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My Life & Ethiopia’s Progress Vol. 1

Him Auto vol 1Author: HIM Haile Selassie I
First Published: 1976 (Oxford University Press)
Pages: 335

Details:  Haile Selassie I, life from his childhood to the year 1937.  Written from his diaries, in U.K whilst in exile.

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Imani’s Introduction & Note:

Imani’s Note:  These books are again some of the most important literary materials published in the 20th Century, however in the case of these in particular, this importance is not only for black people but for humanity in general.   These two volumes covering a period of 1892 to 1937 & 1937 to 1966 respectively, both penned by hand of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie 1st himself, are without a doubt a Literary Treasure for the world and in some degree can be placed alongside any book in the history of the world, including the religious ones e.g. the Bible, The Rig Veda, the Kebra Nagast and so on, in regards to their importance.  The first volume tells the story of HIM’s early childhood, through his adolescence to his young adulthood, his progression and accession to the Imperial Throne of Ethiopia.  This volume was written whilst HIM was in Exile in Bath, England from 1936 to 1941 during the Ethiopian-Italian War and was scribe by HIM, using his personal diary which he had started age 13, as well as from his memory.

It should be noted again also that under the circumstances HIM possibly never thought he would live long or ever regain the throne of Ethiopia, therefore possibly thought this would be his final and only lasting legacy, thankfully this was not the case.  The Second volume is of value to humanity as it outlines in great detail, the events leading up to and ultimately causing WWII, as well as Ethiopia’s involvement and HIM’s interaction and correspondences with world leaders of the time, many of which are contained within both these volumes.  Of great importance is the story of the real life of the real man, who lived, worked and existed in the real world, formerly none as Lij, then Dejazmach, then Ras, then Negust, Tafari Makonnen and eventually Emperor Haile Selassie I (1st) of Ethiopia, the name by which we should refer to him always.  As it can help us to divorce this figure from the many mythical, fanciful, religious idea’s that current surround and dominate the world view of this remarkable world figure.  Notwithstanding the fact that most of this, what I will call folklore, is not only inaccurate but also unnecessary, to prove the validity, authority and divine attributes and nature of HIM Haile Selassie I, as can be seen by the contents of these two books, which contains the appreciation, recognition, respect and admiration of the likes of The Popes of both the Western Catholic Church & the Eastern Orthodox  Churches, Winston Churchill, The then Arch Bishop of Canterbury, plus world leaders from many other countries.  Also as HIM was an actual descendant of King David and Solomon and therefore one of the Kings of the Tribes of Judah & Israel, these volumes are therefore in actual fact, additions or to be included within the Jewish & Christian Bible, after 2nd Kings as 3rd & 4th Kings.  The book of Kings 1&2 were originally written by royal scribes, as a record of the monarchs of Israel until the decline and destruction of the Monarchy.   However as this monarchy continued in Ethiopia the biblical record is therefore incomplete.  More importantly and significantly though, is that these new books and authentic additions, were not written by scribes, but by the king himself.  Thus separating them from the chance of mistakes or misrepresentation, at the hand of third parties, as well as the fact that their is no need to believe if the evidence contained within them are true and accurate, as all Bible scholars and followers try to do with every person or event in the bible, with little success.  As events and statements HIM mentioned in his autobiography, were seen and witnessed by a world audience, therefore documented and recorded in written, audio or video formats.  In addition to these books however it is recommended that a exhaustive study of Haile Selassie I actual words, be undertaken for any sincere investigation of his true person, character and mission.

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