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Advice: Preparing to Study
Here is some advice and guidance from Imani to help prepare you mentally to start your own personal research & studies.
Points to help Prepare You to Study
– Putting on the Appropriate Reading Glasses
– The Greatest Knowledge
– How To Focusing Your Mind
– How To Get The Right Inspiration
– How To Get & Stay Motivated
– How To Get Organised
Preparing Yourself to Study
The most important thing is to first, put on your Ethiopian Spectacles, or what other suited spectacles, for non-Ethiopian’s is required, to help to enable you see more clearly, the Ethiopian – African – Black perspective of History, presented here, through these resources and via Imani’s Website. It should never be forgotten that everyone and anyone, regardless of their Ethnic Group, can benefit from being aware of, as well as understanding better, the history of Africans and humanity in generally, from this unique and specific perspective. As it represents a valid, although often disregarded interpretation of where, as a species i.e. humans, we have been, we are now and what our potential is for the future. It should also be noted that both Ethiopian and none Ethiopian spectacles, can be tainted, smudged or completely darkened through the dirt that may have accumulated over the years.
It is therefore necessary to first wipe your lenses clean, so you can see more clearly. This is easily done, but not as easily achieved, HOW?
YOU MUST rid yourself of any thought or idea that divides or discriminates against humanity and fuels intolerance, racism, classism, tribalism, or divides or measures people based upon their; Skin colour (often called race, a misnomer), Religion, Nationality, Political or any other ties and associations.
YOU MUST also extinguish and put aside any form of hate, anger, revenge, shame, guilt, or other negative human emotion or characteristic.
YOU MUST always keep an OPEN MIND, regardless of your current beliefs.
YOU MUST be willing to adapt or change your views and beliefs, when confronted with new information that may challenge your current belief and stance on any particular topic.
YOU MUST always seek to find the TRUTH and not what you want to find, excepting also this TRUTH, even if it hurts, it will only be your ego, which eventually you will have no use of anyway.
YOU MUST approach your studies at all times with LOVE IN YOUR HEART, this is the most import rule. If you do this all other points above will be dealt with simultaneously.
The greatest knowledge to have or to know; what actually brings wisdom and makes you wise and enlightened is LOVE, pure & simple. This LOVE comes directly from the HEART in the metaphysical sense, and then manifests in the MIND, then the THOUGHTS and finally it reaches the Brain. It is whilst in the brain that it is confronted by other knowledge or information, mainly dealing with your immediate environment, or recent or past experiences, your likes and dislikes and a myriad of other physical things, stored there.
Wisdom comes from FINDING the BALANCE, between the TWO and FAITH comes from ALWAYS giving the HEART the benefit of the doubt, e.g. SHOWING LOVE. Without LOVE all studies are futile, you may become knowledgeable, aware and even great or famous, but without love you will never know Wisdom, you will never be Enlightened and you will never truly experience this Wonderful thing that we call LIFE.
Focus your mind upon things or people that will help motivate or inspire you to keep on track in your studies. This can literally be anything or anybody, such as a religious icon, your child or another, the world and everyone and thing in it, your ancestors, your future offspring, literally anything. As long as by focusing on this thing, you are motivated and inspired to study and learn more, then use it. Focusing your mind on your studies can be difficult, especially if you have a demanding life, with responsibilities and commitments that take up the greater part of your day, not to mention your thoughts. However having a focus on your studies is also essential to ensure any real and lasting results. Even as little as 1 hour per day, of focus on your studies can produce great fruits if stuck to over a period. So try in amidst all else that is going on, have some focus on your studies. Maybe the points below can help you to achieve this.
Find also a quote or proverb that encourages you to learn and put it in a visible format (printed on paper or as a poster etc.) and in plain view, where you can see it everyday at least twice a day. Recite it every time you see it until memorised, then find another quote, once the first has been firmly established on your heart. There are many thousands of such quotes to choose from, however if you are unaware of any at this time, then refer to any of the quotes featured throughout Imani’s Website.
Whatever motivated, encouraged or inspired you to ever look into history in the first place, as a means of being better informed and possibly even a better person. Always keep this firmly in your thoughts. It is likely if you actually remember this, that it did at the time spark or switch on a LIGHT inside, that your intention should be to begin or even to continue to walk into that LIGHT and out of the darkness of ignorance. Focusing the mind and reciting encouraging statements of people you revere will help to do this, i.e. get and keep you motivated. Nevertheless sometimes even negative things and thoughts can be used positively to keep you motivated, often more so than the positive people & things do themselves.
An example of this is remembering if you are a descendant of African slaves the popular saying and strategy of the slave owners i.e. “If you want to hide something from a slave put it in a book” as a means of motivating yourself, firstly to find what ever has been hidden and secondly, if found proving to yourself that you are no longer a slave, i.e. The TRUTH has SET YOU FREE.
To make good progress as well as achieve the most with what you have, you must be organised. This organisation, again starts with the mind, organise this and everything else will follow. What is meant by this is that organisation is determined by stable thoughts leading to regular and precise action.
Similar to focusing your mind, but not specifically on things or people, but on priorities. Poor organisation leads to destruction and chaos, this is normally as a result of poor memory or forgetfulness. Good organisation is a result of remembering and never forgetting. Apply this analogy to NEVER forgetting who you are, what your ancestors have endured for you to be here? Your responsibility to your family, your community, your nation and the human race, and this should help to motivate, inspire and keep you organised.
Imani hopes that his advice, to help prepare people for their studies will be of use to all those hoping; To find the TRUTH AND SET THEMSELVES FREE
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