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[su_spoiler title=”LEARN MORE” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Roots_Campaign-logo_420The Roots Campaign is currently administering 3 individual online petitions.   Theses petitions aim to help highlight specific important issues and concerns affecting African – Caribbean people in Britain, as well as set a platform, to enable an authentic positive Cultural identity to be developed for current and proceeding generations  of people of African descent born or living in Britain.line_1_290_wht copyPlease Access, Read About and Sign any or all of these e-Petitions below, to lend your support, encouragement and voice to this movement in Britain for African Descendants to Reclaim Our Own True Self (ROOTS).sign-the-petition[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”THE PETITIONS” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”HOW”]Please access the petitions by Clicking the TABS to the right, then READ, FILL-IN and SUBMIT the form.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”B.H.M”][emailpetition id=”1″][/su_tab] [su_tab title=”ETHNICITY”][emailpetition id=”3″][/su_tab][su_tab title=”HEROES”][emailpetition id=”2″][/su_tab][/su_tabs]line_1_290_wht copyAfter you have signed Petition, Please GO TO YOUR EMAIL to Confirm your e-Petition signature.  Asante (Thank you)[/su_spoiler]

Adinkra Symbol


Name: Mmere Dane
Meaning: Time Changes
Symbolising: Changing Life’s Dynamics


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