[su_spoiler title=”AN INTRODUCTION TO POSSESSION” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]The Eternal Struggle From Within – The True Jihad.
Possession is a track by Imani, that explores the phenomena of two ever present voices in an individuals mind, advising them to do good or evil. Imani likens this to being possessed and a on going eternal struggle that all must undertake. However warning not to give in, to the Evil but to continually try and follow the Good, wrath or peace, respectively.
Its all about choices, Imani maintains that with true faith and the right focus, a person can more often than not make the right choice. A choice mostly between, the heart & mind, or spirit & flesh.[/su_spoiler]
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from hearing, seeing or even reading its English translation below.
[su_spoiler title=”READ ENGLISH TRANSLATION HERE” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Possession | Translated into common English
From the day I was born in the earth,
my life has been full choices.
A choice between doing the wrong
or doing what is right.
A choice to walk in darkness
or in the light.
A choice between two conflicting voices.
Giving me two completely different advice’s,
But it is still my own choice.
I said I’m hearing voices, In my head.
So I’ve got to make the right choices, to stay ahead.
But Babylon devises
are trying to disrupt my meditation (meds)
But I’m still giving praises!!!
I have two thoughts,
One comes from the mind
And one come from the heart
One is saying peace,
The other one is saying wrath
One misleads,
Whilst the other leads me to the ark
Well then, its now that the battle to starts
Verse 1
My mind is playing tricks
It couldn’t me, could it?
Its been a long time, little things I have noticed
But in my mind,
I have found that all the thoughts in my mind,
there’s always a conflict
One time I feel fine (Criss)
And then the next minute
I feel like a lunatic
Because when the mind is split
And my thoughts get fix
“That’s Possession”
Two minds like a twix
All that was clear has now turned into mist
I never thought I could of mis – understand the seriousness
Although I feel like myself
I still feel that something’s a miss (missing)
I’m even hearing voices
One is saying to do that, one saying to do this,
Chorus & Verse 2
What kind of thing is this?
It shouldn’t be like this
But its something that I always have to deal with
Although I hear two voice
I still have a choice
So its me who decides who to agree with
And every choice that I make
I know must have a cause and effect
So I take check
Because I know my life is a test
And I do know the seriousness, YES!
And it’s not a joke that I’m making
Its a serious thing and I’m very serious
And this is not a guess that I’m guessing
The choices I make, determine the road that I take
And according to how I choose move (flex),
I don’t want to get, caught up, in the west
So I chose life over death
And spirit over flesh.
The END[/su_spoiler]Adinkra Symbol

Name: Sesa Wo Suban
Representing: Change or transform your character
Symbolising: Life Transformation