Religion Curriculum: Here is a link to a good African Centred Website, that offers a curriculum to study African Religion …….. LEARN MORE 
Religion Timeline: Here is a extensive wiki Timeline of the some of the worlds most popular Religions, both Ancient & Modern, with links to info…. LEARN MORE 
TEST Yourself QUIZ: Here is a link to an interactive Bible Test, to see if you can choose all 66 books of the Bible in order…..DO THE TEST
TEST Yourself QUIZ: Here is a link to an interactive Test, to see if you can match the Deities worshipped by the respective Religion….DO THE TEST
TEST Yourself QUIZZES: Here is a link to the funtriva website, where you can do a wide selection of quizzes all about Religion…… LEARN MORE[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler]