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Deprecated: get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5.0! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in /hermes/bosnacweb09/bosnacweb09ax/b2251/ipg.starlinepromotioncou/imani-music/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5325



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Welcome to Imani’s Resources

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Welcome to Imani’s Resource Page
& Corresponding Links.

“These pages or resources are hoped to provide the visitor, with the necessary tools, i.e material, to gain a better understanding and awareness of African Black Heritage & Culture”.

As Imani himself has been investigating this specific heritage for many years, and has secured and identified many useful tools that has enabled him to obtain such a broad knowledge base. He humbly offers through these pages, visitors the opportunity to share in this awareness.

The resources featured here are therefore a reflection of his own particular research over the years and as it continues at present.
It is hoped that these pages and links become an invaluable tool and resource for people, new to or even knowledgeable about this wonderful heritage.

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