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The Activist

In addition to being an experienced Artist, Imani is also an Activist.


[su_spoiler title=”WHAT IS AN ACTIVIST?” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]activist 2An activist is a person who peacefully campaigns for some kind of social change.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”WHAT TYPE OF ACTIVIST IS IMANI?” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]FistAs all of Imani’s activism is focussed upon relevant issues concerning Black African peoples cultural heritage, he is therefore a Cultural Activist.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”WHERE IMANI DOES HIS ACTIVISM?” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]black countryAs a Cultural Activist, Imani has been working and campaigning ceaselessly for many years, throughout the West Midlands, and the Black Country in Britain.  It has been due mainly to this activism, why Imani has not until now focused upon his music career.  Although he has on occasion, drawn upon his artistic talents e.g. dejaying  as part of and incorporated within his activism, as seen by the above video.  Nevertheless Imani’s intention is to now focus & target his activism to a global audience, through his music.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”WHO DOES IMANI TARGET?” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]west-midlandsImani’s Activism,  meaning the activities he undertakes to propagate and campaign for social change, has primarily been focused and targeted, at local black communities and people living within the West Midlands, which has the second largest concentration of people of African-Caribbean descent, in Europe, after London.  In addition to this Imani also targets professionals, working within the Public Services, or other service providers.  Imani’s activism is therefore not limited to black people exclusively, but people generally. Although in the past Imani has had a local focus, he now believes it is time to target not only a local or regional, but a national and international audience.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”HOW & WHAT IMANI FOCUSES HIS ACTIVISM” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Imani has supported and initiated scores of projects, services and activities over the years, to help promote and raise awareness of African Black History & Culture and its importance as a tool to empower people of African descent.
Over the years Imani has himself focused his activism to four specific areas.
FistThese focus areas include;
1.  Social Inclusion: Ensuring that people of African descent in Britain, have equal opportunities and access to relevant services and benefits available to them;
2.  Inclusive Education: Incorporating and embedding the heritage of African people within all the National Curriculum subjects;
3.  Cultural Identity: Developing a positive and authentic cultural identity within people of African descent in Britain, particularly those born here;
4.  Community Uplift: Identifying strategies and solutions to tackle and address specific issues affecting the development of African-Black communities, in Britain.  (see Services for more info)[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”SOME CAMPAIGNING TOPICS” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Below is a list of the Key topics  and subjects area’s that Imani has been campaigning on over the years, and continues to do so today. The subjects & topics listed, represent some of the main themes of Imani’s activism;line-break11. African Black History generally.
2. African Black Women and their importance in the struggle.
3. The importance African Spirituality.
4. Marcus Garvey & Garveyism in the 21st Century.
5. Haile Selassie & Ethiopianism in the 21st Century.
6. The importance of an authentic African British Identity.
7. African peoples development & empowerment.
8, The importance of the  African perspective to humanity.
9. The general welfare and wellbeing of all humanity.
10. The Brother-Sisterhood of all, Under One Sun & One God.line-break1activist 2Imani has devoted much of his time and resources over the years in order to create products and services, to help promote and raise people’s awareness of the above topics. (see see Campaigns for more info)[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”HOW IMANI CARRIES OUT HIS ACTIVISM?” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]FistFocused upon the above four keys areas, Imani has developed specific strategies or vehicles, in the form of projects, services and resources, to assist him in his activism.
activist 2Central to his overall strategy and the vehicle through which Imani has been able to establish himself, throughout the West Midlands,  as a credible, reputable and respected activist, is his ABC 1-2-3 Theology, Strategy and Programme. (see Campaigns for more info) [/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”IMANI’S ABC MOTTO & SLOGON” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]abc_blocks3Back To Basic’s, It’s As Simple As ABC, has been Imani’s key motto and campaigning slogan over the years, and has been the foundation upon which his whole campaigning strategy is built.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”ABC THE COMPANY ” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]newlogosmallABC has also been the corporate face and image of Imani, through his company ABC Production. ABC is however an acronym and has a triple barrel meaning, depending upon whom Imani is targeting, for example; When targeting professionals and service providers in Britain, it  represents; 
(1) “Achieving Beyond Circumstances”. 
Similarly and in addition to this meaning, ABC when targeting people of African descent specifically,  also represents;
(2) “African British Connection”, or
(3) “African British-Caribbean”. 
Imani himself being an actual representative and a living  example of all three of these meanings.  Achieving Beyond Circumstance, also representing the fact that people of African  descent, globally but particularly in Britain, can overcome the many social barriers, stereotypes and other obstacles to their achievement, after being equipped with the accurate knowledge of their cultural heritage. Imani’s life experiences, achievements and journey, serving also as evidence to this fact.[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”THE ROOTS ACRONYM, MOTTO, SLOGAN & THEME” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]r_md_wht0_md_wht10_md_wht1t_md_whts_md_whtROOTS, Reclaiming Our Own True Self”,
Is  another acronym, used throughout Imani’s activism and campaign. First devised and used by Imani in 1995, this slogan or motto has since become a central theme within Imani’s activism, with specific services and products, delivered or created by Imani, solely devoted to promoting  this motto, i.e. doing things to help African people including himself, Reclaim Our Own True Self.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”THE ROOTS PROJECTS” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]”ROOTS, i.e. Reclaiming Our Own True Self”, has been the central theme and foundation upon which many of Imani’s projects have focused around, some of which have actually been titled and headed by the word and acronym.   Two very successful projects in particular are examples of this, i.e. The ROOTS Programme & The ROOTS Game Show.  The Roots Programme is a professionally developed and produced Radio Station Show.  Featuring Imani in the character of Brada Imani, who debates and features, cultural issues and material.  Roots_logo_400This Show was first aired on Kriss FM, in 1997 and broadcasted weekly for 12 months.  2013 also saw the return of the Show, where Brada Imani was joined by a Mz Rootz, 2 series were produced, one of which is available to listen and download via this website.RGSLogofinal1 The other important Roots project, The Roots Game Show, is a totally interactive, game show, complete with large cinema screen projection, digitalised animated games, all question relevant to Black history, as well as contestant puzzlers, lights and screen.  This Game Show was first conceived and developed by Imani in 2001, and is played in a audience setting, has since and continues to do so today, entertain people all over the Midlands.  Very popular this Show is also unique and exclusive to Imani’s Activism through his ABC 1-2-3 Services.[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”AN AFRICAN IN BRITAIN” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]african british1More controversial though is Imani’s personal stance and view on his own identity.  Although both of his parents have migrated to England from Jamaica in the Caribbean, and he does accept the term used to describe people from this region and their descendants, e.g. African-Caribbean.  Imani himself has nevertheless not classified himself as such for over 15 years, preferring the term African British, or African British-Caribbean.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”WHO ARE THE AFRICAN BRITISH?” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Black Knight 2 copyAlthough not now an accepted term to describe people of African descent living in Britain.   Imani believes however that this term or these terms, identifying the African & Caribbean roots as well as the British nationality, is a more suited term to describe his own Cultural Identity, rather than just African Caribbean or Black British. The latter term Black British, actually being one of the focuses of Imani’s campaign for social change, as he propagates that this specific term should be totally disused by people of African descent in Britain.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”A VEHICLE FOR CHANGE” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Through these above focus areas and using the ABC vehicle and theology, Imani has been able to devise as well as propagate an ideology unique to his African & British heritage and experience.ABC Coat_of_Arms3copyThe African British Coat of Arms, designed by Brada Imani. (see Imani’s Campaigns i.e. The African British Connection[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”FORMULATING A NEW PERSPECTIVE” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]african british2This has enabled Imani to both analyse and present his knowledge of African History & Culture, from a unique, not to mention NEW perspective.  Namely from the perspective  of an African observing his heritage, his identity and his responsibilities, based upon and relevant to, his actual experience in Britain.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”DIFFERENT FROM THE REST” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]activist 2This new and unique perspective has been of immense importance to how Imani both see’s and presents his opinions and theories.  On many important issues, some of which are fundamental to people’s traditional views of what African history & culture is and how it should be presented to the masses, Imani differs from most.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”A NEW INTERPRETATION OF THE FACTS” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]activist 3This has made Imani, a very controversial figure as he often takes a stance on issues that differentiates and even disassociates him from current philosophies and ideologies, emanating, from influential African, Caribbean & American  based movements.  This means that although the facts Imani relays, may be exactly the same as other more established movements, Imani often comes to a different conclusion as to what these facts means and how they should be applied.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”NOT AFFILIATED TO ANY GROUP” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]This is nowhere more evident and evidenced than by his idea’s and opinions concerning The Rt. Honourable Marcus M. Garvey & HIM Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia.  Two figures that feature throughout Imani’s activism .  Contrary to what most people believe, Imani is not and has never been or professed to have been a Rasta,  although  he has always showed great affection, honour and respect to this modern African tradition. Nevertheless Imani is not affiliated to this or any other movement at present. ewflogo Although he is a registered but not active member of the Ethiopian World Federation (EWF), Birmingham, Chapter.  This fact is also unknown to most, as he doesn’t propagate on their behalf.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”THE REAL FACTS OF THE MATTER” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]tie In regards to the opinions, teachings and the achievements of both Marcus Garvey &  HIM Haile Selassie I, two people who Imani has vigorously studied over the years.  From the beginning and throughout the West Midlands he is also known to be a devote Garveyite.  Nevertheless his activism relating to these two Icons is based and founded upon what they actually said and did and not upon other people’s opinions or interpretation of them.  garvey_color_editThis strategy has served Imani well, when working with people who revere either or both of these individuals, as he is not easily influenced, in addition to him being able to quickly recognise and differentiate between theories or opinions and facts.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”THE ABC 1-2-3 FORMULAR THROUGH ETHIOPIANISM” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]ewf_logoAgain Imani’s ABC theology and terminology is the underlining principle through which he propagates his opinions of these two individuals, i.e. Back to Basic’s, It’s As Simple As ABC, as both Marcus Garvey and HIM Haile Selassie I, are viewed by Imani through the concept of Ethiopianism.
Ethiopianism is an ideology that predates Rastafarism, and was the actual ideology and concept from which both these Great Inspirational Icons, drew upon, as they emerged directly out of, in the 20th Century, under its banner.   Imani’s adhering to Ethiopianism therefore being equivalent to going “Back to the Basics”.  It should be noted also that Rasta as a movement was and is a offshoot and came directly out of the concept of Ethiopianism, in the early part of the 20th century,  but that it is not the embodiment of it, but only a version.  You can learn more about Garvey, His Majesty & Ethiopianism, within the Study Subjects of this website.[/su_spoiler]


[su_spoiler title=”IN SUMMARY OF THESE FACTS” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]In summary of the above facts concerning Imani’s activism, where?, who?, what?, how? and why? it is clear that Imani, as an activist, has much to say and campaign about, this is also evidenced throughout his music.  Although the above facts are primarily what Imani has been successfully doing to the present date, his activism is an on going endeavour.  activist 2Therefore please access the relevant links through this website, to find out exactly, what Imani is currently doing or is planning for the future.  With a possible intention to support, assist or contribute to any or all of these endeavours. To find out more, get involve or keep up to date on Imani’s Activism, please go to the Campaigns pages above.[/su_spoiler]

Adinkra Symbol

nyame-dua_tree-of-god-altar_gods-presence-and-protectionNYAME DUA
“Tree of God” – Altar
Symbol of God’s presence and protection”


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