[su_spoiler title=”AN INTRIDUCTION TO MY TRIBUTE” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]‘My Tribute’ is a track that pays tribute and remembers the countless amount of enslaved African’s that have died over the past 400 years, without receiving a proper burial. A custom and ritual not afforded slaves.
This topic seldom spoken of by either other artists or historians, is possibly one of the most sensitive issues, in regards to the treatment of slaves. The rites of burial, a custom most sacred to Africans and their descendants even today, is often overlooked when remembering the African Holocaust (Maafa). Through this lyric Imani aims to rectify this. Imani draws peoples attention to this fact, in an attempt to highlight that although long gone, this particular phenomena can, however be remedied, by people such as himself, by not only remembering these unfortunate people, but also by offering, late though it may be, a prayer of gratitude. My Tribute being such an example.[/su_spoiler]
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