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(5) Nar Figet Shep

Feature Shep[su_spoiler title=”AN INTRODUCTION TO NAR FIGET SHEP” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up For Your Rightsline-break1This track explores the plight of those early Caribbean migrants to the United Kingdom from the 1950′s to 1980′s.  Who were confronted by racism, harassment and even violent physical intimidation.  From the host nation, who formed themselves into gangs such as the notorious Teddy Boys.
Shep or Sheppy as he was affectionately known was a hero in his local town of Dudley for his role during this period.  Remembered and celebrated by all his community when he passed away.  This was and is Imani’s Tribute to Shep and all freedom fighters.[/su_spoiler]

You are free to share this track with anyone you feel would enjoy & benefit
from hearing, seeing or even reading its English translation below.

[su_spoiler title=”READ ENGLISH TRANSLATION HERE” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Nar Figet Shep | Translated into common Englishline-break1Introline-break1Now hear what I’ve come to tell the people. This is straight, I’m not going around any corners (mix my words). Huh, anytime you see that I come here, I have to give them, roots & culture. Hey, Its Imani and this is what I’ve come to tell the world.line-break1I want them to know, I’ve come to tell them so!!!. Said!line-break1Chorus line-break1So I said it’s much respect
So I said it’s much respectline-break1We won’t forget
Whether in life or death
We won’t forget the man named Shepline-break1So I go like thisline-break1So I said it’s much respect
So I said it’s much respectline-break1We won’t forget
Whether in life or death
We won’t forget the man named Shepline-break1West Midlandsline-break1Verse 1line-break1You better believe me
Life wasn’t easy in Dudley
Although the work was plenty
And we had a little money,
We were still living without dignity
Because when we left the factory,line-break1They had the audacity
To try and come to terrorise us (we)
And tell us to go back to our own country
And it was them that invited us (we)line-break1They are not easyline-break1Showing us the world and only teasing us (we)
How could we know they was deceiving us (we) Wow!
We never knew the snow could freeze us (we)
And on top of all that, they are beating us (we).line-break1So I go this way (go so)!line-break1All the good work we do, that’s how they treat us (we)
Never had it in their minds, to please us (we)
So it’s a good thing that some men were ready
To drop some licks (a good licking) on Teddy (Teddy Boys)line-break1So I go this way (go so)!line-break1Chorus & Verse 2line-break1All of you hear meline-break1It wasn’t Dudley alone
In Britain, every city, every town
Black people, they got lock down
They couldn’t leave their houses, when the sun went downline-break110,000 miles from home (actually appox. 4700 miles)
Only came England, to earn two (some) pounds
But they found themselves in a war zone
So we must respect the ones that held their ground.line-break1Chorus & Repeat Verse 1line-break1The END[/su_spoiler]Adinkra Symbol

Name: Akoben
Representing: The War Horn
Symbolising:  Vigilance and Wariness


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