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Classic 2: Message to The People

message to the people coverAuthor: The Rt. Hon. Marcus M. Garvey
Published: 1986 (Tony Martin)
Pages: 212
Details: A selection of lessons on specific topics, taken from a course, taught by Garvey himself in 1937.

Book Available Digitally | 180 pages
Read These Pages Here:

Imani’s Introduction & Note:

Imani’s Note: This should be the Bible of all Community Activist within the Black (Ethnic African) community anywhere in the world. Delivered originally as a training course over 30 days through two sessions per day and written, facilitated and taught by Garvey himself. Makes this book and its contents by far the most significant literary material in publication today, in regards to Black remobilisation. Why? because no other individual has had the experience and success in mobilising so many black people globally, therefore would be incapable of offering us a creditable view, technique or practical strategy that is authentic and not theoretic. In fact the only possible authentic & credible analysis and view that would warrant serious inquiry by any investigator, would actually be this book even if it had never existed and was never written.

Why?, Because Garvey was by far the best, most successful and most influential of organisers of Black people since the beginning of the Slave Trade e.g. 1512 to present. Additionally the importance of the book is in the fact that this course was delivered for a number of reasons some of which include; Garvey had lost everything, besides a few loyal followers; He was attempting to rebuild the UNIA from scratch; He hand picked all the students, who had all been Commissioners of UNIA State Branches, therefore active leaders of large urban black communities; The course was intended to be the official launch of Garvey’s ‘School of African Philosophy’; it was the last public thing that Garvey did before he passed on; and lastly it was intended to be used for the very purpose of training individuals before, whilst or after they begin to try and mobilise a community, recruit supporters and set about the upliftment of the entire African world. Nevertheless this book is little known, even by devote longstanding sincere Garveyites, who although being aware and possibly already read Garvey’s Philosophy and Opinions, would not necessarily be a aware of this book, as it wasn’t published until 1986, during the uprisings in Britain (Riots) introduction of Crack & Guns, mixed with gang culture and politics that was sweeping through the UK, America and Jamaica respectively, were as they still do, dominate the minds of most black people. Taking our focus from the struggle at hand. In fact much of the information contained within this book, if published earlier, or if implemented within black communities as Garvey had desired, we would definitely not of had or continue to experience the effects and impacts of Riots, Gangs, Guns, internalised Violence and Corruption or at least our gullibility to them.

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