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Deprecated: get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5.0! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in /hermes/bosnacweb09/bosnacweb09ax/b2251/ipg.starlinepromotioncou/imani-music/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5325

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Help & Support Notes:-

These are Imani’s support notes to help you better utilise all the available Study Guide Tools & Subject Resources.
–    A List of the Study tools
–    Study Guide Steps
–    What you will need
–    What you will need to do
–    How to rate your knowledge
–    How to rate the material you useline-break1A LIST OF THE STUDY GUIDE TOOLS 
[1]      Imani’s Help & Support Notes
[2]     Imani’s Advice, Preparing to Study
[3]     Imani’s Tips & Tricks
[4]     The Schedule & Planner
[5]     Assessment Tool: The Review & Evaluation Form
[6]     A Book Reading List Recording Form
[7]      A Video Watched List Recording Form
[8]     The 16 Subject & Topic Questions
[9]     About Subject x 10 Notes
[10]   About the Topic x 70 Key Pointsline-break1STUDY GUIDE STEPS
[1]  Select a Subject you wish to research & study.
[2] Identify the Topics you wish to research within this Subject.
[3] Complete a Schedule & Planner for this  specific subject.
[4] Ensure you have access to all the relevant Topic resources and materials before you begin your research & study.
[5] Secure and begin to fill in your Assessment Tool: Review & Evaluation Form, transferring and adding the relevant data from your Planner to your this Form.line-break1WHAT YOU WILL NEED
God_Neter_Bullet2Access to a PC (device) with the internet, to be able to access the relevant i-man-is-website resources.
God_Neter_Bullet2Access to a printer or printing facilities (not essential) to print all Study Guide Tools
God_Neter_Bullet2An up to date calendar, calculator and folder to keep your blank and completed forms and your study notes.
God_Neter_Bullet2You may need to acquire the relevant resources if not freely available through imaniswebsite.line-break1WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO DO;
God_Neter_Bullet2Prepare yourself mentally to begin your studies. HOW? Read Imani’s Advice, Preparing to Study.
God_Neter_Bullet2Read Imani’s Study Guide: Tips & Notes, in order to know how to use and better utilise the Tools.
God_Neter_Bullet2Create a specific folder with its corresponding folders to store & archive study material and notes on your PC.
God_Neter_Bullet2Remember to update the relevant forms and notes regularly & periodically (all the time and at designated times)
God_Neter_Bullet2Stick as closely as possible to your Study Guide Schedule & Plan, as you can.line-break1HOW TO RATE YOUR KNOWLEDGE
Use this Rating Scale below, to rate your current and future knowledge of each Subject and Topic.line-break1[ 5 ]   You know    NOTHING         =   Beginner
[ 4 ]   You know    VERY LITTLE   =   Basic
[ 3 ]   You know    A LITTLE           =   Apprentice
[ 2You have     STUDIED         =   Student
[ 1  ]  You know    MUCH             =   Pupil (1st Eye)line-break1NOTES ON THE ABOVE RATING SCALEline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Notice that contrary to normal practice 5 represents the lowest scale i.e Beginner knowing nothing and 1 represents the highest i.e Pupil.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2In this case and in many others, it is often necessary to turn things up-side-down or the opposite-way-round, in order to get things back the right-side-up again.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2This strategy often has great benefit, not only in getting closer to the truth, but to help you develop a new way of thinking and way of looking at things.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2In this instance 1 symbolising; First Class, Oneness, One with the Divine Spirit, One Mind, One God, Aim & Destiny and specifically seeing with your 1st Eye, (not 3rd Eye).line-break1RATING THE MEDIA, MATERIALS & RESOURCES
Using the above analogy, rate the material you use and follow the exact same principle, i.e. 1 representing; Excellent, unique, one-a-way and so, whilst 5 represents poor or common.line-break1RATING [ 1 ] = IT WAS EXCELLENT
RATING [ 5 ] = IT WAS POORline-break1You are able and required to rate all the books you read, video’s you watch or any other resource featured through Imani’s Website.


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