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Wonderful Ethiopians & Ancient Cushites

Imani’s Introduction & Note:
Imani Note: This is without doubt one of the most important books, to lay the foundations and a solid platform for the study of not only Ethiopian history, but African history in general. This is the only known book published by the author, who was by the way a female, and was out of print for 50 years. Possibly scarcely known of in its time and even today, this book for me is an essential tool, when trying to trace, study and overstand the role of Ethiopian, Black people and their influence upon the world throughout History. The earliest as far as I’m aware and possibly still the only, as far as I’ve found, book that focuses specifically upon the history of the legendary Ethiopians, aka Black African people.
This book details the research, study and archiving of Drucilla D. Houston, of the available recorded and then known history of the Historic Ethiopian people, a name given to African people by Europeans to describe their skin colour. Drusilla however rightly entitles her book with both the European name Ethiopia and their more Ancient name Cushites, as in the Bible’s, Sons/Daughters of Cush, in order to fully identify, without confusion the history of this legendary people. She then goes on to detail the actual documented influence and involvement these Ethiopians had on various classical world civilisations and regions of earth, including, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, India, Europe and so on. Identifying specific world Empires, Religions & Groups that inherited or benefited directly from the high culture of this advanced, trend setting, Civilisation founding forefathers/mothers. Most books about other subjects to do with black history particular when referring to the black origins of Egypt and other ancient empires, often quote this book. For content, theme, focus, approach and intent this is a benchmark book, as its publication was in a time when most of the information contained was definitely unknown to the general public, black people in particular as it remains today to my amazement. I am yet to find however any book or author who has seriously added anything to this research or followed her line of research. Therefore I like her a self-taught researcher of Black history, I have through the years endeavored to do just that and today I can say have saw without question the fruits and reaped the rewards, which seems to have differed dramatically my views, from most other African history investigators.
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