[metaslider id=2656]
[su_spoiler title=”WHAT IS IMANI’S WEBSITE?” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]
Imani’s Website is a Unique & Exiting Online Resource that enables its visitors to not only enjoy Imani’s music and follow his progress on the music and social scene, but at the same time learn about the beautiful Heritage & Culture of African people and their descendants, over many thousands of years to present, in REAL TIME. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”HOW DOES IT ALL WORK?” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]
Imani’s Website fuses both his artistic talents as an experienced reggae artist, as well as his diverse and comprehensive knowledge and awareness of African Black History & Culture that he has been vigorously studying for the past 20 years, together to create an online resource, like no other. Entertainment plus Education equals Edutainment.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”WHAT CAN YOU DO HERE?” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]
Here you can learn about, listen to, and follow Imani on his journey, as well as access useful information, to help and support you in your own search to discover the true Heritage & Culture of African people. Join the Experience! Take the Journey! YOU ARE WELCOME to accompany Imani on this Extraordinary Adventure, into the Past, in Real Time and as it unfolds in the 21st Century.
Adinkra Symbol: Sankofa = Learn From The Past. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”WELCOME & ENJOY YOUR EXPERIENCE?” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]
We hope you enjoy your visit, and find something here that inspires you personally, to reach for the stars and make your own particular mark in the world, positively and for the benefit of all humanity.
Adinkra Symbol: Nea Onnim No Sua A Ohu = Life Long Education or Learning. [/su_spoiler]
Website Tips.
[su_spoiler title=”TO LEARN MORE ABOUT IMANI” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]
To learn more about Imani, please read his biography linked to the About page, as well as visiting the Imani and corresponding pages, e.g. The Artist, The Activist etc. to learn more about the multifaceted talents and skills of this unique individual.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”TO LEARN & STUDY BLACK HISTORY” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]
To Learn & Study different aspects of African Black history & Culture, please visit Imani’s Resources via corresponding links, i.e. Study Guides, Book Lists, Kwanzaa, etc. In addition to this, you can access any and all other pages and resources accessible throughout this Website, as all pages are relevant to the study of African peoples heritage & culture.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”TO LEARN MORE ABOUT IMANI’S RESEARCH” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]
To learn more about Imani’s personal Journey in his research of his cultural heritage, please visit the pages; About-Biography, Imani ‘The Historian’, Imani’s Activism Page, in addition to all resources, tools and pages found on this website, as they all reflect, aspects of Imani’s Journey over the years. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”TO KNOW MORE ABOUT IMANI THE ARTIST” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]
To learn more about Imani the Artist and his dj career please visit the page Imani ‘The Artist’. You can also listen to Imani’s tracks, many of which are a good reflection of his ability, ideology, knowledge base, as well as demonstrate his years of experience. Imani’s tracks can be accessed from a number of places throughout the site. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”TO CONTACT IMANI OR THE IMANI WEBSITE TEAM” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]To contact Imani personally or the Imani’s Website Team generally, to make inquiries or for any other direct communications, please visit the Contact page. Alternatively you can contact us via any of the available social networks links on this website.
[su_spoiler title=”TO CORRESPOND, NETWORK & REASON” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]
For all other types of communications please access or follow Imani, through the relevant Social Network icons, displayed on this website. Through this website you also have the opportunity to join in discussions, make your own comments about specific topics as well as contribute to the on going debates. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”A LIST OF USEFUL RESOURCES & PAGES” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow-circle-2″]
Imani’s Tracks x 7
= On this page you can listen Imani’s Tracks.
Imani’s Biography
= On this page you can learn about Imani’s experiences.
= About Imani; The Artist, Activist, Historian & The Author.
Study Guide Tools
= The study tools to prepare & plan your studies.
Study Guide Subjects x 10 & Topics x 70
= The subjects & topics you can study and research here.
Imani’s Book List x 100
= Some of Imani’s favourite books, read over the years.
Imani’s Reading List x 7 Classics
= Imani’s Recommended reading list of seven classic books.
Cultural Games & Quizzes
= Cultural Games & Quizzes to test your knowledge.
Celebrations Calender
= A cultural heritage calender, highlight dates in African history.
= Watch Video Selection of; Doc’s, Films, Comedy, etc.
Live Debate Page
= Discuss and Debate topics, Live and with like minded people.
Learn About Kwanzaa
= Learn about how to celebrate Kwanzaa & the UK Campaign.
The ABC 1-2-3 Services
= Find out about the services Imani provides to the public.
Black History Month
= Learn about BHM through the ABC 1-2-3 Services.
= Learn about the Heritage Displays created by Imani (services).
The Cultural Shop
= Purchase books, trinkets, memorabilia and more.[/su_spoiler]
Adinkra Symbol
Name: Nyame Ye Ohene
Meaning: God is King
Symbolising: Majesty and Supremacy
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