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Imani’s Recommended Book List

Here selected are 100 of Imani’s favourite books
that he has read over the years.

books_To complement the available study guides and corresponding resources, Imani also offers a relevant book list. This book list contains useful information and material to support all the evidence presented throughout these resources.

[su_spoiler title=”THE RECOMMENDED BOOKS” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]Imani lists a one hundred of the hundreds of books that he has read personally over the years. Theses 100 titles, Imani considers some of his favourite books, many of which he has read over and over. Many of these books are also considered classics by African-Centered Scholars, many of whom are also the author of these books.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title=”IMPORTANT NOTE ON BOOKS” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]activist 3It is important to note also that, although many of these books are commonly known and people refer to them constantly to support a variety of opinions.
Due to Imani’s personal experience and journey, he knows the importance and wisdom in reading the books for yourself, after which your personal opinion may differ from others, including and even the author himself.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title=”THE BOOK LIST SUBJECTS” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]All of the 100 books listed, can all be categorised as General African History & Culture, however specifically they could also be categorise under the categories below.line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2African Black History (Generally)line-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Ethiopian History Specificallyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Egyptian History Specificallyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Marcus Garvey Specificallyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Haile Selassie I Specificallyline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Ancient & Modern Classic Textsline-break1God_Neter_Bullet2Religion & Spirituality[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title=”ACCESS & AVAILABLITY OF TITILES” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]Egyptian Hieroglyphs ComputerAll these 100 titles, are related to topics that help people better understand, become better informed and aware of the above subjects. Many of these titles are also available FREE in their digital format or as PDF’s, were Imani’s has identified these online titles he has provided the relevant links. However the majority are not yet available digitally, or as far as Imani is aware, although they can be purchased online. Imani will also provided the relevant links in order for people to purchase these titles, where appropriate.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title=”OTHER TITLES NOT LISTED” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]literatureMore titles will be added as we progress, but these 100 titles Imani think sufficient to help establish a very good foundation of knowledge concerning Africa History & Culture.
In addition to these 100 books Imani may identify and make reference to other books, the majority of which he would have read personally, however some he may not have had access to, so can only offer these titles based upon second hand knowledge. A custom seldom engaged by Imani. However Imani will make this fact, i.e, not personally read, know in this instance.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title=”THE BOOK LIST” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]100 Classics Booksline-break1ALL CATEGORIES: African Black History & Culture line-break1SUB: History in Africaline-break11.    The Rebirth of Black Civilisation
2.   The Destruction of Black Civilisation
3.   The Black Man of the Nile and His Family
4.   Lost Cities of Africa
5.   Pre-colonial Black Africa
6.   Nile Valley Contribution To Civilisation
7.   Methodology and African Prehistory
8.   Africa from 7th to 11th Century
9.   Dark Days in Ghana
10.  Africa in History – Basil Davidsonline-break1SUB: African’s in World History (Diaspora)line-break111.   The History of Slavery
12.  Stolen Legacy
13.  Blacks in Antiquity
14.  Africa Mother of Western Civilisation
15.  Staying Power Ancient & Modern Britons
16.  Ruins of a Empire
17.  Rameses III Father of Ancient America
18.  The African Diaspora
19.   African Genesis
20.  The Black Jacobins
21.   Words of Martin Luther King Jnr
22.  Up From Slaveryline-break1SUB: General African Historyline-break123.  100 Amazing Facts About the Negro
24.  The Missing Pages Of History
25.  What They Never Told You in History Class
26.  Lessons in African History
27.   Your History
28.  The Best of the Little Known Black History Facts
29.  Great Negroes Past & Present
30.  World’s Great Men of Color
31.   Great Black Women in the Struggle
32.  From Super Man to Manline-break1SUB: Uplift & Mindsetline-break133.   African World Revolution
34.   Waiting To Explode
35.   The Isis Papers, The Keys To The Colors
36.   African People And European Holidays:
37.   The Pupils Exclusion Maze
38.   The Falsification Of African Conciousness
39.   Countering the Conspiracy To Destroy Black Boys
40.   Decolonising The African Mind
41.    The Willy Lynch Letterline-break1SUB: Arts & Sciencesline-break142.  The Art of Benin
43.  Mis-Education of the Negro
44.  Education of the Negro
45.  Melanin The Chemical Key to Black Greatness
46.  Melanin the Key to Freedom
47.   Africa Counts
48.  The Crest of The Peacock
49.  The Origin of Race and Color
50.  Nature Knows No Color Line
51.   Sex & Raceline-break1SUB: Ethiopian History Specificallyline-break152.  The Wonderful Ethiopians & The Ancient Kushite Empire
53.  The Kebra Nagast
54.  The Fetah Nagast
55.  The Ethiopian Book of Life (Bandlet of Righteousness)
56.  The Real Facts About Ethiopia
57.  The Life & Times of Menelik II
58.  Kush The Jewel Of Nubia
59.  The Children Of The Sunline-break1SUB: Egyptian History Specificallyline-break160.   The Egyptian Book of the Dead
61.    The Meta Neter Vol 1.
62.   The Gods of the Egyption
63.   The Ancient Egyptian Light of the World
64.   Egyptian Yoga, Philosophy Of Enlightenment
65.   Kemetic concepts of Educationline-break1SUB: Marcus Garvey Specificallyline-break166.   The Black Moses
67.    Garvey’s Children
68.   The Philosophies & Opinions of Marcus Garvey
69.   The Message to The People
70.    The Poetical Works Of Marcus Garvey
71.     Marcus Gavey Anti-Colonial Champion
72.    Justice Delayedline-break1SUB: Haile Selassie I Specificallyline-break173.   My Life & Ethiopia’s Progress Vol. 1
74.   Progress Vol. 2
75.   Haile Selassie I, His Formative Years.
76.   Important utterances of HIM
77.   Jahugs Vol. 1 – 7line-break1SUB: Ancient & Modern Classic Textsline-break178.   The Epic of Gilgamesh
79.   The Book of Enoch
80.   The Lost Books Of Eden
81.    The Holy Bible
82.   The Apocrypha (a wide selection of books)
83.   The Holy Quran (not in full)
84.   Rig Veda (not in full)line-break1SUB: Religion & Spiritualityline-break185.  African Origin of Major Western Religions
86.  The Holy Piby
87.  The Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy
88.  The Promise Key
89.  The Black Presence In The Bible
90.  The Historical Origin Of Christianity
91.   The Original African Heritage Study Bible
92.  The Adinkra Dictionary
93.  The Historical Origin of Christianity
94.  The A-Z of African Proverbs
95.  The Cult of the Black Virgin
96.  The Black Biblical Heritage
97.   African Folk Tales – Credo Mutwa
98.   Sword, Seal & The Koran: (250BC – 1660AD)
99.   Dread History
100.  African Mythology
line-break1Please click the books to get a general over of its content.  Where possible we have provided the links, in order for you to obtain these books for your self.  Many are FREE online although others will need to be purchased.
Enjoy your research and reading, we hope this resource is of great use and benefit to you in your own personal journey.[/su_spoiler]

Adinkra Symbol

 Name: Sankofa
Meaning: Return and get it
Symbolising: Learning from the past


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