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Stolen Legacy

stolenlegacyAuthor: Dr. George G. M. James, Ph.D.
Published: 1954
Pages: 135

Details:  This book examines the evidence supporting the African – Egyptian origin and foundation of Greek civilisation

Book Available Digitally | YES (Full text)
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Imani’s Introduction & Note:

Imani’s Notes: As regards the influence of the Ancient Egyptians, upon the Ancient Greeks and therefore the entire western civilisation (Europe) that preceded them, this book is considered a benchmark in the study of this field.  Although today we have hundreds of books written by both African Black people and Non-Ethnic Africans that addresses and focuses specifically upon this very subject area, very few if any have done so without constant referencing and recognition been given to this book, in addition to acknowledging their personal indebtedness to its author Dr George G.M. James.
In fact of all the books on history that I’ve ever read, or at least 99% of them, when reference is made to, when posed or to prove, the theory of the influence of the Ancient Egyptian upon the Greeks, it is this author and the facts contained within this book that is usually sighted as conclusive supporting evidence. Professor  Jame’s, like the authors of the other 6 titles in this recommended reading list, set the foundations, the platform and standard from which this area of study should have been engaged upon and like all other titles, surely offers the investigator and enquirer the right tools to achieve this.

However as with all the six other titles presented here, the main so-called adherers, or followers and in some cases even disciples, seem to have strayed far from these guides and ultimately use these findings, idea’s and facts for there own agenda’s.  Mostly to promote and propagate a negative and often racist point of view in accordance with their hate & blame strategy to uplift Ethnic African people and in the process, debase all other people particularly the Europeans, a strategy that has failed dramatically, with catastrophic effects on our progress as a people.  Particularly since what this strategy has done is alienate both black intellectuals and none-black sympathisers, thus only attracting radicals, who are often powerless to change their own circumstances, never mind that of other people.

Additionally many of these radicals are reluctant and even determined to not access the oppressors education system, therefore they have little ability or the authority to add anything significant to this research that they continue to refer to.  It should also be noted that although Professor James is a professional, a brilliant scholar and researcher, he himself is also guilty of making many truthful statements and presenting many actual facts that he feels it necessary to present in a anti, therefore negative way,  where his own emotionally driven thoughts are evident.  Nevertheless these facts  that he presents in his book, whether presented from a bias, liberal, negative  or other perspective are indisputable and serve as an essential tool, in the discovery of the debt Europeans and the world in general owe to the ingenuity and advancement of African Black People throughout human history.

This Stolen Legacy as the title suggest is also proven beyond doubt, by this book, as it provides in great detail, many quotes and statements, from the Ancient Greeks themselves and the later Romans that testify themselves to this borrowing from Egyptians.   In fact James also shows how it would be virtually  impossible to state or even think otherwise, as he shows from personal testimony that most if not all of the great Ancient Greek thinkers and so called fathers or founders of specific scientific disciplines, actually themselves admit to have first studied in Ancient Egypt, before inquiring any credible knowledge of the Arts.  This would include, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Homer, Herodotus, Pythagoras and so on.  A very important book and as mentioned a must read, a hard copy of this book can also be easily obtained, from any mainstream bookseller.

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