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Imani’s Reading List

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[su_spoiler title=”BOOKS TO LAY A SOLID FOUNDATION” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]classic-book-banner copyThese books Imani believes can lay a solid, unshakeable foundation for any person, as well as provide them with the tools to realistically attempt to understand African Black History & Culture. As they have served him well in his own investigation.  Imani has also provided his own personal note, preface or review for each of these books, to help put them into context, which the books themselves may not do, e.g. what was happening at the time, or has happened since.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”THE IMPORTANCE OF THESE 7 BOOKS” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]Obviously many other very important titles exist, are available and can be read to gain a better understanding of these specific subjects areas, dealt with, within these 7 titles. However based upon Imani’s own personal research over the years, he has found or discovered that, in his own opinion, when including all the books he has ever read, that the seven titles selected here, are without doubt, foundation books, sufficient enough therefore to help lay a solid foundation, for any person seriously interested in gaining an accurate knowledge base of African history & culture.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”THE VALUE OF THESE 7 BOOKS” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]It can not be overstated or emphasized enough, according to Imani himself, how important it is to understanding the value of these 7 titles in the on going Struggles or Uplift Programme, of people of African descent, or people sympathetic to the plight of African people the  emancipation to the present, our ancient heritage and legacy can be understood and a positive viable future strategy can be enacted and achieved.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”ACCESS THE 7 BOOKS HERE” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”TAB”]classic-book-banner copyUse these tabs to access the 7 classic titles. Click the Read More links at the bottom of each tab page, to access the specific pages, where you can learn more about these books, download a free copy where available or purchase your own copies. [/su_tab][su_tab title=”INTRO”]INTRODUCTION TO BOOKS, In addition to Imani’s 100 book list, Imani through these resources also recommends, what he considered to be an essential reading list of 7 Classic, Inspirational, Must Read Books. We have also provided links to the FREE downloadable or readable copies online, when available.
These books Imani assures any reader, will lay a solid, unshakeable foundation, as well as provide them with the information to realistically attempt to understand the heritage of African Heritage.  Since Imani has read all of these books personally, each one, many times over.  He is as qualified as any one else and more than happy as well as privileged to give his review.
Through these pages & title links, featured here, we have provided the links to the FREE downloadable and readable copies online, of these books when available.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”1″]BOOK 1: The Philosophies and Opinions of Marcus Garvey.line-break1philosophy2 Author:
The Rt. Hon. Marcus M. Garvey
1923 & 1925
This book contains as the title suggests, a collection of speeches, writings and quotes of Marcus Garvey.
Book Available Digitally:
Only 63 pages
Download These Pages Here:line-break1Imani’s Introduction & Note:
For Black people in general, I believe this to be one of the most important books of all times.  Wrote specifically to help raise the consciousness, self esteem and confidence of Ethnic African People the world over. Written whilst Marcus Garvey was in Atlanta Prison and published by his wife Amy Jacques Garvey, whilst he was still incarcerated, these two volumes contained within one book, are a selection of Garvey’s ideas, philosophies, concepts and opinions, in addition to some crucial advice and guidance regarding the then and still current situation of African people globally.  How he saw it and how he thought we could remedy it as well as realistically progress positively out of it…..line-break1READ MOREline-break1[/su_tab][su_tab title=”2″]BOOK 2: Message to The People; The Course of African Philosophy.line-break1message to the people cover Author:
The Rt. Hon. Marcus M. Garvey
1986 (Tony Martin)
A selection of lessons on specific topics, taken from a course, taught by Garvey himself in 1937.
Book Available Digitally | 180 pages
Read These Pages Here:line-break1Imani’s Introduction & Note:
This should be the Bible of all Community Activist within the Black (Ethnic African) community anywhere in the world.  Delivered originally as a training course over 30 days through two sessions per day and written, facilitated and taught by Garvey himself.  Makes this book and its contents by far the most significant literary material in publication today, in regards to Black remobilisation. Why? because no other individual has had the experience and success in mobilising so many black people globally, therefore would be incapable of offering us a creditable view, technique or practical strategy that is authentic and not theoretic…….line-break1READ MOREline-break1[/su_tab][su_tab title=”3″]BOOK 3: My Life & Ethiopia’s Progress, The Autobiography of H.I.M.line-break1sellas2 Author:
HIM Haile Selassie I
First Published:
1976 (Oxford University Press)
Pages: 335
Haile Selassie I, life from his childhood to the year 1937.  Written from his diaries, in U.K whilst in exile.
Book Available Digitally | NO
Read These Pages Here:line-break1Imani’s Introduction & Note: These books are again some of the most important literary materials published in the 20th Century, however in the case of these in particular, this importance is not only for black people but for humanity in general.   These two volumes covering a period of 1892 to 1937 & 1937 to 1966 respectively, both penned by hand of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie 1st himself, are without a doubt a Literary Treasure for the world and in some degree can be placed alongside any book in the history of the world, including the religious ones e.g. the Bible, The Rig Veda, the Kebra Nagast and so on, in regards to their importance…… line-break1READ MOREline-break1[/su_tab][su_tab title=”4″]BOOK 4: Wonderful Ethiopians of The Ancient Cushites Empire.line-break1wonderful_ethiopiansAuthor:
Drusilla D. Houston

This book explores the influence of Ancient Ethiopia, upon the civilised world.
Book Available Digitally | YES
(Full text)
Download This Book Here:line-break1Imani’s Introduction & Note: Imani Note: This is without doubt one of the most important books, to lay the foundations and a solid platform for the study of not only Ethiopian history, but African history in general.  This is the only known book published by the author, who was by the way a female, and was out of print for 50 years.  Possibly scarcely known of in its time and even today, this book for me is an essential tool, when trying to trace, study and overstand the role of Ethiopian, Black people and their influence upon the world throughout History……. line-break1READ MOREline-break1[/su_tab][su_tab title=”5″]BOOK 5: The African Origins of Civilisation: Myth or Reality.line-break1book_diop_aocAuthor:
Cheikh Anta Diop
This book explores the role and influence of Black African upon the development of Ancient Egypt
Book Available Digitally | YES
Download Book Here:line-break1Imani’s Introduction & Note:This is a remarkable book and possibly one of the first authentic, scientific and scholastic attempts by a native Black African to present the African-Centered debate concerning the indigenous origins of the Ancient Egyptians & Ethiopians.  This book is actually a published thesis written and presented by Professor Chieck Anta Diop, one of the first qualified modern African Egyptologist, he had degrees or doctorates in other sciences also including; History, Physics, Anthropology, Linguistics, Economics & Sociology, therefore giving him a fuller understanding and holistic view and analysis of the available facts…….. line-break1READ MOREline-break1[/su_tab][su_tab title=”6″]BOOK 6: The Mis-Education of The Negro.line-break1miseducationAuthor:
Dr. Carter G. Woodson
An authoritative analysis of the effect and impact of European centered education upon people of African descent.
Book Available Digitally | YES
(Full text)
Download This Book Here:line-break1Imani’s Introduction & Note: Imani’s Notes: This is a very important and significant book to be noted and digested in the study of African Black history and a strategy to change for the better the circumstances of black people generally. Again in regards to the subject of Education and Black people specifically, its process, effect and influence, their is no greater authority then Dr Carter G. Woodson and no better book that details this phenomena than his Mis-Education of the Negro. This is another benchmark in the field of Black studies, setting a stage and platform……… line-break1READ MOREline-break1[/su_tab][su_tab title=”7″]BOOK 7: Stolen Legacyline-break1stolenlegacyAuthor:
Dr. George G. M. James, Ph.D.
Pages: 191
This book examines the evidence supporting the African – Egyptian origin and foundation of Greek civilisation
Book Available Digitally | YES
(Full text)
Download This Book Here:line-break1Imani’s Introduction & Note:
As regards the influence of the Ancient Egyptians, upon the Ancient Greeks and therefore the entire western civilisation (Europe) that preceded them, this book is considered a benchmark in the study of this field.  Although today we have hundreds of books written by both African Black people and Non-Ethnic Africans that addresses and focuses specifically upon this very subject area, very few if any have done so without constant referencing and recognition been given to this book, in addition to acknowledging their personal indebtedness to its author Dr George G.M. James………. line-break1READ MOREline-break1[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler]

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philosophy and opinions

The Philosophies and Opinions of Marcus Garvey, Vol 1&2

Author: The Rt. Hon. Marcus M. Garvey Published: 1923 & 1925 Pages: Details:  This book contains as the title suggests, a collection of speeches, writings and quotes of Marcus Garvey. Book Available Digitally | Only 63 pages Download These Pages Here: Imani’s Introduction & Note:  The Importance: For Black people in general, I believe this …

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message to the people cover

Message to The People

Author: The Rt. Hon. Marcus M. Garvey Published: 1986 (Tony Martin) Pages: 212 Details:  A selection of lessons on specific topics, taken from a course, taught by Garvey himself in 1937. Book Available Digitally | 180 pages Read These Pages Here: Imani’s Introduction & Note: Imani’s Note: This should be the Bible of all Community Activist …

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My Life & Ethiopia’s Progress Vol. 1

Author: HIM Haile Selassie I First Published: 1976 (Oxford University Press) Pages: 335 Details:  Haile Selassie I, life from his childhood to the year 1937.  Written from his diaries, in U.K whilst in exile. Book Available Digitally | NO Read These Pages Here: Imani’s Introduction & Note: Imani’s Note:  These books are again some of the most …

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My Life & Ethiopia’s Progress Vol. 2

Author: HIM Haile Selassie I First Published: 1986 (Tony Martin) Pages: 212 Details:  A selection of lessons on specific topics, taken from a course, taught by Garvey himself in 1937. Book Available Digitally | NO Read HIM Quotes Here: Imani’s Introduction & Note:

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Wonderful Ethiopians & Ancient Cushites

Imani’s Introduction & Note: Imani Note: This is without doubt one of the most important books, to lay the foundations and a solid platform for the study of not only Ethiopian history, but African history in general. This is the only known book published by the author, who was by the way a female, and …

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The African Origins of Civilisation

Author: Cheikh Anta Diop Published: 1974 Pages: Details:  This book explores the role and influence of Black African upon the development of Ancient Egypt Book Available Digitally | YES Download Book Here: Imani’s Introduction & Note:  Imani’s Note: This is a remarkable book and possibly one of the first authentic, scientific and scholastic attempts by …

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The Mis-Education of The Negro

WRITTEN BY THE FOUNDER OF BLACK HISTORY MONTH Author: Dr. Carter G. Woodson Published: 1933 Pages: Details:  An authoritative analysis of the effect and impact of European centered education upon people of African descent. Book Available Digitally | YES (Full text) Download This Book Here: Imani’s Introduction & Note:  Imani’s Notes: This is a very …

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Stolen Legacy Cover

Stolen Legacy

Author: Dr. George G. M. James, Ph.D. Published: 1954 Pages: 135 Details:  This book examines the evidence supporting the African – Egyptian origin and foundation of Greek civilisation Book Available Digitally | YES (Full text) Download This Book Here: Imani’s Introduction & Note: Imani’s Notes: As regards the influence of the Ancient Egyptians, upon the …

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