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Imani’s Tracks

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“The Pen is Mightier, Than the Sword, But The
Tongue is Greater than the Two put together”.  Marcus Garvey


[su_spoiler title=”AN INTODUCTION TO IMANI’S TRACKS” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Imani cd coverHere you can listen to music tracks that feature Imani.  Some  of these tracks are accompanied by video’s.  These video’s have been created to help people see, as well as hear what Imani’s lyrics are about.  Not your normal music video, these mediavideo’s feature images and photo’s that complement what Imani is saying. Imani calls these video’s, Music Video Presentations, and they are a powerful tool to help get his message across.  Imani’s tracks are therefore a selection of both audio tracks and music video presentations. There are Seven (7) tracks featured here in this track list.  Although other tracks by Imani are featured throughout this website, see The Artist page.  Other tracks will also be added to this track list as time progresses.[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title=”IMANI’S WORD-SOUND TRANSLATIONS” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]african british2Although Imani writes and performs all his lyric’s in Jamaican patios, nevertheless the words to these lyrics are presented here, through this website, in their equivalent English translations. This has been done in order to help all listeners fully appreciate exactly what Imani is saying, regardless of whether they understand patios or not.  This however can also be useful, to people who can and do, fully understand and speak Jamaican patios, who may also find these translations very humorous.[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title=”THE CONTEXT & CONTENT OF IMANI’S LYRICS” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]triangleaniEducation & Entertainment = Edutainment: All of Imani’s lyrics, have a specific theme as well as an objective.  From beginning to end, Imani always try’s to tell a story, as he maintains that he always has something to say of importance, therefore, a collection of punch-lines would not be sufficient to relay the full content and context, Imani wishes his audience to understand and become aware to.  Therefore all Imani’s tracks can be considered Edutainment, as people are educated as well as entertained simultaneously[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title=”MUSIC INDUSTRY OPPORTUNITIES & SUPPORT” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]mike-man2All of these 7 tracks, listed and featured in this track list,  are yet to be published formally. Therefore an opportunity exist for producers, artists & other people, operating within the global music and media industries, to work alongside Imani  on any particular track, or support him in any other way to help him achieve this.  It should be noted also that many of the instrumentals used for most of these tracks, are actually  popular dancehall rhythms, that has been used only as a guide, with no intention to release or generate income from them, but primarily to showcase Imani’s lyrics. If you are therefore a Producer or Artist and think you can create that ideal rhythm to suit any of Imani lyrics or add your own unique flavour to enhance them. Likewise if you think you can help & support Imani in anyway, to enable him to get his music to the masses.  Then please contact Imani’s management team via the contact page.[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”OPEN PLAYLIST CLICK TABS TO ACCESS TRACKS ” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″][su_tabs][su_tab title=”1″]TRACK 1: MY TRIBUTEline_1_290_wht copy[su_youtube url=””]My Tribute is a track that pays tribute and remembers the countless amount of enslaved African’s that have died over the past 400 years, without receiving a proper burial.  A custom and ritual not afforded slaves…..GO TO THE MY TRIBUTE PAGE TO READ MORE AND GET THE WORD-SOUND ENGLISH TRANSLATION.  CLICK HERE [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”2″]TRACK 2: DEM A VAMPIREline_1_290_wht copy[su_youtube url=””] “Dem, Dem Dem Dema Vampire, warnfi suck out di blood of di yout Iya”, Is part of the chorus for this upbeat reggae dancehall tune.  Imani uses the analogies of a Vampire and a leech, then likening these culprits to Count Dracula as a synonym for capitalists….GO TO THE DEM A VAMPIRE PAGE TO READ MORE AND GET THE WORD-SOUND ENGLISH TRANSLATION. CLICK HERE [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”3″]TRACK 3: FIGHTING FOR A CAUSEline_1_290_wht copy[su_youtube url=””]This track by Imani explores how it seems as if all influences targeted at Black people, particularly young males are aimed at criminalising them….
GO TO THE FIGHTING FOR A CAUSE PAGE TO READ MORE AND GET THE WORD-SOUND ENGLISH TRANSLATION. CLICK HERE [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”4″]TRACK 4: POSSESSIONline_1_290_wht copyTrack_Feature_Possession2Possession is a track by Imani, that explores the phenomena of two ever present voices in an individuals mind, advising them to do good or evil.  Imani likens this to being possessed and a on going eternal struggle that all must undertake….GO TO THE POSSESSION TRACK PAGE TO READ MORE AND GET THE WORD-SOUND ENGLISH TRANSLATION.  CLICK HERE[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”5″]TRACK 5: NAR FIGET SHEPline_1_290_wht copyFeature ShepThis track explores the plight of those early Caribbean migrants to the United Kingdom from the 1950′s to 1980′s.  Who were confronted by racism, harassment and even violent physical intimidation….GO TO NAR FIGET SHEP TRACK PAGE TO READ MORE AND GET THE WORD-SOUND ENGLISH TRANSLATION.  CLICK HERE [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”6″]TRACK 6: THE GLORY OF THE KINGSline_1_290_wht copyGlory of KingsKebra Nagast, To Know The Splendor & Greatness of Kings. The Glory of the Kings is a track that brings to light the Ancient Ethiopian Religious Book called the Kebra Negast. This lyric examines kingship or royalty, in accordance with the standards set forth in the Ethiopian, Kebra Nagast….GO TO THE GLORY OF KINGS PAGE TO READ MORE AND GET THE WORD-SOUND ENGLISH TRANSLATION.  CLICK HERE [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”7″]TRACK 7: A PEACE SONGline_1_290_wht copyPeace SongImani’s appeal for Peace within the African Black Globally Comm-unity,  as well as for their Unity. The Peace song is a tribute to the minister & messenger the Honorable Robert (Bob), Nesta Marley, written in honor of his memory, due to his contribution to the upliftment of the African family through his message of PEACE / LOVE and UNITY….GO TO THE PEACE SONG PAGE TO READ MORE AND GET THE WORD-SOUND ENGLISH TRANSLATION. CLICK HERE [/su_tab][/su_tabs] [/su_spoiler]

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Track_Feature_My Tribute_1260

(1) My Tribute

[su_spoiler title=”AN INTRIDUCTION TO MY TRIBUTE” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]‘My Tribute’ is a track that pays tribute and remembers the countless amount of enslaved African’s that have died over the past 400 years, without receiving a proper burial.  A custom and ritual not afforded slaves.This topic seldom spoken of by either other artists or historians, is possibly …

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Track_Feature_For A Cause

(2) Dem A Vampire

[su_spoiler title=”AN INTRODUCTION TO DEM A VAMPIRE ” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]”Dem, Dem Dem Dema Vampire, warnfi suck out di blood of di yout Iya”, Is part of the chorus for this upbeat reggae dancehall tune.  Imani uses the analogies of a Vampire and a leech, then likening these culprits to Count Dracula as a synonym for capitalists. …

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Track_Feature_For A Cause

(3) Fighting For A Cause

[su_spoiler title=”AN INTRODUCTION TO FIGHTING FOR A CAUSE” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]This track by Imani explores how it seems as if all influences targeted at Black people, particularly young males are aimed at criminalising them.  However Imani states that this is a strategy to help not just criminalise them but to taint their perspective of this legitimate struggle …

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(4) Possession

[su_spoiler title=”AN INTRODUCTION TO POSSESSION” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]The Eternal Struggle From Within – The True Jihad. Possession is a track by Imani, that explores the phenomena of two ever present voices in an individuals mind, advising them to do good or evil.  Imani likens this to being possessed and a on going eternal struggle that all …

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Feature Shep

(5) Nar Figet Shep

[su_spoiler title=”AN INTRODUCTION TO NAR FIGET SHEP” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up For Your RightsThis track explores the plight of those early Caribbean migrants to the United Kingdom from the 1950′s to 1980′s.  Who were confronted by racism, harassment and even violent physical intimidation.  From the host nation, who formed themselves into gangs …

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Glory of Kings

(6) Glory Of The Kings

[su_spoiler title=”AN INTRODUCTION TO GLORY OF KINGS” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Kebra Nagast, To Know The Splendor & Greatness of KingsThe Glory of the Kings is a track that brings to light the Ancient Ethiopian Religious Book called the Kebra Nagast. This lyric examines kingship or royalty, in accordance with the standards set forth in the Ethiopian, Kebra …

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Peace Song

(7) Peace Song

[su_spoiler title=”AN INTRODUCTION TO THE PEACE SONG” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Imani’s appeal for Peace within the African Black Globally Community,  as well as for their Unity.The Peace song is a tribute to the minister & messenger the Honourable Robert (Bob), Nesta Marley, written in honour of his memory, due to his contribution to the upliftment of the …

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