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The Artist

Imani Faith 2THE NINETEEN EIGHTY’S (1980’S)

[su_spoiler title=”HOW IT ALL BEGAN” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]chatting 2Imani is a DJ with many years of experience.  Since the age of 13 he has been writing lyrics and performing, he began his DJ career named Junior T, the first lyric he ever wrote was called “King of Kings”.  He made a name for himself as Lickshot, a name he had used since aged 15.  Becoming a well known and a respected artist in Birmingham & the West Midlands, England,  throughout the late1980’s.[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”RECORDING ARTIST ” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]record-smallAfter the decline of the UK dancehall DJ scene in the early 1990’s,  Lickshot was fortunate enough to be able to continue as a credible reggae artist by making dubplates (one off productions, specific to individual sounds, also known as specials), for local soundsystems.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”RELEASES | WATCH 1 VIDEO” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]recordplayerIn 1994 as Lickshot, he released his first track, that featured on a compilation CD, produced and distributed by Sam Sharpe Music Project, Wolverhampton, England.  The track was called “Bullet Proof Vest” and was a ‘Bad Man Tune’.  This track was popular and served to alert the public to the fact that Lickshot was still Dejaying.  This was the last track he would write with a theme not cultural, as by this time he had begun researching Black History.
Therefore although making his debut as a recording artist, he didn’t pursue his career, making a conscious decision, to start writing more positive lyrics.  In 1998, Lickshot (Imani) also featured on a Bhanghra CD, with a track called “Love Me Girl Bad” a collaboration with a then well known Asian female artist named Shasha.
Black-star-movieThis track was a success featuring in both the UK & Asian charts, as well as on many compilation CD’s.   However the lyrics used for this track was one of Lickshot’s old lyrics written about 1992, so again never reflected who he actually was at that time. Below is the video of this track, originally on the Audio CD.line-break1[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”THE BIRTH OF IMANI (FAITH) | LISTEN 3 TRACKS” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Imani cd coverIn 1999 and with the turn of the century and the millennium,  Lickshot made his debut as a conscious, cultural reggae artist, now going under the name of Imani.  Releasing an EP (3 tracks) entitled, “Kebra Nagast, The Glory of the Kings” From Outa Di Heart Of Babylon. The tracks featured were “The Glory of the Kings” or Kebra Nagast of which it is a translation,  “The Peace Song” and “Bun Fire Hot”,  having religious, upliftment and dancehall themes respectively, in order to display his versatility and relevance.line-break1[su_tabs][su_tab title=”KEBRA NAGAST”] Visit page: Glory of Kings[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”BUN FIRE HOT”] This Track has no page[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”PEACE SONG”]Visit page: Peace Song.[/su_tab][/su_tabs][/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title=”INTRODUCING IMANI TO THE WORLD” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]imani performance 1999 dudleyHis debute was an immediate success, being billed for stage shows, even before some promoters had heard his new material, as well as requests for interviews on regional radio stations, who were all plugging his EP.
This response was due mainly to his already established reputation as a credible and talented artist, as by now he had over 14 years experience. During a six months period from October 1999 to April 2000, Imani performed at numerous events, promoting his EP and his message.   However due to personal commitments and circumstances, he was forced or more correctly  he chose to divert from his music, to pursue his vocational career.[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM | WATCH 1 VIDEO” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]imani performance 1999Although Imani hasn’t publicly produced any music, since 2000, he continued to write lyrics and perform at selected events.  These  events were not however music events, but where and when people gathered to celebrate  a specific cultural theme or commemorate a Black Icon, mostly Marcus Garvey, where Imani would often open or close ceremonies, with his unique rendition of Marcus Garvey’s, UNIA National Anthem. Black-star-movieThis Anthem, Imani normally performs acupella (without music), and it always has a very good impact on his audience, who are quite often very much surprised and taken aback, when he unexpectedly breaks out into his lyrics.  Below is a video of Imani performing the Marcus Garvey Anthem.line-break1[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”IN ALL & EVERY ASPECT OF LIFE | WATCH 1 VIDEO” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Other than performing this anthem, Imani has not been actively publising his music and talents, although he has never stopped writing lyrics.  On occasion though, over the years, due primarily to requests or driven by compassion, Imani has written lyrics for specific occasions and people.
Black-star-movieExamples of this, is his Best Man’s speech, 2008, written and performed for one of his closet friends,  who gave him the honor of being his best man.  Another example of this is the “Nar Figet Shep” track to commemorate a local hero, when he passed away in 2012, this track is featured on Imani’s Track list.  Below is a video clip of Imani’s Best Man’s Speech 2008.line-break1[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”THE SUMMARY TO DATE” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]mike2Above is the history and a summary of Imani’s DJ career to date.  From this it is evident that although not mainstream or a recognised artist until now, Imani is a veteran DJ with many years of experience, of both writing lyrics and performing.[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”THE STORM AFTER THE CALM” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Over the years Imani has been writing lyrics in preparation for his debut and exposure to the world.  He NOW believes that the time has come for him to seriously try to share some of these lyrics,  his music and his awareness with others.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title=”THIS IS NO HYPE TING” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Imani-Standing_with logo copyHe maintains their is no hype, or superficial agenda such as seeking fame (fa-me) or stardom (star-an-dumb) to him re-launching his career.  He is in no competition with any other artist,  seeks no recommendation or any recording deal.   His intention is specifically to fulfill his mission and purpose in life,  to get his message, the message of the ancestors and those great ones that came before us, to the masses. If he is able to do this without making a single dime, he believes he would have succeeded and accomplished what he has come here to do.  To tell part of the half that has never been told.[/su_spoiler]

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“Tree of God” – Altar
“Symbol of God’s presence and protection”


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Imani’s Tracks

[metaslider id=721] “The Pen is Mightier, Than the Sword, But The Tongue is Greater than the Two put together”.  Marcus Garvey WELCOME TO IMANI’S TRACKS PAGE [su_spoiler title=”AN INTODUCTION TO IMANI’S TRACKS” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Here you can listen to music tracks that feature Imani.  Some  of these tracks are accompanied by video’s.  These video’s have been created to …

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