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Imani’s Study Guides


A Marcus Garvey quote and his personal advice:

“Read history incessantly until you master it. This means your own national history, the history of the world, social history, industrial history and the history of the different sciences; but primarily, the history of man”.

These study guides have been designed to help our visitors achieve and follow the advice given above.


Contained within these Study Guides are;

  • Specific Topics
  • Key Points & Notes (Imani’s research)
  • Related Media e.g. Video’s, Audio, Images
  • Related Books & Literature
  • Useful Websites Links


  • Study each topic separately
  • Set up a study schedule for a defined period, e.g. 6 weeks.
  • You can decide on any length of time in accordance with your other commitments, however a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 3 months or 12 weeks should be adhered to.
  • Remember you are only building or setting a foundation, to gain a broader knowledge base, each topic can and should become a lifetime study and even after this, you would still need more time to know everything concerning it.
  • In-line with your schedule develop a study plan, e,g. how many books you wish to read or time you will spend reading, watching video’s etc. (this will determine what you can realistically learn over this period).
  • It is suggested that to get any realistic benefit from this research or your study plan you must allocate a minimum of 1 hour per day to your study, e.g 1hr x 7 days = 7hrs x 6 weeks = approximately 42 hours of study per topic. Sufficient time to form a good knowledge base, as most Level 2 courses are normally only 30 hrs maximum in the UK.
  • Set yourself realistic goals of what you think you want to know by the end of your study.
  • Review your study progress at least twice during your schedule e.g if a 6 week schedule then on your 2nd and 4th week.
  • Set up a new folder or folders on your computer (device) in order to save your personal notes and to archive corresponding researched material. e.g Main Folder = My History Research, Sub Folders = Prehistory / Ancient History etc.
  • Contact us via this website if you need any support in your study, Imani including the rest of our team will be happy to assist where possible.



Some of these topic study guides are complemented and accompanied by tools and practical ways that you can measure and assess your acquired knowledge. This is achieved through TESTS, GAMES. PUZZLES & QUIZZES provided through this website.

“Please try to use all these tools when available as a means of evaluating your progress, measuring your achievements and most importantly have fun”.

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