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My Life and Ethiopia’s Progress Vol.2

My Life and Ethiopia’s Progress: Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellassie I. Vol 2

Author:  Haile Sellassie (1996, Paperback)
Paperback: 190 pages.
First Published: 1996
Publisher: Michigan State University Press 1996
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0948390328
ISBN-13: 9780948390326

Details: In this volume, many will be reading for the first time of the attempts made by Mussolini to give the I Majesty millions of pounds and to build him a palace in the country of HIS choice. But the I Majesty replied and said:

“I left my country, not to sell it, but to seek justice for my people and my country. The history of Ethiopia will not be despoiled by by a guinea stained with the blood of Ethiopians.”

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