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The Author

JKB_books copy“The Pen is Mightier Than The Sword”

[su_spoiler title=”IMANI THE AUTHOR” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]quillIn addition to being an artist, an activist and a historian, Imani also writes and produces information booklets, pamphlets and articles, as well as publishes his own books.   These literary resources also contribute towards his activism.   They are designed to also help raise people’s awareness to many important aspects of African Black Culture & Heritage, not generally known or highlighted.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”WHAT, WHY, WHO & HOW?” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]Over the years Imani has written and produced many booklets and pamphlets on a variety of subjects and topics.  book2These literary resources have been distributed mostly for free, through projects and organisation’s that Imani has worked with and supported through his ABC 1-2-3 Services. Many of Imani’s booklets, were written for specific occasions or events commemorating the life of an individual, or an event in history.   Due to Imani’s varied knowledge of African Black History & Culture, Imani is able through his writing to present important facts, otherwise difficult to obtain and mostly unknown,  in a concise but simple format, easy to understand and digest.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”THE METHODOLOGY, CONTENT & CONTEXT” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]Imani himself was first influenced and inspired by a quote on a poster, he therefore understood first hand the power of not only words but also pictures.  Therefore the majority of literary resources produced by Imani, also contain a large quantity of photo’s and images.
This has proved instrumental in his activism and a very powerful tool in presenting various facts, as ‘Seeing is Believing’.  Notwithstanding the fact that, Imani himself before he began researching African Black history, and as a youth, never enjoyed reading.
Therefore due to his own experience as well as the clientele Imani mostly targets,  his booklets are as much albums or catalogues, as they are literary resources, based upon the amount of images and pictures they contain. album[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”OTHER LITERARY & VISUAL RESOURCES ” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]exhibit-tappered panel_promoOn occasion some of these booklets and pamphlets are accompanied and complemented by extensive exhibitions and displays, that Imani creates as mobile resources that tour venues and offer visitors the opportunity to see as well as read the facts.  These displays are also mostly visual displays with minimal text. (see ABC 1-2-3 Services) [/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”THE BOOKLETS BY IMANI ” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”][su_tabs][su_tab title=”BOOKLET 1″]Cover_The Journey to FreedomA Journey To Freedom
Type: Booklet
Produced: 2007
Event:  200 Years Since  Abolition of  Slavery
Description:  This booklet details the journey of African’s before, during and after the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade  in pictures and images.  Personalised and from the eye’s and perspective of a living descendants of these enslaved African’s,  namely Imani.
Created For: This booklet was produced for Kalunga a Birmingham based group, as a handout for a community excursion to Liverpool Maritime Museum (Slavery), over 250 people attended. Traveling in a convoy of 6 coaches and a entourage of vehicles.  Also contains a word search on words relating to slavery.[/su_tab][su_tab title=”BOOKLET 2″]Cover Garvey Remembered BookletMarcus Garvey Remembered
Type: Booklet
Produced: 2009
Event: Garvey Memorial Day
Description: This booklet features over 150 photographs, images and pictures, detailing the life and legacy of Marcus Garvey.  This booklet also focuses on the legacy of Garvey, in England and Birmingham in particular.
Created For: This booklet was produced alongside an Exhibition, also created by Imani, for The United Community Education Project, West Bromwich, England.  As part of the Marcus Garvey Remembered Project, that ran for 12 months throughout 2008-9.   Imani’s U.N.I.A (Universal Negro Improvement Association) Anthem video on this website (see Imani The Activist page), was recorded at this event. Also contains a word search on words relating to Garvey.[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”BOOKLET 3″]Cover Queen of Queens BookletThe Queen of Queens
Type: Booklet
Produced: 2010
Event:  121st Birthday Commemoration
Description: This booklet features, speeches, photos and a biography of HIM Empress Menen Asfaw, wife of HIM Haile Selassie I.  This book also focuses upon her important roles in support for her husband, in addition to championing Women rights.
Created For:  This booklet was created for
and on behalf of the Queen Omega Dawtas Project, Birmingham, United Kingdom.  To commemorate the 121st birthday of HIM Empress Menen Asfaw. Also contains a crossword relating to HIM Empress Menen.[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”BOOKS BY IMANI HIMSELF” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]
[su_tabs][su_tab title=”BOOK 1″]Gospel According to Garvey_LetterSizeThe Gospel According to Marcus Garvey
Type: Book – Paperback
Published: 2013
Publisher:  JKB Independent Publishers
Available: Paperback, Kindle
Description: A selection of 30 speeches, words and opinions of Marcus Garvey, detailing his personal views about topics such as God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Christianity and other important religious and spiritual themes. This is a small but very important book as it highlights to the reader, many for the first time,  Garvey’s passion and devotion to the ideology of Christ and God. BUY NOW  [/su_tab][su_tab title=”BOOK 2″]Story of Kwanzaa_Cover_For Publish_JpegA Story of Kwanzaa
Type: Children’ s Book
Published: 2013
Publisher:  JKB Independent Publishers
Available: Paperback, Kindle
Description: A Story of Kwanzaa & Festival Guide is a fictional story about how the festival of Kwanzaa began. Set in ancient Africa, the story introduces Mama and Baba Kwanzaa, literally mother and father Kwanzaa to the reader.
These individuals are the two main characters of the story who become icons of Kwanzaa as Father Christmas, St Nicholas or Santa Claus is to Christmas.
The book also offers a comprehensive and detailed guide to how the Kwanzaa Festival is celebrated and commemorated. BUY NOW
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”BOOK 3″]The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Type: Book
Published: 2014
Publisher:  JKB Independent Publishers
Available: Paperback, Kindle
Description: This book contains  the complete words of Jesus Christ, extracted word for word from the New Testament, King James Version Bible.  For possibly the first time in 2000 years, people are again able to learn from the unadulterated sayings of Jesus Christ, without any commentary or opinions. Imani has put together this remarkable book, to promote the sayings of Jesus Christ, although not a Christian, Imani is however a Christ-Man, meaning follower of the Christ.   As with everything, Imani goes Back to Basic’s, peeling away the theories, and leaving the facts, in order to try a rebuild from a better and stronger foundation. BUY NOW[/su_tab][/su_tabs] line_1_290_wht copyThese published titles. published through JKB (Jah Knows Best) Independent Publishers,  are some of the latest additions to Imani’s activism, only being published and made available in late 2013. PLEASE SUPPORT IMANI BY PURCHASING HIS PUBLISHED BOOKS,  NOT ONLY TO SUPPORT HIM, BUT YOUR OWN PERSONAL LEARNING AND AWARENESS. [/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”THE FUTURE PLANS” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]It is Imani’s intention to continue to produce both educational booklets and published titles.  Although all published titles will inevitably be made available through this website and throughout the internet.  Imani will endeavour as time progresses, to ensure his booklets are made available freely through this website also.[/su_spoiler]

Adinkra Symbolnea-onnim-no-sua-a-ohu_life-long-educationName: Nea Onnim No Sua A Ohu
Representing: Continuous Learning
Symbolising: Life Long Education


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Books by Imani

Imani has published 3 books that are available for purchase online through this website and other online researchers.

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