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The Philosophies and Opinions of Marcus Garvey, Vol 1&2


Author: The Rt. Hon. Marcus M. Garvey
Published: 1923 & 1925

Details:  This book contains as the title suggests, a collection of speeches, writings and quotes of Marcus Garvey.

Book Available Digitally | Only 63 pages
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Imani’s Introduction & Note: 

The Importance:
For Black people in general, I believe this to be one of the most important books of all times.  Wrote specifically to help raise the consciousness, self esteem and confidence of Ethnic African People the world over.

Written whilst Marcus Garvey was in Atlanta Prison and published by his wife Amy Jacques Garvey, whilst he was still incarcerated, these two volumes contained within one book, are a selection of Garvey’s ideas, philosophies, concepts and opinions, in addition to some crucial advice and guidance regarding the then and still current situation of African people globally.  How he saw it and how he thought we could remedy it as well as realistically progress positively out of it.

The Significance:
It should be noted also that due to the environment and circumstance in which these words were written, it could be surmised that they arose from the deepest most heart felt regions of his thoughts, as he must have believed them to be his last & final Testaments to the world and black people specifically.

I would go as far as even saying that this book has been read by most positive black freedom fighters or political/cultural activists who’ve had access to it , ever since it was published nearly a century ago.  In addition and including other Great Black Icons such as; Kwame Nkrumah the first Black president of Ghana, Africa’s first independent state (country), Azikwe, first Black president of Nigeria, as well as other first Black Presidents of numerous African & Caribbean countries too many to list here, as well as  Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Huey P Newton etc, all of whom testify to the impact & influence, this specific book had on their views after reading it.

A Tool in the 21st Century:
This Book I believe would also be on anyone’s recommended reading list, concerning the struggle of black people over the centuries.  Importantly though and to be noted is that there is a slight difference in approach taken by Garvey in his advice on strategy, than in later years, as seen in his ‘Message to the People’ (course/book), written 10 years later and showing greater hindsight and less forcefulness. This was possibly due to his experiences after his imprisonment, or maybe because he had to try and culminate all his own idea’s and focuses to present them in a workable strategy, using the formula he had always used but never disclosed, or at least not at this time.

Although Marcus Garvey’s philosophies & opinions remained unchanged throughout his life, until his passing, nevertheless an accurate interpretation of them would be lacking, without knowledge of his later experiences and advice of strategy. Hence the reasons why so many people have misinterpreted his message.

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