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Free Online Cultural Games & Quizzes

Resources_Featured copyPlay games and quizzes that will help you learn more about
African History & Culture and at the same time enjoy yourself.

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[su_spoiler title=”ACCESS CULTURAL QUIZZES HERE  ” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”TABS”]Resources_Games_IconClick the TABS to the right to access the games, quizzes and test in their categories. Complete these activities and keep a track and record of your scores and times.  You can return at a later time to, improve your results until you are achieving 100% scores.
All these games and activities are also relevant to all the SUBJECTS & TOPICS, featured within Imani’s Website, therefore they can also be used as a way to review, evaluate and measure your personal progress in your studies.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”HISTORY”]PRE-HISTORYline-break11.  Evolution Quiz
2. In The Beginning
3. Early World History line-break1ANCIENT HISTORYline-break11.  Ancient History 1
2. Ancient History 2
3. More Ancient History (Selection)
4. History of the Ancient World line-break1AFRICAN EMPIRESline-break11.  Ancient Egypt Pharaohs and Queens
2. African Empires 1
3. Ancient African Empires Map Quiz
4. African Kingdoms
5. African Culture x 3
6. Ethiopia Modern History Map Quiz
7. Name the Emperors of Ethiopia
8. Name the Languages in Ethiopia
line-break1GENERAL HISTORYline-break11.  American Slavery
2. African Colonial Quiz
3. American Civil Rights Movement Quiz 1
4. American Civil Rights Movement Quiz 2
5. American Civil Rights Movement Quiz 3
6. History of the Black Panther Movement
7. African American History Selection (BHM) [/su_tab][su_tab title=”FAITH”]FAITH & MYTHSline-break11.  Faith & Religion
2. Faiths
3. Gods & Goddesses
4. Deities (God’s) by Religion
5. Myths & Legends
line-break1RELIGIONSline-break11.  Easy Religion/Culture
2. Inside Islam
3. Christianity
4. Words of Jesus
5. Easy Bible
6. Know the Bible
7. Books of the Bible
8. World Religions (Selection)
9. Rastafari Movement[/su_tab][su_tab title=”FAMOUS”]HERO’S line-break11.  African American leaders Q.1
2. Rosa Parks
3. Famous People (BHM Q.1)
4. Famous People (BHM Q.2) 
5. Bob Marley Q.1
6. Nelson Mandela
7.  Marcus Garvey Q.1
8.  Marcus Garvey Q.2
9.  Famous People (BHM Q.3)
1.  Marvin Gaye
2. Curtis Mayfield
3. Mary J. Blige
4. The Temptations
5. Whitney Houston
6. Dionne Warwick
7. African American Musicians line-break1CARIBBEAN
1.  Reggae Music Q.1
2. Easy Reggae Quiz
3. Reggae Lyrics Trivia Q.1
4. Reggae Lyrics Trivia Q.2
5. Roots Reggae Trivia
line-break1SPORTSline-break11.  Muhammed Ali
2. Muhammed Ali
3. Sports First
4. Baseball Starsline-break1WRITERSline-break11.  African American Writers[/su_tab][su_tab title=”SCIENCE”]GENERALline-break11.  General Science          
2. General Science (Selection)
3. Weights & Measures
4. Units of Measurement
5. Countries of the Worldline-break1GEOGRAPHY line-break11.  Central America & The Caribbean Map Quiz
2. African Capitals Quiz
3. African Geography
4. Ethiopian Geography & History
5. Ethiopia Geography
6. Countries Bordering Ethiopia
7. Countries of Africaline-break1NATUREline-break11.  African Animals
2. African Creatures
3. Animals & Nature
4. Mother Nature A – Z
5. God’s Creatures (Animals)line-break1UNIVERSEline-break11.  Our Solar System
2. The Planets
3. Astronomy Q.1line-break1HUMAN BODYline-break11.  The Human Body
2. Human Biology[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler]

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